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Title: Variability in selected components of youth soccer match performance relates to physical maturity but not to chronological age
Contributor(s): Waldron, Mark  (author); Gray, Adrian  (author)orcid ; Murphy, Aron  (author)
Publication Date: 2015
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Abstract: This study, firstly, established the between-match variability of soccer-match performance among under-14 players and, secondly, investigated the relationship between match performance variability and both maturity and chronological age. Participants were recruited from two under-14 youth squads in England. The between-match variation of each player was quantified using the Coefficient of Variation (CV %) over a minimum of two and a maximum of five matches (N.=110). Measurements included passing frequency per minute, heart rate (bpm), post-match Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and both total and high-intensity metres per minute (total m.min⁻¹ HIM m.min⁻¹, respectively), derived from Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Assessments of physical maturity (age at peak height velocity; APHV) were also conducted. Passes.min⁻¹ 15.2±5.4%) were the most variable, followed by HIM m.min⁻¹ 13.9±4.9%) and RPE (13.7±4.4 %). The least variable components were HR (4.1±2.6%) and total m.min⁻¹ (5.5±4.7 %). There were strong relationships between APHV and CV% of HIM m.min⁻¹ r=0.69, r²=0.47), APHV and CV% of average match HR (r=0.54, r²=0.29) and APHV and CV%of RPE (r=0.63, r²=0.40). Physical maturity, but not the chronological age, of youth soccer players explains between 29% and 47% of the variance in components of match performance. Our findings reaffirm, for different reasons, the importance of differentiating between maturational status and chronological age when evaluating youth soccer players' performance.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche, 174(4), p. 173-180
Publisher: Edizioni Minerva Medica
Place of Publication: Italy
ISSN: 1827-1812
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 110604 Sports Medicine
110699 Human Movement and Sports Science not elsewhere classified
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 320225 Sports medicine
420799 Sports science and exercise not elsewhere classified
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 929999 Health not elsewhere classified
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 200201 Determinants of health
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
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Appears in Collections:Journal Article
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