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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
117-Jan-2024A scoping review on the barriers to and facilitators of health services utilisation related to refugee settlement in regional or rural areas of the host countryCoumans, J V F ; Wark, S 17-May-2024
22024Impact of Problem-Based Learning Coaching and Neuroeducation in the Development of 21st Century Lifelong LearnersCoumans, Joelle V F ; Wark, Stuart 18-Apr-2024
317-Jul-2023Steroidogenic Enzyme Gene Expression and Testosterone Production are Developmentally Modulated by Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor-1B in Mouse TestisCiller, Ilona ; Palanisamy, Suresh ; Ciller, Ursula ; Al-Ali, Ibtisam; Coumans, Joëlle ; McFarlane, James 16-Aug-2023
422-Jun-2023Early-life oxidative stress due to air pollution. A scoping review focusing on identifying potential ‘-OMICS’ biomarkers from body fluidsCoumans, J V F ; Al Jaaidi, S16-Aug-2023
52-Apr-2020Proteomics-Based Studies to Reveal the Influence of Profilin1 Expression in Breast Cancer Cells During Oxidative StressAli, Nassrin Nasir ; Andronicos, Nicholas ; Moens, Pierre ; Coumans-Moens, Joelle 11-Nov-2020
625-Jan-2019Protein profiles of enzymatically isolated rumen epithelium in sheep fed a fibrous dietBond, J J; Donaldson, A J; Coumans, J V F ; Austin, K ; Ebert, D ; Wheeler, D; Oddy, V H 30-Jun-2021
7Oct-2018Cofilin and profilin: partners in cancer aggressivenessCoumans, Joelle V F ; Davey, Rhonda J ; Moens, Pierre D J 7-Oct-2020
82016Proteomic and Microscopic Strategies towards the Analysis of the Cytoskeletal Networks in Major Neuropsychiatric DisordersCoumans, Joëlle V F ; Palanisamy, Suresh K A; McFarlane, Jim ; Moens, Pierre D J 26-Apr-2017
92015Development of reelin biomarkers to measure psychological resilience and their interaction with 5-HTTLPR in depressionPalanisamy, Suresh K A ; Sharpley, Christopher F ; Coumans, Joelle V F ; Moens, Pierre ; Herrid, Muren ; Smart, Neil A ; McFarlane, James R 4-Feb-2016
102015Profilin-1 mediated cell-cycle arrest: searching for drug targetsMoens, Pierre ; Coumans-Moens, Joelle 5-Feb-2016
112014Green fluorescent protein expression triggers proteome changes in breast cancer cellsCoumans-Moens, Joelle ; Gau, David; Poljak, Anne; Wassinger, Valerie; Roy, Partha; Moens, Pierre 6-Feb-2014
122014Cellular Responses during Morphological Transformation in 'Azospirillum brasilense' and Its flcA Knockout MutantHou, Xingsheng; McMillan, Mary ; Coumans-Moens, Joelle ; Poljak, Anne; Raftery, Mark; Pereg, Lily 8-Jan-2015
132014Profilin-1 Overexpression in MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells Is Associated with Alterations in Proteomics Biomarkers of Cell Proliferation, Survival, and Motility as Revealed by Global Proteomics AnalysesCoumans-Moens, Joelle ; Gau, David; Poljak, Anne; Wasinger, Valerie; Roy, Partha; Moens, Pierre 28-Jan-2015
142011Proteomic assessment of host-associated microevolution in the fungus 'Thielaviopsis basicola'Coumans-Moens, Joelle ; Harvey, John; Backhouse, David ; Plojak, A; Raftery, M J; Nehl, David; Katz, Margaret E ; Pereg, Lily 27-Jul-2011
152010Plant-extract-induced changes in the proteome of the soil-borne pathogenic fungus 'Thielaviopsis basicola'Coumans-Moens, Joelle ; Moens, Pierre ; Poljak, Anne; Al-Jaaidi, Samiya; Pereg, Lily ; Raftery, Mark J13-May-2010
162010Protein Analysis of Abiotic and Biotic Stress Response during Cotton Vegetative GrowthCoumans-Moens, Joelle ; Backhouse, David 8-Jun-2011
172009Analysis of cotton ('Gossypium hirsutum') root proteomes during a compatible interaction with the black root rot fungus 'Thielaviopsis basicola'Coumans-Moens, Joelle ; Poljak, Anne; Raftery, Mark J; Backhouse, David ; Pereg, Lily 27-Jul-2010
181998Actin-binding proteins in mouse C2 myoblasts and myotubes: A combination of affinity chromatography and two-dimensional gel electrophoresisCoumans-Moens, Joelle ; dos Remedios, Cristobal G30-Apr-2018
191997Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of actin-binding proteins isolated by affinity chromatography from human skeletal muscleCoumans-Moens, Joelle ; Humphery-Smith, Ian; dos Remedios, Cristobal G30-Apr-2018
201997Variations in the Relative mRNA Levels of Actins and Myosin Heavy Chains do not Produce Corresponding Differences in their Proteins in the Adult Human HeartCoumans-Moens, Joelle ; Yeoh, Thomas; Seeto, Reginald K; Keogh, Anne; Brennan, Karen; Gunning, Peter; Hardeman, Edna; dos Remedios, Cristobal G30-Apr-2018
211996Different electrophoretic techniques produce conflicting data in the analysis of myocardial samples from dilated cardiomyopathy patients: Protein levels do not necessarily reflect mRNA levelsdos Remedios, Cristobal G; Berry, Desiree A; Yao, Mu; Gunning, Peter W; Hardeman, Edna; Humphery-Smith, Ian; Naidoo, Daya; Keogh, Anne; Carter, Laura K; Coumans-Moens, Joelle ; Heinke, Monique Y; Kiessling, Peter C; Seeto, Reginald K; Thorvaldson, Tom; Trahair, Toby; Yeoh, Thomas30-Apr-2018

Credit Name
Joelle Coumans-Moens
Full Name
Coumans-Moens, Joelle
Coumans, Joelle V F
Coumans, J V F
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Lecturer in Rural Medicine
Google Scholar profile key
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of Rural Medicine - Medicine
Faculty of Medicine and Health
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School of Rural Medicine
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