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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12024Changing gears: data-driven velocity zones to support monitoring and research in men's rugby leagueCummins, Cloe ; Charlton, Glen ; Paul, David ; Murphy, Aron 20-Jul-2023
22023How fast is fast? Defining velocity zones in women's rugby leagueCummins, Cloe ; Charlton, Glen ; Paul, David ; Buxton, Simon; Murphy, Aron 16-Jun-2022
3Aug-2022A new energetics model for the assessment of the power-duration relationship during over-ground runningVassallo, Christian; Kilduff, Liam P; Cummins, Cloe ; Murphy, Aron ; Gray, Adrian ; Waldron, Mark 18-Oct-2021
4Jul-2022The Validity of Automated Tackle Detection in Women's Rugby LeagueCummins, Cloe ; Charlton, Glen ; Naughton, Mitchell ; Jones, Ben ; Minahan, Claire; Murphy, Aron 22-Oct-2021
5May-2022Womens Rugby League: Identifying speed zonesCummins, Cloe ; Buxton, Simon; Charlton, Glen ; Paul, David ; Murphy, Aron 26-Jul-2022
6Oct-2021Co-expression analysis identifies networks of miRNAs implicated in biological ageing and modulated by short-term interval trainingKumar Dev, Prasun; Gray, Adrian J ; Scott-Hamilton, John ; Hagstrom, Amanda D ; Murphy, Aron ; Denham, Joshua 15-Sep-2021
729-Jun-2021Women's Rugby League: Positional Groups and Peak Locomotor DemandsCummins, Cloe ; Charlton, Glen ; Paul, David ; Shorter, Kath ; Buxton, Simon; Caia, Johnpaul; Murphy, Aron 18-Oct-2021
8May-2021Womens rugby league: positional groups and peak locomotor demandsCummins, Cloe ; Charlton, Glen ; Paul, David ; Shorter, Kath ; Buxton, Simon; Caia, JohnPaul; Murphy, Aron 25-Jul-2022
92021Collective states and their transitions in footballWelch, Mitchell ; Schaerf, Timothy M ; Murphy, Aron 9-Nov-2021
10Nov-2020Positional groups and peak locomotor demands in women's rugby leagueCummins, Cloe ; Caia, John-Paul; Buxton, Simon; Charlton, Glen ; Paul, David ; Murphy, Aron 26-Jul-2022
11May-2020Call to action: a collaborative framework to better support female rugby league playersCummins, Cloe ; Melinz, Jaede ; King, Doug ; Sanctuary, Colin ; Murphy, Aron 22-Oct-2021
1222-Jan-2020Quantifying the Collision Dose in Rugby League: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Critical AnalysisNaughton, Mitchell ; Jones, Ben ; Hendricks, Sharief; King, Doug ; Murphy, Aron ; Cummins, Cloe 25-Oct-2021
13Jan-2020Exercise tolerance during flat over-ground intermittent running: modelling the expenditure and reconstitution kinetics of work done above critical powerVassallo, Christian; Gray, Adrian ; Cummins, Cloe ; Murphy, Aron ; Waldron, Mark 17-Feb-2022
14Oct-2019The physical demands of women's rugby league during a three-day national championshipsMelinz, J ; Shorter, K ; Murphy, A ; Cummins, C 26-Jul-2022
15Sep-2019Storage and handling of human faecal samples affect the gut microbiome composition: A feasibility studyEzzy, Alan C ; Hagstrom, Amanda D ; George, Chris; Hamlin, Adam S ; Pereg, Lily ; Murphy, Aron J ; Winter, Gal 15-Jun-2020
16Jun-2019Training load prior to injury in professional rugby league players: Insights from machine learningCummins, Cloe ; Welch, Mitchell ; Charlton, Glen ; Inkster, Brendan; Shorter, Kathleen ; Jones, Ben ; Murphy, Aron 26-Jul-2022
172019Modelling the relationships between volume, intensity and injury-risk in professional rugby league playersCummins, Cloe ; Welch, Mitchell ; Inkster, Brendan; Cupples, Balin; Weaving, Dan; Jones, Ben ; King, Doug ; Murphy, Aron 26-Feb-2019
18Nov-2018The association between external workloads and injury risk in professional rugby league playersCummins, C ; Welch, M ; King, D ; Shorter, K ; Murphy, A 26-Jul-2022
19Jul-2018Training load prior to injury in professional rugby league playersCummins, C ; King, D ; Thornton, H; Delaney, J; Duthie, G; Welch, M ; Murphy, A 26-Jul-2022
202-Apr-2018Small non-coding RNAs are altered by short-term sprint interval training in menDenham, Joshua ; Gray, Adrian J ; Scott-Hamilton, John ; Hagstrom, Amanda D ; Murphy, Aron J 3-Sep-2021
212018Modelling Movement Energetics Using Global Positioning System Devices in Contact Team Sports: Limitations and SolutionsGray, Adrian ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Cummins, Cloe ; Murphy, Aron ; Waldron, Mark 4-Jun-2018
222018Training load prior to injury in professional Rugby League players: Analysing injury risk with machine learningWelch, Mitchell ; Cummins, Cloe ; Thornton, Heidi; King, Douglas ; Murphy, Aron 5-May-2022
232017The relationship between lower body stiffness and injury incidence in female netballersRodriguez, Elizabeth C Pickering; Watsford, Mark L ; Bower, Rob G; Murphy, Aron J 5-Apr-2024
242016Validity and reliability of three methods of stiffness assessmentPruyn, Elizabeth; Watsford, Mark; Murphy, Aron 5-Aug-2017
252016Predicting the Sprint Performance of Adolescent Track Cyclists Using the 3-Minute All-out TestWaldron, Mark ; Gray, Adrian ; Furlan, Nicola; Murphy, Aron 25-Aug-2017
262016The effect of low- vs high-cadence interval training on the freely chosen cadence and performance in endurance-trained cyclistsWhitty, Anthony; Murphy, Aron ; Coutts, Aaron J; Watsford, Mark5-Aug-2017
272015Differences in Lower-Body Stiffness Between Levels of Netball CompetitionPruyn, Elizabeth; Watsford, Mark; Murphy, Aron 5-Aug-2017
282015Reliability and Validity of Sports Accelerometers During Static and Dynamic TestingKelly, Stephen; Murphy, Aron ; Watsford, Mark; Austin, Damien; Rennie, Michael5-Aug-2017
292015Interaction Between Leg Muscle Performance and Sprint Acceleration KinematicsLockier, Robert; Jalilvand, Farzad; Callaghan, Samuel; Jeffriess, Matthew; Murphy, Aron 5-Aug-2017
302015Augmenting performance feedback does not affect 4 km cycling time-trials in the heatWaldron, Mark; Villerius, V; Murphy, Aron 24-Aug-2017
312015A Framework to Enhance Privacy-Awareness in Mobile Web SystemsAldhafferi, Nahier Ghaleb S; Miron, David; Murphy, Aron ; Brown, Trevor ; Watson, Charles; Sajeev, Abudulkadir 10-Nov-2015
322015Variability in selected components of youth soccer match performance relates to physical maturity but not to chronological ageWaldron, Mark ; Gray, Adrian ; Murphy, Aron 1-Sep-2015
332014The relationship between lower-body stiffness and dynamic performancePruyn, Elizabeth; Watsford, Mark; Murphy, Aron 5-Aug-2017
342014Changes in futsal activity profiles in a multiday tournamentDogramaci, Sera; Watsford, Mark; Murphy, Aron 11-Aug-2017
352013Surviving the data deluge: geostatistical and signal processing methodologies for smart farm sensor networksFalzon, Gregory ; Henry, David ; Taylor, Kerry; Lefort, Laurent; Gaire, Raj; Wark, Tim; Schneider, Derek ; Trotter, Mark ; Murphy, Aron ; Lamb, David 9-Sep-2013
362013Seasonal Variation of Leg Stiffness in Professional Australian Rules FootballersPruyn, Elizabeth C; Watsford, Mark L; Murphy, Aron ; Pine, Matthew J; Spurrs, Robert W; Cameron, Matthew L; Johnston, Richard J13-Oct-2014
372013A Comparison of Physical Abilities and Match Performance Characteristics Among Elite and Subelite Under-14 Soccer PlayersWaldron, Mark ; Murphy, Aron 13-Oct-2014
382013Influence of Sprint Acceleration Stance Kinetics on Velocity and Step Kinematics in Field Sport AthletesLockie, Robert G; Murphy, Aron ; Schultz, Adrian B; Jeffriess, Matthew D; Callaghan, Samuel J9-Oct-2014
392013Sources of Variability in Musculo-Articular Stiffness MeasurementDitroilo, Massimiliano; Watsford, Mark; Murphy, Aron ; de Vito, Giuseppe 3-Oct-2014
402012Quantifying Session Ratings of Perceived Exertion for Field-Based Speed Training Methods in Team Sport AthletesLockie, Robert G; Murphy, Aron ; Scott, Brendan R; Janse de Jonge, Xanne A K3-Oct-2014
412012Relationship between leg stiffness and lower body injuries in professional Australian footballPruyn, Elizabeth C; Watsford, Mark L; Murphy, Aron ; Pine, Matthew J; Spurrs, Robert W; Cameron, Matthew L; Johnston, Richard J3-Oct-2014
422012The Effects of Different Speed Training Protocols on Sprint Acceleration Kinematics and Muscle Strength and Power in Field Sport AlthletesLockie, Robert G; Murphy, Aron ; Schultz, Adrian B; Knight, Timothy J; Janse de Jonge, Xanne A K7-Oct-2014
432012The Validity and Reliability of 5-hz Global Positioning System Units to Measure Team Sport Movement DemandsJohnston, Richard J; Watsford, Mark L; Pine, Matthew J; Spurrs, Robert W; Murphy, Aron ; Pruyn, Elizabeth C14-Oct-2014
442012Movement Demands and Match Performance in Professional Australian FootballJohnston, Richard J; Watsford, Mark L; Pine, Matthew J; Spurrs, Robert W; Murphy, Aron ; Pruyn, Elizabeth C13-Oct-2014
452011Factors That Differentiate Acceleration Ability in Field Sport AthletesLockie, Robert G; Murphy, Aron ; Knight, Timothy J; Janse de Jonge, Xanne A K3-Oct-2014
462011Assessing Musculo-Articular Stiffness Using Free Oscillations: Theory, Measurement and AnalysisDitroilo, Massimiliano; Watsford, Mark; Murphy, Aron ; de Vito, Giuseppe 14-Oct-2014
472011The Reliability and Validity of Subjective Notational Analysis in Comparison to Global Positioning System Tracking to Assess Athlete Movement PatternsDogramaci, Sera N; Watsford, Mark L; Murphy, Aron 13-Oct-2014
482011Differences in the Kinematics of the Baseball Swing between Hitters of Varying SkillInkster, Brendan; Murphy, Aron ; Bower, Rob; Watsford, Mark13-Oct-2014
492011Time-Motion Analysis of International and National Level FutsalDogramaci, Sera N; Watsford, Mark L; Murphy, Aron 14-Oct-2014
502010A Prospective Study of the Relationship Between Lower Body Stiffness and Hamstring Injury in Professional Australian Rules FootballersWatsford, Mark L; Murphy, Aron ; McLachlan, Ken A; Bryant, Adam L; Cameron, Matt L; Crossley, Kay M; Makdissi, Michael13-Oct-2014

Credit Name
Aron Murphy
Full Name
Murphy, Aron
Murphy, Aron J
Murphy, A
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
School of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Science and Technology
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