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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1Mar-2019Education for Sustainability in the Secondary Sector - A ReviewTaylor, Neil ; Quinn, Frances ; Jenkins, Kathy ; Miller-Brown, Helen; Rizk, Nadya ; Prodromou, Theodosia ; Serow, Penelope ; Taylor, Subhashni16-Oct-2019
226-Oct-2018Intended and Taught GNH-Infused Curricula in Secondary Schools of Thimphu and Samtse Districts, Bhutan: A Mixed Methods School Effectiveness ResearchThinley, Pema; Haynes, John ; Jenkins, Kathryn ; Cohen, Kristen 20-Aug-2019
32018Planning for TeachingCornish, Linley ; Bannister-Tyrrell, Michelle ; Charteris, Jennifer ; Jenkins, Kathryn ; Jones, Marguerite A21-Mar-2018
42018Introduction: Reconciliation - A Transformatory Process Across Culture and SocietyJenkins, Kathryn A ; Subedi, Dambaru B ; Jenkins, Bertram A 14-Jun-2018
52018Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific: A Concluding Review of Ten Case StudiesJenkins, Bertram A ; Jenkins, Kathryn A ; Subedi, Dambaru B 14-Jun-2018
62018Reconciliation in Conflict-Affected Communities: Practices and Insights from the Asia-PacificJenkins, Bertram A ; Subedi, Dambaru B ; Jenkins, Kathryn A 14-Jun-2018
72017Discourse appropriation and category boundary work: casual teachers in the marketCharteris, Jennifer ; Jenkins, Kathryn A ; Jones, Marguerite A; Bannister-Tyrrell, Michelle 21-Jun-2017
82017Emotions and Casual Teachers: Implications of the Precariat for Initial Teacher EducationJenkins, Kathryn ; Charteris, Jennifer ; Bannister-Tyrrell, Michelle ; Jones, Marguerite A6-Feb-2018
92017Structural marginalisation, othering and casual relief teacher subjectivitiesCharteris, Jennifer ; Jenkins, Kathryn A ; Bannister-Tyrrell, Michelle ; Jones, Marguerite A10-Jan-2017
102015Teaching Principals: The 'I's Have It!Cornish, Linley ; Jenkins, Kathryn A 12-Jun-2015
112015Casual Teaching: A significant gap in professional learningJenkins, Kathryn A 7-Jul-2015
122015Listening to Teachers in the 'Bush'Jenkins, Kathryn A ; Taylor, Neil ; Reitano, Paul12-Jun-2015
132015How to Teach Education for Sustainbility: Integrating Theory and PracticeJenkins, Kathryn A 12-Jun-2015
142015Teaching Principals' StoriesJenkins, Kathryn A ; Reitano, Paul25-Jun-2015
152015Preparing Pre-service Teachers for Rural AppointmentsJenkins, Kathy A ; Cornish, Linley6-Nov-2015
162013Are we Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for the Reality of the Present: Casual, temporary and/or permanent employment?Jenkins, Kathryn A 12-Sep-2013
172013A Peace Education Curriculum for BougainvilleJenkins, Bertram A ; Jenkins, Kathryn A ; Cornish, Linley 15-Nov-2013
182012Encouraging teacher development through embedding reflective practice in assessmentCornish, Linley ; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann 7-May-2012
192011Teachers in the Bush: Supports, Challenges and Professional LearningJenkins, Kathryn A ; Reitano, Paul ; Taylor, Neil 22-Feb-2012
202010Sustainable Community Development: A Case Study of Meegahahena Resettlement Unit in Relation to Community Participation in Sri LankaManuratne, Mugutiyapola; Jenkins, Bertram ; Jenkins, Kathryn 16-Jan-2012
212010Cooperative learning: a dialogic approach to constructing a locally relevant peace education programme for BougainvilleJenkins, Kathryn A ; Jenkins, Bertram A 22-Sep-2010
222010Recovering from Armed Conflict: Return, Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) as Elements of Peace Building in NepalOjha, Chakra Raj; Jenkins, Bertram ; Jenkins, Kathryn 13-Dec-2010
232010The Reality of Beginning Teachers: Trials and TribulationsHarrington, Ingrid ; Jenkins, Kathryn A 16-May-2011
242009Imagining the Rural Teaching ExperienceCornish, Linley ; Graham, Lorraine; Hardy, Joy ; Jenkins, Kathryn A ; Miller, Judith A ; Noone, Genevieve ; Paterson, David L ; Reitano, Paul ; Taylor, Neil 23-Mar-2010
252009To Mine or Not to Mine on Bougainville: Linking Peace to the EnvironmentJenkins, Bertram A ; Jenkins, Kathryn A 2-Jun-2010
262009Linking theory to practice: Education for Sustainability and learning and teachingJenkins, Kathryn A 16-Apr-2010
272009Challenging experiences faced by beginning casual teachers: here one day and gone the next!Jenkins, Kathryn A ; Smith, Howard J; Maxwell, Thomas W 30-Nov-2009
282008Listening to teachers: teacher and student roles in the New South Wales Sustainable Schools ProgrammeKennelly, Julie Anne; Taylor, Neil ; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann 27-Nov-2009
292007Using mixed methods in an essentially qualitative study: reflections on design and process in an education for sustainability contextKennelly, Julie Anne; Taylor, Neil ; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann 24-Dec-2009
302007Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes Amongst a Cohort of Pre-Service Primary School Teachers in FijiTaylor, Neil ; Doff, Tamar ; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Kennelly, Julie Anne3-Dec-2009
312006Migrating to the Classroom: Online Support for the 2005 Beginning Teacher Alumni of UNE - Summary of FindingsMaxwell, Thomas William ; Smith, Howard John; Baxter, David John ; Boyd, Jillian; Harrington, Ingrid ; Hopwood, Lynda; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Sargeant, Jonathon Gilbert; Tamatea, Laurence Martin 22-Jan-2010
322006Student perceptions of school-based professional experienceBoyd, J; Jenkins, KA 1-Aug-2008
332006Migrating to the Classroom - Online Support for the 2005 Beginning Teacher Alumni of UNE: Final Report for the Higher Education Innovation Program of the Education Alumni Support Project (EdASP)Maxwell, TW ; Smith, HJ; Baxter, DJ ; Boyd, J; Harrington, I ; Hopwood, L; Jenkins, KA ; Sargeant, JG; Tamatea, LM 1-Aug-2008
342006Negotiating a locally relevant peace education curriculum for BougainvilleJenkins, KA ; Jenkins, BA 11-Aug-2008
352006Bush Tracks: Exploring Rural Teaching TransitionsMcConaghy, Cathryn Elizabeth ; Graham, Lorraine; Bloomfield, Dianne Margaret; Miller, Judith Anne ; Paterson, David Leonard ; Lloyd, Linley ; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Hardy, Joy ; Taylor, Neil ; Noone, Genevieve 5-Aug-2009
362006Bush Tracks - Exploring Rural Teaching Transitions: Paper 1 of the Bush Tracks SymposiumMcConaghy, Cathryn Elizabeth ; Graham, Lorraine; Bloomfield, Dianne Margaret; Miller, Judith Anne ; Paterson, David Leonard ; Lloyd, Linley ; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Taylor, Neil ; Hardy, Joy ; Noone, Genevieve Mary 4-Aug-2009
372006Bush Tracks - Transience and Teaching: Place and the New Psychoanalytic Sociologies of Teaching: Paper 4 of the Bush Tracks SymposiumMcConaghy, Cathryn Elizabeth ; Graham, Lorraine; Bloomfield, Dianne Margaret; Miller, Judith Anne ; Paterson, David Leonard ; Lloyd, Linley ; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Taylor, Neil ; Hardy, Joy ; Noone, Genevieve 4-Aug-2009
382006Bush Tracks: Journeys in the Development of Rural PedagogiesMcConaghy, CE ; Lloyd, L; Hardy, J ; Jenkins, KA 21-Jul-2008
392006Bush Tracks - Journeys in the Development of Rural Pedagogies: Paper 2 of the Bush Tracks SymposiumMcConaghy, CE ; Lloyd, L; Hardy, J ; Jenkins, KA 21-Jul-2008
402006The Impact of an Education for Sustainability Unit on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Pre-Service Primary Teachers at an Australian UniversityTaylor, Neil ; Kennelly, Julie Anne; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Callingham, Rosemary Anne 4-Dec-2009
412005A Proliferation of Self-described 'International' Schools in Sri Lanka: A Response to GlobalisationJenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Berman, Jeanette ; Jenkins, Bertram A 18-Jan-2010
422005Education for Sustainable Development and the Question of Balance: Lessons from the PacificJenkins, KA ; Jenkins, BA 13-May-2008
432005Education Alumni Support Project (EdASP): Work in progressMaxwell, Thomas William ; Smith, Howard John; Proudford, C; Baxter, David John ; Boyd, Jillian; Harrington, Ingrid ; Hopwood, L; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Sargeant, Jonathon Gilbert; Tamatea, Laurence Martin 27-Jan-2010
442005Education Alumni Support Project (EdASP): Progress ReportMaxwell, Thomas William ; Smith, Howard John; Proudford, Christine; Baxter, David John ; Boyd, Jillian; Harrington, Ingrid ; Hopwood, Lynda; Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Sargeant, Jonathon Gilbert; Tamatea, Laurence Martin 16-Dec-2009
452004Education for Sustainable Development and the Question of 'Balance': A Case Study of the PacificJenkins, BA ; Jenkins, KA 31-Jul-2008
462002Beginning teachers - when reality bites!Jenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Lloyd, Linley 27-Jun-2012
472001Partnerships, Reflection, Assessment And Teacher Development: Attempts To Facilitate Teacher Development Through AssessmentJenkins, Kathryn Ann ; Lloyd, Linley 5-Jun-2012

Credit Name
Kathryn Jenkins
Full Name
Jenkins, Kathryn
Jenkins, Kathy
UNE Researcher ID
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of Education
Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
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School of Education
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