Rhonda Davey
Fields of Research (FoR 2020)
- 4 310102 Cell development, proliferation and death
- 2 310909 Animal physiology - cell
- 2 321101 Cancer cell biology
- 2 510501 Biological physics
- 1 310105 Cellular interactions (incl. adhesion, matrix, cell wall)
- 1 310109 Proteomics and intermolecular interactions (excl. medical proteomics)
- 1 310110 Receptors and membrane biology
- 1 310902 Animal cell and molecular biology
- 1 320599 Medical biochemistry and metabolomics not elsewhere classified
- 1 320801 Cell physiology
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2020)
- 4 280102 Expanding knowledge in the biological sciences
- 2 280112 Expanding knowledge in the health sciences
- 1 100401 Beef cattle
- 1 200101 Diagnosis of human diseases and conditions
- 1 280101 Expanding knowledge in the agricultural, food and veterinary sciences
- 1 280103 Expanding knowledge in the biomedical and clinical science
- 1 280114 Expanding knowledge in Indigenous studies
Fields of Research (FoR 2008)
- 4 060103 Cell Development, Proliferation and Death
- 2 029901 Biological Physics
- 2 060199 Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified
- 2 060602 Animal Physiology - Cell
- 2 111201 Cancer Cell Biology
- 1 060106 Cellular Interactions (incl Adhesion, Matrix, Cell Wall)
- 1 060109 Proteomics and Intermolecular Interactions (excl Medical Proteomics)
- 1 060110 Receptors and Membrane Biology
- 1 060802 Animal Cell and Molecular Biology
- 1 111601 Cell Physiology
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2008)
Publication Date
HERDC Category
Open Access
- 1 Mediated
Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
Credit Name
Rhonda Davey
Full Name
Davey, Rhonda
Davey, Rhonda J
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Casual Academic
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of S&T - Biomedical Science
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law

Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Science and Technology