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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
14-Jan-2024Purchasing sustainable palm oil products: narrowing the intention-behavior gapSundaraja, Cassandra Shruti ; Lykins, Amy Dianne ; Hine, Donald William 29-May-2024
22024Protecting and restoring freshwater biodiversity across urban areas in Aotearoa New Zealand: Citizens’ reporting of pollution in stormwater drains and waterwaysMcLeod, Lynette J ; Hine, Donald W ; Milfont, Taciano L; Dorner, Zack; Tassell-Matamua, Natasha A; Maris, Robbie D C; Kitson, Jane C; Stahlmann-Brown, Philip3-May-2024
327-Jun-2023Purchasing products with sustainable palm oil: designing and evaluating an online intervention for Australian consumersSundaraja, Cassandra Shruti ; Hine, Donald W ; Thorsteinsson, Einar B ; Lykins, Amy D 11-Sep-2023
428-Apr-2023Australian Youth Mental Health and Climate Change Concern After the Black Summer BushfiresLykins, Amy D ; Parsons, Melissa ; Craig, Belinda M ; Cosh, Suzanne M ; Hine, Donald W ; Murray, Clara 19-Jun-2023
5Mar-2023Wild dog management: understanding rural landholders' willingness to participate in coordinated control programsMcLeod, Lynette J ; Hine, Donald 25-Mar-2024
6Jul-2022What should we eat? Realistic solutions for reducing our food footprintAllenden, Nicole ; Hine, Donald W ; Craig, Belinda M ; Cowie, Annette ; McGreevy, Paul D ; Lykins, Amy D 22-Jun-2022
718-Aug-2021Palm oil: Understanding barriers to sustainable consumptionSundaraja, Cassandra Shruti ; Hine, Donald W ; Lykins, Amy D 7-Sep-2021
829-Jul-2021How personal values shape job seeker preference: A policy capturing studyHicklenton, Carol L; Hine, Donald W ; Driver, Aaron B ; Loi, Natasha M 18-Aug-2021
92021Self-compassion, physical health, and health behaviour: a metaanalysisPhillips, Wendy J ; Hine, Donald W 5-May-2021
102021Can Consumers Do It All? An Exploration of Factors that Influence the Purchase of Sustainable Palm Oil ProductsSundaraja, Cassandra Shruti ; Hine, Donald W ; Alex, Anoop ; Cosh, Suzanne M ; Lykins, Amy D 24-Aug-2021
11Jan-2020Confronting the palm oil crisis: Identifying behaviours for targeted interventionsSundaraja, Cassandra Shruti ; Hine, Donald W ; Lykins, Amy 21-Nov-2019
122020Understanding why peri-urban residents do not report wild dog impacts: an audience segmentation approachHine, Donald W ; McLeod, Lynette J ; Please, Patricia M 19-Mar-2020
1316-Oct-2019Does Green-Person-Organization Fit Predict Intrinsic Need Satisfaction and Workplace Engagement?Hicklenton, Carol; Hine, Donald William ; Loi, Natasha Maria 31-Mar-2021
1410-Oct-2019Can work climate foster pro-environmental behavior inside and outside of the workplace?Hicklenton, Carol; Hine, Donald W ; Loi, Natasha M 31-Mar-2021
1514-Aug-2019Change the Humans First: Principles for Improving the Management of Free-Roaming CatsMcLeod, Lynette J ; Hine, Donald W ; Driver, Aaron B 12-Sep-2019
16Jun-2019How projected electricity price and personal values influence support for a 50% renewable energy target in AustraliaPhillips, Keri L ; Hine, Donald W ; Phillips, Wendy J 4-May-2021
17Mar-2019Feelings About Fracking: Using the Affect Heuristic to Understand Opposition to Coal Seam Gas ProductionHine, Donald W ; Clarke, Kirsten ; Marks, Anthony D G ; Morgan, Methuen I 15-Aug-2024
182019Using Audience Segmentation to Understand Nonparticipation in Invasive Mammal Management in AustraliaMcleod, Lynette J ; Hine, Donald W 30-Jul-2019
1918-Jun-2018Increasing belief but issue fatigue: Changes in Australian Household Climate Change Segments between 2011 and 2016Morrison, Mark; Parton, Kevin; Hine, Donald W 5-Apr-2024
202018Using behavioural science to improve Australia's environmental regulationMartin, Paul ; Hine, Donald W 28-May-2018
212018Self-compassion moderates the predictive effects of implicit cognitions on subjective well-beingPhillips, Wendy J ; Hine, Don W ; Marks, Anthony 20-Mar-2018
222018The new ecological paradigm and responses to climate change in ChinaXue, Sherry ; Marks, Anthony ; Hine, Don W ; Phillips, Wendy J ; Zhao, Shouying15-Mar-2018
232018Prioritizing community behaviors to improve wild dog management in peri-urban areasPlease, Patricia M ; Hine, Donald W ; Skoien, Petra; Phillips, Keri L ; Jamieson, Iain11-Apr-2024
242017Assessing the impact of different persuasive messages on the intentions and behaviour of cat owners: A randomised control trialMcLeod, Lynette ; Hine, Don W ; Bengsen, Andrew J; Driver, Aaron 18-Oct-2017
252017Refining Online Communication Strategies for Domestic Cat ManagementMcLeod, Lynette ; Driver, Aaron ; Bengsen, Andrew J; Hine, Don W 9-Jan-2018
262017Pacific Islanders' understanding of climate change: Where do they source information and to what extent do they trust it?Scott-Parker, Bridie; Nunn, Patrick ; Mulgrew, Kate; Hine, Don W ; Marks, Anthony ; Mahar, Doug; Tiko, Lavinia8-May-2017
272017The Future is Now: Reducing Psychological Distance to Increase Public Engagement with Climate ChangeJones, Charlotte; Hine, Don W ; Marks, Anthony 2-May-2017
282017Can community-based governance strengthen citizenship in support of climate change adaptation? Testing insights from Self-Determination TheoryMarshall, Graham R ; Hine, Don W ; East, Miriam 22-May-2017
292017Upward counterfactual thinking and depression: A meta-analysisBroomhall, Anne Gene ; Phillips, Wendy J ; Hine, Don W ; Loi, Natasha 14-Jun-2017
302016Thinking Styles and Decision Making: A Meta-AnalysisPhillips, Wendy J ; Fletcher, Jennifer; Marks, Anthony ; Hine, Don W 13-Jul-2017
312016En Route to Depression: Self-Esteem Discrepancies and Habitual RuminationPhillips, Wendy J ; Hine, Donald W 11-Feb-2016
322016Fracked: Coal seam gas extraction and farmers' mental healthMorgan, Methuen ; Hine, Don W ; Bhullar, Navjot ; Dunstan, Debra ; Bartik, Warren 13-May-2016
332016Spirituality and attitudes towards Nature in the Pacific Islands: insights for enabling climate-change adaptationNunn, Patrick ; Mulgrew, Kate; Scott-Parker, Bridie; Hine, Donald W ; Marks, Anthony ; Mahar, Doug; Maebuta, Jack 8-Jun-2016
342016The awareness of social inference test: development of a shortened version for use in adults with acquired brain injuryHonan, Cynthia; McDonald, Skye; Sufani, Christopher; Hine, Don W ; Kumfor, Fiona27-Apr-2016
352016Cultural worldviews and climate change: A view from ChinaXue, Wen; Hine, Donald W ; Marks, Anthony ; Phillips, Wendy J ; Zhao, Shouying6-May-2016
362016Combining threat and efficacy messaging to increase public engagement with climate change in Beijing, ChinaXue, Wen; Hine, Don W ; Marks, Anthony ; Phillips, Wendy J ; Nunn, Patrick ; Zhao, Shouying22-Jun-2016
372016Preaching to different choirs: How to motivate dismissive, uncommitted, and alarmed audiences to adapt to climate change?Hine, Don W ; Phillips, Wendy J ; Cooksey, Ray W ; Reser, Joseph P; Nunn, Patrick ; Marks, Anthony ; Loi, Natasha ; Watt, Susan E 24-Nov-2015
382015Don't rock the boat: The moderating role of gender in the relationship between workplace incivility and work withdrawalLoi, Natasha ; Loh, Jennifer; Hine, Don W 17-Apr-2015
392015Applying behavioral theories to invasive animal management: Towards an integrative frameworkMcLeod, Lynette ; Hine, Don W ; Please, Patricia ; Driver, Aaron 9-Jul-2015
402015Born to roam? Surveying cat owners in Tasmania, Australia, to identify the drivers and barriers to cat containmentMcLeod, Lynette ; Hine, Don W ; Bengsen, Andrew5-Jan-2016
412015Designing Behaviourally Informed Policies for Land Stewardship: A New ParadigmHine, Don W ; Crofts, Roger; Becker, John13-Aug-2015
422015Landholder adoption of low emission agricultural practices: A profiling approachMorgan, Methuen ; Hine, Don W ; Bhullar, Navjot ; Loi, Natasha 1-Dec-2014
432014Audience segmentation and climate change communication: conceptual and methodological considerationsHine, Don W ; Reser, Joseph P; Morrison, Mark; Phillips, Wendy J ; Nunn, Patrick ; Cooksey, Ray W 30-Jun-2014
442014The Multiple Sclerosis Work Difficulties Questionnaire (MSWDQ): development of a shortened scaleHonan, Cynthia A; Brown, Rhonda ; Hine, Don W 1-May-2014
452014Cultural worldviews and environmental risk perceptions: A meta-analysisXue, Wen; Hine, Donald W ; Loi, Natasha ; Thorsteinsson, Einar B ; Phillips, Wendy J 20-Aug-2014
462014Profiles of psychological well-being in a sample of Australian university studentsBhullar, Navjot ; Hine, Donald W ; Phillips, Wendy J 26-Aug-2014
472014Arousal, Working Memory Capacity, and Sexual Decision-Making in MenSpokes, Tara; Hine, Don W ; Marks, Anthony ; Quain, Peter ; Lykins, Amy 9-Sep-2014
482014Psychological Functioning of Partners of Australian Combat Veterans: Contribution of Veterans' PTSD Symptoms and Partners' Caregiving DistressMacDonell, Gail ; Thorsteinsson, Einar B ; Bhullar, Navjot ; Hine, Don W 4-Sep-2014
492014The affect heuristic and public support for three types of wood smoke mitigation policiesBhullar, Navjot ; Hine, Don W ; Marks, Anthony ; Davies, Carol; Scott, John ; Phillips, Wendy J 6-Sep-2014
502014Heritability of Preferred Thinking Styles and a Genetic Link to Working Memory CapacityFletcher, Jennifer; Marks, Anthony ; Hine, Don W ; Coventry, William L 16-Dec-2014

Credit Name
Don Hine
Full Name
Hine, Donald
Hine, Donald W
Hine, Donald William
Hine, Don
Hine, Don W
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
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Web of Science profile key
School of Psychology
Faculty of Medicine and Health
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School of Psychology
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