Isabelle Ruhnke
Fields of Research (FoR 2020)
- 56 300303 Animal nutrition
- 24 300302 Animal management
- 13 300909 Veterinary parasitology
- 12 300306 Animal welfare
- 6 300304 Animal protection (incl. pests and pathogens)
- 6 300904 Veterinary diagnosis and diagnostics
- 6 310901 Animal behaviour
- 5 300301 Animal growth and development
- 5 300906 Veterinary immunology
- 4 300210 Sustainable agricultural development
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2020)
- 77 100411 Poultry
- 23 100601 Eggs
- 9 109902 Animal welfare
- 8 100699 Primary products from animals not elsewhere classified
- 8 280101 Expanding knowledge in the agricultural, food and veterinary sciences
- 3 241602 Veterinary diagnostics
- 3 280111 Expanding knowledge in the environmental sciences
- 2 180602 Control of pests, diseases and exotic species in terrestrial environments
- 2 241303 Carcass meat (incl. fish and seafood)
- 2 TBD
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Fields of Research (FoR 2008)
- 30 070204 Animal Nutrition
- 17 070203 Animal Management
- 9 070708 Veterinary Parasitology
- 7 070703 Veterinary Diagnosis and Diagnostics
- 6 060603 Animal Physiology - Systems
- 6 070299 Animal Production not elsewhere classified
- 6 070706 Veterinary Medicine
- 5 070705 Veterinary Immunology
- 4 070202 Animal Growth and Development
- 3 060801 Animal Behaviour
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2008)
- 33 830309 Poultry
- 22 830501 Eggs
- 8 970107 Expanding Knowledge in the Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
- 5 830503 Live Animals
- 5 839901 Animal Welfare
- 4 839899 Environmentally Sustainable Animal Production not elsewhere classified
- 4 860902 Veterinary Diagnostics
- 4 970105 Expanding Knowledge in the Environmental Sciences
- 2 960604 Environmental Management Systems
- 1 830399 Livestock Raising not elsewhere classified
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Publication Date
- 43 2020 - 2025
- 77 2010 - 2019
HERDC Category
- 56 C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
- 41 E3 Extract of Scholarly Conference Publication
- 8 T2 Thesis - Doctorate by Research
- 5 X Dataset
- 4 E1 Refereed Scholarly Conference Publication
- 2 E2 Non-Refereed Scholarly Conference Publication
- 1 B1 Chapter in a Scholarly Book
- 1 C3 Non-Refereed Article in a Professional Journal
- 1 D4 Any Other Published Review
- 1 E5 Conference Poster
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- 119 School of Environmental and Rural Science
- 24 School of Science and Technology
- 15 Poultry Hub Australia
- 13 Animal Science, School of Environmental and Rural Science
- 10 School of E&RS - Animal Science
- 4 Research Centres, Institutes, CRCs
- 2 Science Engineering Workshop
- 1 School of Environmental & Rural Science
- 1 School of Science & Technology
Results 1-50 of 120 (Search time: 0.062 seconds).
Credit Name
Isabelle Ruhnke
Full Name
Ruhnke, Isabelle
Ruhnke, I
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Associate Professor in Animal Science
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of E&RS - Animal Science
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law

Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Environmental and Rural Science