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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
129-Jul-2023Affirmative Ethics in the COVID-19 Moment: Perplexities, Paradoxes, and SurprisesCharteris, Jennifer ; Nye, Adele ; Pillay, Daisy; Foulkes, Ruth16-Aug-2023
217-Jan-2023Formative performance assessment in preservice teacher education - working through the black boxesAdlington, Rachael ; Charteris, Jennifer ; Nye, Adele 7-Jul-2023
32023Foundling museums: exhibition design and the intersection of the vital materiality of foundling tokens and affective visitor experienceClark, Jennifer ; Nye, Adele 3-Nov-2023
431-Dec-2022Influence of Study Abroad Experiences in Australia on Teacher Education in Bhutan’s Education CollegesTshering, Dolay; Berman, Jeanette ; Miller, Judith ; Nye, Adele 17-Jan-2023
5Nov-2021Facilitating dialogue to support Ganma: a methodology for navigating contested knowledgeThraves, Genevieve ; Dhurrkay, Miriam; Baker, Penelope ; Berman, Jeanette ; Nye, Adele 4-Oct-2022
6Jun-2021Djalkirri Rom and gifts, talents and talent development: Yolngu Way, An Australian approach to talent developmentThraves, Genevieve ; Baker, Penelope ; Berman, Jeanette ; Nye, Adele ; Dhurrkay, Miriam15-Jun-2021
72021Posthuman COV-llaboration: Enfleshing Encounters of Connectedness Through Imaging MemoryPillay, Daisy; Charteris, Jennifer ; Nye, Adele ; Foulkes, Ruth27-Mar-2023
829-Sep-2020Reflections from members of UNE's School of Education on the new normalGregory, Sue ; Charteris, Jenny ; Nye, Adele ; Bartlett-Taylor, Tim ; Cox, Robyn 10-Sep-2021
92020Deleuzian 'interference' and emergent listening in intern teacher assemblages: singing in the (ref)rainCharteris, Jennifer ; Nye, Adele ; Jones, Marguerite14-Feb-2020
102019Posthumanist ethical practice: agential cuts in the pedagogic assemblageJones, Marguerite; Charteris, Jennifer ; Nye, Adele 6-Jun-2019
112018Relational Aggression and the "Mean Boy": Re-gendering Concepts of Aggressive and Dangerous BehaviourPage, Angela ; Jones, Marguerite A; Charteris, Jennifer ; Nye, Adele 17-May-2018
122017Voice, Representation and Dirty TheoryBarker, Lorina ; Nye, Adele ; Charteris, Jennifer 21-Jul-2017
132017Prudentia as becoming-shame: knowledge production in Southern Theory research PracticeNye, Adele ; Amazan, Rose ; Charteris, Jennifer 13-Jan-2017
142017A heterotopology of the academy: mapping assemblages as possibilised heterotopiasCharteris, Jennifer ; Jones, Marguerite A; Nye, Adele ; Reyes, Vicente1-Feb-2017
152017'Surprise Me!' The (im)possibilities of agency and creativity within the standards framework of history educationClark, Jennifer; Nye, Adele 22-May-2017
162017Rebuilding Schools After FireNye, Adele 25-May-2017
172016The emotional knots of academicity: a collective biography of academic subjectivities and spacesCharteris, Jennifer ; Gannon, Susanne; Mayes, Eve; Nye, Adele ; Stephenson, Lauren16-Feb-2016
182016'Working from the boot of a red falcon': The impact of major fires in four Australian schoolsNye, Adele 13-May-2016
192016Writing the (researcher) self: reflective practice and undergraduate researchNye, Adele ; Clark, Jennifer; Bidwell, Pam; Deschamps, Briahannon; Frickman, Lisa; Green, Jennifer7-Jun-2016
202016"Being and Becoming" a Researcher: Building a Reflective Environment to Create a Transformative Learning Experience for Undergraduate StudentsNye, Adele ; Clark, Jennifer26-Sep-2016
212016Historical Thinking and Objects of NostalgiaNye, Adele 18-Nov-2016
222015Building an online academic learning community among undergraduate studentsNye, Adele 19-May-2015
232015Matrilineal Narratives: Learning from Voices and ObjectsNye, Adele ; Barker, Lorina ; Charteris, Jennifer 18-Nov-2016
242014Collegial reflection on the meaning of metaphors in learning: Emerging theory and practiceNye, Adele ; Foskey, Roslyn ; Edwards, Helen 5-Jun-2014
252014Connections of Place and Generation: Women Teachers in Rural Schools in NSWNye, Adele 23-Jan-2015
262011Exploring historical thinking and agency with undergraduate history studentsNye, Adele ; Hughes-Warrington, Marnie; Roe, Jill; Russell, Penny; Deacon, Desley; Kiem, Paul29-Nov-2011
272009Historical Thinking in Higher Education: Staff and student perceptions of the nature of historical thinkingNye, Adele ; Hughes-Warrington, Marnie; Roe, Jill; Russell, Penny; Peel, Mark; Deacon, Desley; Laugesen, Amanda; Kiem, Paul4-May-2012
28-Assembling at the “great gates”: A heterotopic assemblage of research contestationsCharteris, Jennifer ; Nye, Adele ; Pillay, Daisy29-Jan-2025

Credit Name
Adele Nye
Full Name
Nye, Adele
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Senior Lecturer in Contextual Studies in Education
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
Education - Globalisation, Leadership, Policy
Faculty of HASS and Education
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Education
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