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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1Sep-2021Decomposition of substrates with recalcitrance gradient, primed CO2, and its relations with soil microbial diversity in post-fire forest soilsZhang, Jie; Ling, Lu; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Luo, Yu; Jeewani, Peduruhewa H; Xu, Jianming23-Mar-2022
2Jun-2021The benefit of leafy vegetable as catch crop to mitigate N and P leaching losses in intensive plastic-shed production systemXiao, Hongdong; Fan, Xin; Sun, Haijun; Yu, Min; Shi, Weiming; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Dan, A; Wang, Hailong5-Apr-2022
3Jul-2020Wheat-derived soil organic carbon accumulates more than its maize counterpart in a wheat–maize cropping system after 21 yearsDong, Xinliang; Sun, Hongyong; Wang, Jintao; Liu, Xiaojing; Singh, Bhupinder Pal 7-Apr-2022
426-May-2020Silicon Effects on Biomass Carbon and Phytolith-Occluded Carbon in Grasslands Under High-Salinity ConditionsLiu, Linan; Song, Zhaoliang; Yu, Changxun; Yu, Guanghui; Ellam, Rob M; Liu, Hongyan; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Wang, Hailong19-Apr-2022
515-Nov-2019Balancing nutrient stoichiometry facilitates the fate of wheat residue‑carbon in physically defined soil organic matter fractionsFang, Yunying; Singh, Pal Bhupinderpal ; Cowie, Annette ; Wang, Weiqi; Arachchi, Meragal Henaka; Wang, Hailong; Tavakkoli, Ehsan10-Apr-2024
6Oct-2019Tillage history and crop residue input enhanced native carbon mineralisation and nutrient supply in contrasting soils under long-term farming systemsSarker, Jharna Rani ; Singh, Pal Bhupinderpal ; Fang, Yunying; Cowie, Annette L ; Dougherty, Warwick J; Collins, Damian; Dalal, Ram C; Singh, Brajesh K10-Apr-2024
7Sep-2019Biochar has little effect on soil dissolved organic carbon pool 5 years after biochar application under field conditionDong, Xinliang; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Li, Guitong; Lin, Qimei; Zhao, Xiaorong7-Apr-2022
8Mar-2019Biochar increased field soil inorganic carbon content five years after applicationDong, Xinliang; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Li, Guitong; Lin, Qimei; Zhao, Xiaorong27-Apr-2022
9May-2018Agricultural management practices impacted carbon and nutrient concentrations in soil aggregates, with minimal influence on aggregate stability and total carbon and nutrient stocks in contrasting soilsSarker, Jharna Rani ; Singh, Bhupinderpal Pal ; Cowie, Annette L ; Fang, Yunying; Collins, Damian; Badgery, Warwick; Dalal, Ram C10-Apr-2024
1014-Apr-2018Impact of Management on Soil Carbon and Nutrient Cycling and Storage Under Contrasting Farming SystemsSarker, Jharna Rani; Cowie, Annette ; Singh, Bhupinderpal 24-Jan-2024
11Mar-2018The accumulation of rhizodeposits in organo-mineral fractions promoted biochar-induced negative priming of native soil organic carbon in FerralsolWeng, Zhe (Han) ; Van Zwieten, Lukas ; Singh, Bhupinderpal Pal ; Tavakkoli, Ehsan; Kimber, Stephen; Morris, Stephen; Macdonald, Lynne M; Cowie, Annette 18-Apr-2024
1215-Jan-2018Biochar application constrained native soil organic carbon accumulation from wheat residue inputs in a long-term wheat-maize cropping systemDong, Xinliang; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Li, Guitong; Lin, Qimei; Zhao, Xiaorong28-Apr-2022
13Jan-2018Impact of agricultural management practices on the nutrient supply potential of soil organic matter under long-term farming systemsSarker, Jharna Rani ; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Dougherty, Warwick J; Fang, Yunying; Badgery, Warwick; Hoyle, Frances C; Dalal, Ram C; Cowie, Annette L 22-Mar-2024
14Jan-2018Carbon and nutrient mineralisation dynamics in aggregate-size classes from different tillage systems after input of canola and wheat residuesSarker, Jharna Rani ; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Cowie, Annette L ; Fang, Yunying; Collins, Damian; Dougherty, Warwick J; Singh, Brajesh K10-Apr-2024
15Sep-2017Tillage and nitrogen fertilization enhanced belowground carbon allocation and plant nitrogen uptake in a semi-arid canola crop–soil systemSarker Rani, Jharna ; Singh, Bhupinderpal Pal ; He, Xinhua; Fang, Yunying; Li, Guangdi D; Collins, Damian; Cowie, Annette L 11-Apr-2024
1631-Mar-2017Biochar as an Additive for Poultry Litter Composting: A Strategy for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Soil Productivity ImprovementAgyarko-mintah, Eunice ; Cowie, Annette ; Van Zwieten, Lukas ; Singh, Bhupinderpal 22-Jan-2024
17Mar-2017Biochar increases nitrogen retention and lowers greenhouse gas emissions when added to composting poultry litterAgyarko-mintah, Eunice ; Cowie, Annette ; Singh, Bhupinderpal Pal ; Joseph, Stephen ; Van Zwieten, Lukas ; Cowie, Alan; Harden, Steven; Smillie, Robert 22-May-2024
18Mar-2017Biochar lowers ammonia emission and improves nitrogen retention in poultry litter compostingAgyarko-mintah, Eunice ; Cowie, Annette ; Van Zwieten, Lukas ; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Smillie, Robert ; Harden, Steven; Fornasier, Flavio10-Apr-2024
192015Plant-biochar interactions drive the negative priming of soil organic carbon in an annual ryegrass field systemWeng, Zhe Han; Van Zwieten, Lukas ; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Kimber, Stephen; Morris, Stephen; Cowie, Annette ; Macdonald, Lynne M30-Oct-2017
202014Long-term influence of biochar on native organic carbon mineralisation in a low-carbon clayey soilSingh, Bhupinder Pal ; Cowie, Annette 2-May-2014
212014Oil mallee biochar improves soil structural properties - A study with x-ray micro-CTQuin, Peter R ; Cowie, Annette ; Flavel, Richard ; Keen, BP; Macdonald, LM; Morris, SG; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Young, Iain ; Van Zwieten, Lukas 31-Jul-2014
222013Pyrolysing poultry litter reduces N₂O and CO₂ fluxesVan Zwieten, Lukas ; Kimber, S W L; Morris, S G; Singh, Bhupinderpal ; Grace, P R; Rust, J; Downie, A E; Cowie, Annette 7-Nov-2013
232012Is sustainability certification for biochar the answer to environmental risks?Cowie, Annette ; Downie, Adriana; George, Brendan ; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Van Zwieten, Lukas ; O'Connell, Deborah18-Feb-2013
242012Biochar Carbon Stability in a Clayey Soil As a Function of Feedstock and Pyrolysis TemperatureSingh, Bhupinder Pal ; Cowie, Annette ; Smernik, Ronald J18-Feb-2013
252011Biochar Application to Soil: Agronomic and Environmental Benefits and Unintended ConsequencesKookana, R S; Sarmah, A K; van Zwieten, Lukas ; Krull, E; Singh, Bhupinderpal 4-Dec-2014
262011Biochar in Soil for Climate Change Mitigation and AdaptationWaters, David; Van Zwieten, Lukas ; Singh, Bhupinder Pal ; Downie, Adriana; Cowie, Annette ; Lehmann, Johannes15-Apr-2013
272011Tillage and Crop Stubble Management and Soil Health in a Changing ClimateMurphy, Brian W; Packer, Ian J; Cowie, Annette ; Singh, Bhupinder Pal 15-Apr-2013
282010Influence of biochars on nitrous oxide emission and nitrogen leaching from two contrasting soilsSingh, Bhupinderpal ; Hatton, Blake J; Singh, Balwant; Cowie, Annette ; Kathuria, Amrit2-Aug-2010
292010Characterisation and evaluation of biochars for their application as a soil amendmentSingh, Balwant; Singh, Bhupinderpal ; Cowie, Annette 28-Apr-2011
302010An investigation into the reactions of biochar in soilJoseph, S; Camps-Arbestain, M; Lehmann, J; Foidl, N; Smernik, R J; Amonette, J E; Lin, Y; Munroe, P; Chia, C H; Hook, J; Van Zwieten, Lukas; Kimber, S; Cowie, Annette ; Singh, Bhupinderpal 28-Apr-2011
312009Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from soil are reduced following afforestation of pasture lands in three contrasting climatic zonesAllen, Diane E; Mendham, Daniel S; Singh, Bhupinderpal ; Cowie, Annette ; Wang, Weijin; Dalal, Ram C; Raison, R John31-Aug-2011
322009Biochar and Emissions of Non-CO₂ Greenhouse Gases from SoilVan Zwieten, Lukas; Singh, Bhupinderpal ; Joseph, Stephen; Kimber, Stephen; Cowie, Annette ; Chan, K Yin25-Mar-2012
332008A novel approach, using 13C natural abundance, for measuring decomposition of biochars in soilSingh, Bhupinderpal ; Cowie, Annette 7-Aug-2013

Credit Name
Bhupinderpal Singh
Full Name
Singh, Bhupinderpal
Singh, Bhupinder Pal
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of Environmental & Rural Science
Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
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School of Environmental and Rural Science
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