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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
18-Aug-2024Availability of phosphorus and nitrogen from modified mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP) fertiliser compoundsMclachlan, Jonathan W ; English, Peter W ; Flavel, Richard J ; Guppy, Chris N 8-Aug-2024
2Jun-2024Preferential phosphorus placement improves the productivity and competitiveness of tropical pasture legumesMclachlan, Jonathan W ; Flavel, Richard J ; Guppy, Chris N 6-May-2024
3Dec-2023Impact of Fusarium Crown Rot on Root System Area and Links to Genetic Variation within Commercial Wheat VarietiesBuster, Mitchell Stephen ; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Guppy, Christopher ; Sissons, Mike ; Harden, Steven; Flavel, Richard J 10-May-2024
429-Sep-2023Warm-Season Pasture Species Respond to Subsurface Placement of Phosphorus FertiliserMclachlan, Jonathan W ; Staker, Benjamin J; Flavel, Richard J ; Guppy, Chris N 21-Dec-2023
52-Aug-2023Mung Bean Nutrient Uptake and Root Response to Phosphorus and Potassium Placement StrategiesHtwe, Kyin Kyin ; Guppy, Chris ; Blair, Graeme ; Flavel, Richard 13-Sep-2023
61-Feb-2023Interactions of Fusarium Crown Rot of Wheat with NitrogenBuster, Mitchell ; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Guppy, Christopher ; Sissons, Mike ; Flavel, Richard J 21-Jul-2023
72023Remote detection of Fusarium crown rot in broadacre bread wheat and durum wheat through use of aerial imageryBuster, M; Simpfendorfer, S; Guppy, C ; Sissons, M; Tighe, M K ; Flavel, R J 15-Sep-2023
8Nov-2022Fusarium Crown Rot Reduces Water Use and Causes Yield Penalties in Wheat under Adequate and above Average Water AvailabilityBuster, Mitchell ; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Guppy, Christopher ; Sissons, Mike ; Flavel, Richard J 4-Nov-2022
9Oct-2022Physical and chemical characteristics of feedlot pen substrate bedded with woodchip under wet climatic conditionsWilkes, Janelle ; Tait, Amy L; Flavel, Richard J ; Turnell, James ; Cowley, Frances C 11-Jul-2023
10Jun-2022Aggressiveness of Phytophthora medicaginis on chickpea: Phenotyping method determines isolate ranking and host genotype-by-isolate interactionsBithell, Sean L; Backhouse, David ; Harden, Steve; Drenth, André; Moore, Kevin; Flavel, Richard J ; Hobson, Kristy11-Jul-2023
112022Kidney trajectory charts to assist general practitioners in the assessment of patients with reduced kidney function: a randomised vignette studyGuppy, Michelle ; Glasziou, Paul; Beller, Elaine; Flavel, Richard ; Shaw, Jonathan E; Barr, Elizabeth; Doust, Jenny11-Jul-2023
122022Dielectric properties of cereal stubble infected with Bipolaris sorokiniana, Fusarium pseudograminearum and Pyrenophora teres in the microwave frequency rangePetronaitis, Toni ; Brodie, Graham; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Flavel, Richard J ; Warwick, Nigel W M 11-Jul-2023
132022Stubble trouble! Moisture, pathogen fitness and cereal type drive colonisation of cereal stubble by three fungal pathogensPetronaitis, Toni ; Forknall, Clayton; Simpfendorfer, Steven; Backhouse, David ; Flavel, Richard 11-Jul-2023
142022Optimizing growing conditions for glasshouse studies of root and phosphorus responses of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)Htwe, Kyin Kyin; Guppy, Chris ; Blair, Graeme ; Flavel, Richard 27-Oct-2022
15Oct-2021Differences in phosphorus acquisition and critical phosphorus requirements among nine Desmanthus spp. genotypesMclachlan, Jonathan W ; Guppy, Chris N ; Flavel, Richard J 18-Jun-2021
1611-Sep-2020Intrinsic root morphology determines the phosphorus acquisition efficiency of five annual pasture legumes irrespective of mycorrhizal colonisationMcLachlan, Jonathan W ; Becquer, Adeline; Haling, Rebecca E ; Simpson, Richard J; Flavel, Richard J ; Guppy, Chris N 5-Nov-2020
17Jul-2020Root proliferation and phosphorus acquisition in response to stratification of soil phosphorus by two contrasting Trifolium subterraneum cultivarsMclachlan, Jonathan W ; Flavel, Richard J ; Guppy, Chris N ; Simpson, Richard J; Haling, Rebecca E 21-Oct-2020
18Jun-2020Root proliferation in response to P stress and space: implications for the study of root acclimation to low P supply and P acquisition efficiencyMclachlan, Jonathan W ; Haling, Rebecca E ; Simpson, Richard J; Flavel, Richard J ; Guppy, Chris N 21-Oct-2020
19Jun-2020Feeding Biomechanics Influences Craniofacial Morphology at the Subspecies Scale among Australian Pademelons (Macropodidae: Thylogale)Mitchell, D Rex ; Sherratt, Emma; Sansalone, Gabriele ; Ledogar, Justin A ; Flavel, Richard J ; Wroe, Stephen 19-May-2019
2020-May-2020The association between range usage and tibial quality in commercial free-range laying hensSibanda, T Z ; Flavel, R ; Kolakshyapati, M ; Welch, M ; Schneider, D ; Ruhnke, I 13-Jul-2021
21Dec-2019Various bone parameters are positively correlated with hen body weight while range access has no beneficial effect on tibia health of free-range layersKolakshyapati, M ; Flavel, R J ; Sibanda, T Z ; Schneider, D ; Welch, M C ; Ruhnke, I 30-Oct-2020
22Jan-2019Mitigating the open vessel artefact in centrifuge-based measurement of embolism resistanceLopez, Rosana; Nolf, Markus; Duursma, Remko A; Badel, Eric; Flavel, Richard J ; Cochard, Herve; Choat, Brendan19-May-2019
232019Variation in root morphology and P acquisition efficiency among Trifolium subterraneum genotypesMclachlan, Jonathan W ; Haling, Rebecca E ; Simpson, Richard J; Li, Xiaoxi; Flavel, Richard J ; Guppy, Chris N 21-Oct-2020
2414-Feb-2018A 3D anatomical atlas of appendage musculature in the chelicerate arthropod Limulus polyphemusBicknell, Russell D C ; Klinkhamer, Ada J ; Flavel, Richard J ; Wroe, Stephen ; Paterson, John R 1-Mar-2019
252018Plant roots redesign the rhizosphere to alter the three-dimensional physical architecture and water dynamicsRabbi, Sheikh M F; Tighe, Matthew ; Flavel, Richard ; Kaiser, Brent N; Guppy, Christopher ; Zhang, Xiaoxian; Young, Iain 26-Jun-2018
262018A Dual Isotope Protocol to Separate the Contributions to Phosphorus Content of Maize Shoots and Soil Phosphorus Fractions from Biosolids, Fertilizer and SoilDavis, Jean; Flavel, Richard J ; Blair, Graeme 17-May-2019
27Apr-2017Visualization of xylem embolism by X-ray microtomography: a direct test against hydraulic measurementsNolf, Markus; Lopez, Rosana; Peters, Jennifer M R; Flavel, Richard J ; Koloadin, Leah S; Young, Iain M; Choat, Brendan19-May-2019
282017Root Plasticity Not Evident in N-Enriched Soil Volumes for Wheat ('Triticum aestivum' L.) and Barley ('Hordeum vulgare' L.) VarietiesRabbi, Sheikh M F; Guppy, Christopher ; Flavel, Richard ; Tighe, Matthew ; Young, Iain 20-Jan-2018
292017An image processing and analysis tool for identifying and analysing complex plant root systems in 3D soil using non-destructive analysis: Root1Flavel, Richard ; Guppy, Christopher ; Rabbi, Sheikh M R; Young, Iain 10-May-2018
302017Root architectural responses of wheat cultivars to localised phosphorus application are phenotypically similarRabbi, Sheikh M F; Guppy, Christopher ; Tighe, Matthew ; Flavel, Richard ; Young, Iain 6-Jun-2018
312017Mycorrhizal contribution to phosphorus nutrition of cotton in low and highly sodic soils using dual isotope labelling (32P and 33P)Eskandari Nasrabadi, Samieh; Guppy, Christopher ; Knox, Oliver ; Flavel, Richard ; Backhouse, David ; Haling, Rebecca E24-Nov-2016
322017Productivity and profitability of upland crop rotations in Northwest CambodiaMontgomery, Steph; Guppy, Christopher ; Martin, Robert ; Wright, Graeme; Flavel, Richard ; Phan, Sophanara; Im, Sophoeun; Tighe, Matthew 17-Jan-2017
332016Yield Responses of Maize and Sunflower to Mulch under No-till Farming Conditions in Northwest CambodiaMontgomery, Stephanie C; Tighe, Matthew ; Guppy, Christopher ; Wright, Graeme; Flavel, Richard ; Phan, Sophanara; Im, Sophoeun; Martin, Robert 6-Jul-2016
342016A multi-scale Lattice Boltzmann model for simulating solute transport in 3D X-ray micro-tomography images of aggregated porous materialsZhang, Xiaoxian; Crawford, John W; Flavel, Richard ; Young, Iain 11-Apr-2017
352016Crop choice and planting time for upland crops in Northwest CambodiaMontgomery, Steph; Martin, Robert ; Guppy, Christopher ; Wright, Graeme C; Flavel, Richard ; Phan, Sophanara; Im, Sophoeun; Touch, Van; Andersson, Karl ; Tighe, Matthew 17-Feb-2017
362015Validation of soil phosphate removal by alkaline and acidic reagents in a vertosol soil using XANES spectroscopyMcLaren, Timothy; Guppy, Christopher ; Tighe, Matthew ; Schefe, C R; Flavel, Richard ; Cowie, B C C; Tadich, Anton3-Nov-2015
372015Eggshell penetration by 'Salmonella' Typhimurium in table eggs: Examination of underlying eggshell structures by micr-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopyRay, Aaron ; Roberts, Julie R ; Flavel, Richard ; Chousalkar, K K11-Apr-2017
382014Oil mallee biochar improves soil structural properties - A study with x-ray micro-CTQuin, Peter R ; Cowie, Annette ; Flavel, Richard ; Keen, BP; Macdonald, LM; Morris, SG; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Young, Iain ; Van Zwieten, Lukas 31-Jul-2014
392014Quantifying the response of wheat ('Triticum aestivum' L) root system architecture to phosphorus in an OxisolFlavel, Richard ; Guppy, Christopher ; Tighe, Matthew ; Watt, Michelle ; Young, Iain 24-Nov-2014
402013Application of X-ray computed tomography to quantify fresh root decomposition in situHaling, Rebecca ; Tighe, Matthew ; Flavel, Richard ; Young, Iain 22-Nov-2013
412013Growth and phosphorus uptake of faba bean and cotton are related to Colwell-P concentrations in the subsoil of VertosolsMcLaren, Tim; Bell, M J; Rochester, I J; Guppy, Christopher ; Tighe, Matthew ; Flavel, Richard 10-Feb-2014
422013Applications of X-ray computed tomography for examining biophysical interactions and structural development in soil systems: a reviewHelliwell, Jonathan R; Sturrock, Craig J; Grayling, Kathryn M; Tracy, Saoirse R; Flavel, Richard ; Young, Iain ; Whalley, W R; Mooney, Sacha J17-Jul-2013
432012Non-destructive quantification of cereal roots in soil using high-resolution X-ray tomographyFlavel, Richard ; Guppy, Christopher ; Tighe, Matthew ; Watt, Michelle ; McNeill, Ann; Young, Iain 28-May-2012
442012Ecological Succession, Hydrology and Carbon Acquisition of Biological Soil Crusts Measured at the Micro-ScaleTighe, Matthew ; Haling, Rebecca ; Flavel, Richard ; Young, Iain 7-Nov-2012

Credit Name
Richard Flavel
Full Name
Flavel, Richard
Flavel, Richard J
Flavel, R
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Senior Lecturer in Crop Science
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of E&RS - Agronomy and Soil Science
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Environmental and Rural Science
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