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Research UNE captures, distributes and preserves digital research products created by UNE researchers. The institutional repository contains records of research and full text versions of open access content including articles, working papers, preprints, technical reports, conference papers and data sets in various digital formats.
Research UNE showcases the rich and diverse research content generated by the UNE community, and acts as a source of truth for University reporting and faculty administrative purposes. Content grows daily as new communities and collections are added to Research UNE.
BROWSE | top |
To browse the research outputs in Research UNE, select the Research outputs tab at the top of the page
Browse allows users to go through a list of items in some specified order:
Browse by School takes users through the communities in alphabetical order and displays the sub-communities and collections within each community.
Browse by Author allows users to move through an alphabetical list of all authors of items in Research UNE.
Browse by Title allows users to move through an alphabetical list of all titles of items in Research UNE.
Browse by Type allows users to move through an alphabetical list of the different publication types held in Research UNE.
Browse by Publication Date allows users to move through a list of all items in Research UNE in chronological order, but this can be changed, or a specific year can be selected to refine and target the results.
Browse by Subject allows users to move through an alphabetical list of subjects (Drawn from the Field of Research codes) assigned to items in Research UNE.
Browse by HERDC Category allows users to browse the Research outputs by HERDC Category, or to search for a specific HERDC category in Research UNE using the text box.
UNE Staff, students and researchers can sign up to Research UNE to
Submit your research is the Research UNE function that enables users to add an item to Research UNE. The process of submission includes filling out information about the item on a metadata form and uploading the file(s) comprising the digital item. The minimum field of information are highlighted in red, denoted by an asterisk and will not allow users to progress through the form and complete submission until data is entered in the corresponding fields.
My Account is a personal page that is maintained for each member. This page can contain a list of items that are in the submission process for a particular member, or a task list of items that need attention such as editing, reviewing, or checking. In the future this page will also maintain information about personal services offered by Research UNE, such as e-mail notification when new items are added to a collection.
SEARCH | top |
There are several options to search the holdings within Research UNE.
Use the main search bar on the Research UNE homepage, to search all records using keywords
To search all of Research UNE from any page when exploring the repository, use the magnifying glass in the top right hand corner of any Research UNE screen.
To employ a more in-depth search strategy click on the ‘Explore all publications’ button on the right hand side of the Research UNE homepage.
Use the refine by option under the main search bar to search by:
Alternatively, users may wish to browse the widgets on the Research outputs page which allows the user to refine searches by:
To limit searches to a specific community or collection, navigate to that community or collection and use the search bar on that page.
Research UNE uses the Solr search engine. Here are some search hints:
What is searched in the general keyword search (magnifying glass on each Research UNE page)
The keyword(s) entered in the search box will be searched against the title, author, subject abstract, series, sponsor and identifier fields of each item's record.Research UNE indexes Dublin Core metadata. This means that text entered in the search box will also be searched against the metadata entered for all archived documents in the repository. For more information on full-text searching please contact your Research UNE Administrator.
What is not searched - Stop Words
The search engine ignores certain words that occur frequently in English, but do not add value to the search. These are:"a", "and" , "are" , "as" , "at" , "be" , "but" , "by" , "for" , "if" , "in" , "into",
"is" ,"it" ,"no" , "not" , "of" , "on" , "or" , "such", "the" , "to" , "was"
Use an asterisk (*) after a word stem to get all hits having words starting with that root, for example:
will retrieve selects, selector, selectman, selecting.
The search engine automatically expands words with common endings to include plurals, past tenses ...etc.Phrase Searching
To search using multiple words as a phrase, put quotation marks (") around the phrase.
Exact word match
Put a plus (+) sign before a word if it MUST appear in the search result. For instance, in the following search the word "training" is optional, but the word "dog" must be in the result.
Eliminate items with unwanted words
Put a minus (-) sign before a word if it should not appear in the search results. Alternatively, you can use NOT. This can limit your search to eliminate unwanted hits. For instance, in the search
you will get items containing the word "training", except those that also contain the word "cat".
Boolean searching
The following Boolean operators can be used to combine terms. To work, these must be CAPITALIZED.
AND - to limit searches to find items containing all words or phrases combined with this operator, e.g.
will retrieve all items that contain BOTH the words "cats" and "dogs".
OR - to enlarge searches to find items containing any of the words or phrases surrounding this operator
will retrieve all items that contain EITHER the words "cats" or "dogs".
NOT - to exclude items containing the word following this operator, e.g.
will retrieve all items that contain the word "training" EXCEPT those also containing the word "cat".
Parentheses can be used in the search query to group search terms into sets, and operators can then be applied to the whole set, e.g.
A controlled vocabulary is a set of terms which form a dictionary of descriptions of particular types of content or subject matter. These are maintained by standard bodies in order to standardise the way that similar materials are categorised in archives. This aids searching by increasing the likelihood that the relevant materials will be returned by the user's search.
Filtering the category list will remove from the list any terms which do not match the filter. The remaining terms are any category or sub category which contains the filter term anywhere in the hierarchy. Expanding each category will then display which terms (or sub terms) did match the filter.
To search the archive items by the subject category, Select ‘Subject’ from the drop-down list under Search Research outputs on the Research outputs page in Research UNE. Type in the keyword before clicking "Search...". The search will return all items that either match the categories selected exactly, or which are categorised underneath a higher level category, based on the Field of Research code. Clicking on the "+" under the Boolean operator drop down box (AND/OR/NOT) will allow for more keywords to be added to the search.
The Research UNE content is organized around Communities which can correspond to administrative entities such as schools, departments, labs and research centres. Within each community there can be an unlimited number sub-communities and an unlimited number of collections. Each collection may contain an unlimited number of items. This organization gives Research UNE the flexibility to accommodate differing needs of communities. Each community has its own entry page displaying information, news and links reflecting the interests of that community, as well as a descriptive list of collections within the community.
Communities can maintain an unlimited number of collections in Research UNE. Collections can be organized around a topic, or by type of information (such as working papers or datasets) or by any other sorting method a community finds useful in organizing its digital items. Collections can have different policies and workflows.
Each Research UNE collection has its own entry page displaying information, news and links reflecting the interests of users of that collection.
When accessing an area of Research UNE that requires authorization, the system requires users to authenticate using a UNE username and password. For example, users will need to log in to submit records of research outputs.
Individuals do not need to be logged in to search records held in the repository, nor to view open access publications which are able to be viewed through Research UNE.
SUBMIT | top |
Stopping during the Submission Process:
At any point in the submission process, users can stop and save the data entered for a later date by clicking on the "cancel/save" button at the bottom of the page. The data already entered will be stored until the user resumes the submission. Users will be reminded on their "My Account" page of submissions in process. If users somehow accidentally exit from the submit process, submissions can be resumed from the "My Account" page. Users can also cancel submissions in progress at any point.
Please note that the Research UNE administrators cannot begin to review submitted records until the submission process is complete, which can be selected on the verify tab in any submission form.
Select Collection: Click on the arrow at the right of the drop-down box to see a list of Collections. Select the appropriate collection that relates to the research output being submitted.
(If denied permission to submit to the collection selected, contact the Research UNE Administrator for more information.)
Users must be authorized by a community to submit items to a collection. When submitting items to Research UNE, if an appropriate community cannot be located, please contact the Research UNE Administrator to have that community enabled in Research UNE.
Click on the "next" button to proceed, or "cancel/save" button to stop and save or cancel the submission.
Searching for identifier
Users can search for a publication using a unique persistent identifier such as a DOI that will then pre-populate the submission form with information from the research output.
Progress Bar - Buttons at Top of Page:
The progress bar at the top of the page in the submission form shows the stage of the submission process.
The current page appears coloured in purple (figure 1). As each page is progressed through, the forms passed will appear bolded, while forms yet to be progressed to appear shaded (figure 2). Submitters can also use these buttons to move back and forth within the submission process by clicking on them. Submitters will not lose data by moving back and forth between these tabs.
SUBMIT: Describe Your Item - Page 1 | top of submit | top |
Note that the only compulsory fields required for submission are on this page of the form. All other information is welcomed, however, if submitters are pressed for time, please simply fill in the fields coloured red with an asterisk next to them – the Research UNE team will do the rest!
The minimum required information fields which submitters must add to the record appear in RED, and include an asterisk. If empty, these fields will prevent the submitter from progressing through the form, and from completing the submission without these fields being populated.
Do I need to add more information?
The Research UNE team encourage submitters to add more information, as this will assist the Research UNE team to review and process the record. All information is thoroughly checked by the Research UNE team, however we rely on our researchers to provide us with information with regards to publisher agreements, Open Access conditions, Field of Research (FoR) and Socio-Economic Outcome (SEO) codes as they relate to the research outputs and any grants that supported the development and publishing of the research outputs.
Note that it is helpful and appreciated if submitters could also add supporting documentation and published copies of the Research output via the Upload tab on the Submission form.
Records of research held in Research UNE MUST have a published copy of Research outputs in order to be stored within the repository. This is to meet ERA requirements, and according to the Research UNE Deposit, Collection and Access Rule. This can include in-press or early online versions of research.
Note that these documents are used by the Research UNE Administrators in processing the record, making reviewing easier, and may also support Open Access initiative pending rigorous checks of publisher conditions.
Useful documents to upload include:
The information submitters fill in throughout the submission process will form the metadata record that will enable users to retrieve your item using search engines. This data is reviewed and carefully cross checked with the published version of the research output and authoritative data aggregators to ensure accuracy by the Research UNE Administrators. The richer the metadata, the more "findable" the item will be, and the easier the research output is to review meaning that processing time is shorter and more straightforward, so please take the time to fill in as many fields as are applicable to your item.
The typical categories of the submission form and the required information is as follows:
Describe 1
Submit: Describe this item
Publication Type
Enter the publication type from the extensive drop down list
Titles: Title*, Translated Tile and Transliterated Title
Note that the title of the research output is a required field, as is shown by the red text and asterisk.
Sometimes an item has more than one title, perhaps an abbreviation, acronym, or a title in another language. If this is the case, please add in the translated title and transliteration title as they apply to the work.
Select the language that your research output is published in
Publication Date
Add the date your work is published. Full date is not necessary, add only the year if this is all that is known and/or available.
Early Online Date
Research UNE has the functionality to display work that has been released early prior to final publishing (otherwise known as in-press). Enter the early online date in this field.
Classification for2008* and Classification seo2008*
Add up to three Field of Research (FoR) and up to three Socio-Economic Outcome (SEO) codes that are associated with the research output. 2008 refers to the latest version of these codes, which are sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC).
Codes attached to records of research outputs are checked by Research Services staff to comply with Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) reporting processes.
To search for codes by keyword: First type associated keywords into the text box and then click on the magnifying glass symbol to search for corresponding codes.
Note that these are required fields, so please add at least one code in order to comply with UNE reporting and ERA processes. For more information or questions relating to the appropriate codes for your research, please contact Research Services on
Add the author/s and creator/s associated with the research output, in publication order as listed on the research output, in the order last name, first name.
To populate the author information, type UNE Author names into the search box and click the magnifying glass to use the UNE Author Lookup tool to pre-populate the remaining fields with information sourced from UNE HR records.
Corporate Contributor
Add details about the corporate contributor associated with your research, if applicable.
Pop-up notifications
In the course of submitting records, the following pop-up notifications may appear:
* Previously issued - New items that have NOT been previously published or distributed will be assigned an issue date by the system upon Research UNE distribution. When entering older items that have already been distributed or published, click in the "yes" box. Users will receive a form prompting for several pieces of information relating to publication.
* Multiple files - An item can consist of more than one file in Research UNE. A common example of this would be an HTML file with references to image files (such as JPG or GIF files). Another example of this would be an article supplemented with a video simulation and a data file. When submitting more than one file for such an item, click in the "yes" box.
* Duplicate Submissions – Research UNE will present a pop-up box if text is detected in the form that is similar to records that already exist in the repository. If this message appears while submitting a record, please carefully check the information in the pop up box against the record being submitted. If the record is indeed a duplicate, submitters will be able to reports this by clicking on the ‘Actions’ button and identify the record as a duplicate by selecting ‘create a duplicate’. Submitters can then add a note to the Research UNE Administrators. Otherwise, please continue to submit the record. All records will be reviewed and carefully checked by the Research UNE administrators following submission.
Click on the "next" button to proceed, or "cancel/save" button to stop and save or cancel the submission.
SUBMIT: Describe Your Item - Page 2 top of submit top Describe 2
Submit: Describe this item
HERDC Category:
Select the appropriate HERDC category from the drop down list. Note that ERA eligible categories are:
- A1: Authored Scholarly book
- B1: Chapter in a Scholarly Book
- C1: Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
- E1: Refereed Scholarly Conference Publication
- Z1: NTRO Portfolio
If submitters know of a unique persistent number or code that identifies this item in some system, please enter it here. Click on the arrow to the right of the input box, and select from one of the choices in the drop down menu. The choices refer to:
Govt.doc # - Government Document Number - e.g. NASA SP 8084
ISBN - International Standard Book Number - e.g. 0-1234-5678-9
ISSN - International Standard Serial Number - e.g. 1234-5678
ISMN - International Standard Music Number - e.g. M-53001-001-3
URI - Universal Resource Identifier - e.g.. http://www.Research
Other - Any persistent unique identifier assigned to the item using a system or format other than the aboveAbstract:
Submitters can either cut and paste an abstract from a published copy of the research output into this box, or type in the abstract direct into the form. There is no limit to the length of the abstract. Including an abstract increases the convenience to end-users and enhances Research UNE’s search and retrieval capabilities.
SUBMIT: Describe Your Item - Page 3 top of submit top Funded By/Other Funding Source/Grant Number:
Enter any grant information associated with the research output
Public Notes/Internal Notes:
Submitters are encouraged to enter any other information describing the item being submitted or comments that may be of interest to users of the item and/or RUNE administrators in the process of placing the record in the repository.
Click on the "next" button to proceed, or "cancel/save" button to stop and save or cancel the submission.
SUBMIT: Upload a File top of submit top Select the File Type from the list of options if confident of the type of file being attached, otherwise leave this blank and this will be checked by the RUNE Administrators.
There are two methods of entering the files to upload:
- Drag and drop the appropriate file into the grey box. This will then attach the file to the record.
- Click on the "browse" button and a window showing the attached files will appear. Navigate through the computer directories and folders to locate the correct file to upload. Double-click on the file name, or select Open and the name will be entered into the input box.
Add a description for the files attached. The information provided here will help users to understand what information is in each file, for instance, "main article" or "images" or "computer program" or "data set".
Uploaded File/s top of submit top After uploading a file, check the information in the table to make sure it is correct. There are two other ways to verify that the files have been uploaded correctly:
- Click on the filename. This will download the file in a new browser window, to check the contents.
- Compare the file checksum displayed here with the checksum previously calculated.
If only uploading one file, click on "Next" when satisfied that the file has been uploaded correctly.
If you're uploading more than one file, click on the "Add Another File" button
Once the files are uploaded, click on the "next" button to proceed to the ‘File Uploaded Successfully’ page.
If you're uploading an HTML page with embedded files, click on the "Add Another File" button, and upload all files or bitstreams referenced in the html page. After all the associated files are uploaded, in the column marked "Primary Bitstream", select the bitstream or file that is the index page or the top page for the web page. This will ensure that all embedded files will display properly on the HTML page. Then click on the "Next" button.
SUBMIT: File Formats top of submit top To properly archive and give access to a file, Research UNE Administrators need to know what format it is, for example "PDF", "HTML", or "Microsoft Word". If the system does not automatically recognize the format of the file users have uploaded, users will be asked to describe it. If the format of the file appears in the list offered, click on it and then on "Submit". If the format doesn’t exist in the list, click on "format not in list" and describe the format in the text box lower down on the page. Be sure to give the name of the application used to create the file and the version of that application, for example "Autodesk AutoCAD R20 for UNIX".
For more information about file formats, see Research UNE Supported Formats.
Research UNE generates an MD5 checksum for every file it stores; the checksum is used internally to verify the integrity of files over time (a file's checksum shouldn't change). Use the checksum to be sure what is reflected as received is indeed the file uploaded.
To verify the file using checksums, click "Show checksums" on the "Uploaded File" page. The Research UNE-generated MD5 checksum for every file received will show to the right of the filename. Individuals will then need to use a local program to generate a checksum for these files, and verify that these results match the one reflected in Research UNE. On most UNIX-like systems (including Mac OS X), use md5sum. For instance, type "md5sum MYFILE" for every file to be check; the summary should print on the screen. For Windows machines, MD5 tools are freely available: try md5 (from, or md5sum, available via the textutils package in Cygwin ( All of these utilities will need to be run from a command-line, or terminal, window. The entire digest printed out when executing the md5 tool on the local copy of the file being uploaded should be exactly equal to what Research UNE reports.
SUBMIT: License top of submit top Research UNE requires agreement to this non-exclusive distribution license before items can appear on Research UNE. Please read the license carefully. For any clarifications, please contact the Research UNE Administrator.
SUBMIT: Verify Submission top of submit top This page provides an overview of the entered information for the submitter to review the metadata that describes the research output. To correct or edit information, click on the corresponding ‘Correct one of these’ button on the right, or use the tab progress bar at the top of the page to move around the submission pages. When satisfied that the submission is in order, click on the "Complete" button to continue.
Click on the "Cancel/Save" button to stop and save the entered data, or to cancel the submission.
SUBMIT: Submission Complete top of submit top Now that the submission has been successfully entered into the Research UNE system, it will then appear in the administrative task list for the RUNE Administrators. The Research UNE team will them perform editing and review tasks, in order to accept and publish the submission. Submitters and authors will receive e-mail notification as soon as the item has become a part of the collection, or if for some reason there is a problem with or more information required to process the submission.
For any questions about the workflow procedures for a particular collection, please contact the Research UNE Administrator. Check on the status of submissions by visiting the ‘My Account’ page and logging in.
HANDLES top When records of research outputs become a part of the Research UNE repository they are assigned a persistent URL. This means that, unlike most URLs, this identifier will not have to be changed when the system migrates to new hardware, or when changes are made to the system. Research UNE is committed to maintaining the integrity of this identifier so that authors can safely use it to refer to their research when citing in publications or other communications. Research UNE persistent URLs are registered with the Handle System, a comprehensive system for assigning, managing, and resolving persistent identifiers, known as "handles," for digital objects and other resources on the Internet. The Handle System is administered by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), which undertakes, fosters, and promotes research in the public interest.
MY ACCOUNT top All authorized Research UNE submitters, supervisors, or Research UNE staff members responsible for Research UNE collection or metadata maintenance have a ‘My Account’ page. Here you will find:
- The information included as part of the individual’s researcher profile
- A list of in-progress submissions - from this list submitters can resume the submission process from saved partial records, or remove and cancel partially completed submissions.
- A list of the submissions which UNE staff are supervising or collaborating on
- A list of submissions that are awaiting personal action (if the individual has a collection workflow role).
- A link to a list of items that individuals have submitted and that have already been accepted into Research UNE.
EDIT ACCOUNT DETAILS top This page allows UNE academics and researchers to change their log-in information that is recorded within Research UNE. Users must be authenticated with their UNE log-in before the system will allow alterations to personal information.
SUBSCRIBE TO E-MAIL ALERTS top Users can subscribe to receive daily e-mail alerts of new items added to collections. Users may subscribe to as many collections as they wish. To subscribe:
- Go to the Research UNE registration page by clicking on the sign-on link in the navigation bar on the left of the home page
- Fill out the registration form
- Navigate to a collection for which users would like to receive e-mail alerts, and click on the "subscribe" button (repeat for other collections)
- To edit email alert subscriptions, visit the "Subscribe" page
top For help with using Research UNE and any further questions regarding using Research UNE, records of research outputs and any related policies and procedures, please contact your Research UNE Administrator.
For general information and news about Research UNE, visit the Research UNE Website.
Or contact the team via email:
Contents | Browse | Search | Communities | Collections | Submit | File Formats | My Account | Edit Profile | Subscribe to E-mail alerts