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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1Mar-2025Using interpersonal meaning making resources to build relationships and improve engagement in online teacher professional learningAdlington, Rachael ; Quinn, Frances ; Charteris, Jennifer ; Rizk, Nadya ; Volpe, Catherine Rita 7-May-2024
2Oct-2024Women’s non-linear journeys into and through higher education are considered through an emergent research process that spans qualitative and post-qualitative practiceCrimmins, Gail; Casey, Sarah; Goriss-Hunter, Anitra; Rizk, Nadya ; Ames, Kate; White, Kate; Redmond, Petrea; Thomas, Cate9-Nov-2024
318-Feb-2024Compassion as a Domain of Teachers' Knowledge: Perceptions and Practices of Bhutanese Primary Science TeachersLhamo, Jambay ; Miller, Judith Anne ; Morgan, Anne-Marie ; Rizk, Nadya ; Wolodko, Brenda Lee 30-May-2024
42024Remote classroom modelling: a professional development model for in‑service generalist primary teachers of scienceRizk, Nadya ; Taylor, Subhashni ; Taylor, Neil 30-Jan-2023
59-Oct-2023Applying the Theory of Practice Architectures to Investigate Assessment and Practices of Educating for Gross National Happiness in Two Bhutanese SchoolsKaka, Kaka ; Miller, Judith Anne ; Rizk, Nadya 9-Nov-2023
631-May-2023An investigation of the Educating for Gross National Happiness (EGNH) practices in two Bhutanese case study schools: Analysing through the lens of the Theory of Practice Architectures (ToPA)Kaka, Kaka ; Rizk, Nadya ; Miller, Judith 9-Nov-2023
725-Jul-2022Assessing Educating for Gross National Happiness: Applying the Theory of Practice ArchitecturesKaka, Kaka ; Rizk, Nadya ; Miller, Judith 5-Sep-2022
817-Jun-2022Assessing Educating for Gross National Happiness in Bhutanese schools: A new directionKaka, Kaka ; Miller, Judith ; Rizk, Nadya 27-Jun-2022
925-Feb-2022Omani senior secondary school students' knowledge of and attitudes to antibiotic resistanceAmbusaidi, Abdullah; Taylor, Neil ; Quinn, Frances ; Rizk, Nadya ; Taylor, Subhashni 12-May-2022
102022The potential of online technologies in meeting PLD needs of rural teachersQuinn, Frances ; Charteris, Jennifer ; Adlington, Rachael ; Rizk, Nadya ; Fletcher, Peter ; Parkes, Mitchell 10-Dec-2020
1112-Aug-2021Omani senior secondary school students’ knowledge of and attitudes to antibiotic resistanceAmbusaidi, Abdullah; Taylor, Neil ; Quinn, Frances ; Rizk, Nadya ; Taylor, Subhashni 12-Aug-2021
12Mar-2019Education for Sustainability in the Secondary Sector - A ReviewTaylor, Neil ; Quinn, Frances ; Jenkins, Kathy ; Miller-Brown, Helen; Rizk, Nadya ; Prodromou, Theodosia ; Serow, Penelope ; Taylor, Subhashni16-Oct-2019
132019Developing, situating and evaluating effective online professional learning and development: a review of some theoretical and policy frameworksQuinn, Frances ; Charteris, Jennifer ; Adlington, Rachael ; Rizk, Nadya ; Fletcher, Peter ; Reyes, Vicente; Parkes, Mitchell 18-Mar-2019
142019Physical separation techniques in water purification: an inquiry-based laboratory learning experienceHarris, Katherine; Fellows, Christopher ; Quinn, Frances ; Rizk, Nadya ; Taylor, Neil ; Whannell, Robert ; Sharma, Manjula; Taylor, Subhashni 8-Oct-2019
15Dec-2018Teaching "Energy Transformation" through open inquiry: The case of the Rolling CylindersRizk, Nadya ; Taylor, Subhashni ; Taylor, Neil ; Sharma, Manjula10-Feb-2019
16Sep-2018'When are we going again?' Investigating children's responses to a new nature playspace at an environmental education centreElliott, Sue ; Rizk, Nadya ; Taylor, Subhashni ; Kennelly, Julie; McKenzie, Matt6-Mar-2019
172018Subjective Decision-Making in Healthcare: The Case of VaccinationsTaylor, Subhashni ; Rizk, Nadia ; Quinn, Frances ; Coll, Richard K; McClune, William; Taylor, Neil 15-Feb-2019
182017Investigating the potential of nature play with childrenElliott, Sue ; Taylor, Subhashni ; Rizk, Nadya ; Kennelly, Julie; Mckenzie, Matt13-Apr-2018
192017Suggestions for teaching floating, sinking and densityTaylor, Neil ; Taylor, Subhashni ; Rizk, Nadya ; Cooper, Grant16-Mar-2018
202017Links in the chain: bringing together literacy and scienceTaylor, Neil ; Hansford, Diane ; Rizk, Nadya ; Taylor, Subhashni 14-Feb-2017
21Nov-2016Reach and scope for Primary Connections online professional learning and development: A sector scan and review of science and literacy initiativesQuinn, Frances ; Charteris, Jennifer ; Adlington, Rachael ; Rizk, Nadya ; Fletcher, Peter ; Reyes, Vicente16-Feb-2020
222016Writing for publication group: professional development situated in the interstices of academia and performativityReyes, Vicente; Masters, Yvonne ; Clary, Deidre ; Betlem, Elisabeth C ; Jones, Marguerite A; Charteris, Jennifer ; Kivunja, Charles ; Rizk, Nadya ; Sigauke, Aaron 7-Jun-2016
232016An Exploratory Analysis of TPACK Perceptions of Pre-Service Science Teachers: A Regional Australian PerspectiveReyes, Vicente; Reading, Christine E ; Rizk, Nadya ; Gregory, Sue ; Doyle, Helen23-Jan-2017
242015An Exploratory Analysis of TPACK Perceptions of Pre-Service Science Teachers: A Regional Australian PerspectiveReyes, Vicente; Doyle, Helen; Rizk, Nadya ; Gregory, Sue ; Reading, Christine E 7-Dec-2015
252015Empirical investigation of an adapted fourth generation evaluation: The case of evaluating a secondary science teacher preparation programRizk, Nadia ; Taylor, Neil ; Quinn, Frances ; Lyons, Terry25-Mar-2015
262014School Reform in the Arab World: Characteristics and ProspectsAkkary, Rima Karami; Rizk, Nadia 7-Mar-2019
272012The TAMAM Project: Shifting the Paradigm of Educational Reform in the Arab WorldAkkary, Rima Karami; Rizk, Nadya 29-Aug-2014
282012Epistemological Beliefs in Science: An Exploratory Study of Lebanese University Students' EpistemologiesRizk, Nadya ; Jaber, Lama; Halwany, Sarah; BouJaoude, Saouma29-Aug-2014
292012Starting out in STEM: A study of young men and women in first year science, technology, engineering and mathematics coursesLyons, Terry ; Quinn, Frances ; Rizk, Nadia ; Anderson, Neil; Hubber, Peter; Kenny, John; Sparrow, Len; West, Jan; Wilson, Sue3-Jan-2013
302011Examining Pre-Service Non-Experienced Secondary Science Teachers' Pedagogical Content KnowledgeRizk, Nadya ; Boujaoude, Saouma B26-Sep-2014
312009The Lebanese Brevet Chemistry and Physics Examinations: An Exploratory StudyVlaardingerbroek, Barend; Rizk, Nadya ; Jaber, Lama; Bayoud, Jana29-Aug-2014

Credit Name
Nadya Rizk
Full Name
Rizk, Nadya
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Senior Lecturer in Science Education
Scopus Author ID
Education - STEM Education
Faculty of HASS and Education
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Education
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