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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
110-Sep-2024Breeding for Ewe Longevity in Australian SheepRahman, Md Obayed Al ; Van Der Werf, Julius ; Brown, Daniel J ; Walkom, Samuel Felix 9-Oct-2024
26-Aug-2024Analysis of the genetic variance of fibre diameter measured along the wool staple for use as a potential indicator of resilience in sheepSmith, Erin G ; Waters, Dominic L ; Walkom, Samuel F ; Clark, Sam A 28-Dec-2024
32024Validation of reaction norm breeding values for robustness in Australian sheepWaters, Dominic L ; Clark, Samuel A ; Brown, Daniel J ; Walkom, Samuel F ; Van Der Werf, Julius H J 14-May-2024
4Aug-2023Objective carcase measurement from commercial supply chains contributing to genetic improvementBrown, D J ; Alexandri, R ; Walkom, S F ; Pethick, D W; McGilchrist, P ; Stewart, S; Pirchford, W S; Gardner, G E21-Sep-2023
5Aug-2023Defining resilience traits in sheep from fibre diameter variation of woolSmith, E G ; Walkom, S F ; Brown, D J ; Clark, S A 21-Sep-2023
6Aug-2023An Australian sheep genomic reference to meet the evolving breeding objectives of industryWalkom, S F ; Brown, D J ; Van Der Werf, J H J 21-Sep-2023
7Aug-2023Genetic variation of new sheep traits measured by dual energy Xray absorptiometryPayne, CE; Paganoni, B; Walkom, S F ; Gardner, GE; Brown, D J 24-Oct-2024
826-Jul-2023Preliminary evaluation of the impact of visual traits on lifetime ewe performanceWahinya, P K ; Brown, D J ; Walkom, S F ; Bird-gardiner, T ; Clarke, B E; Smith, J L; Swan, A A 18-Sep-2023
926-Jul-2023Evolution of sheep breeds within LAMBPLAN and the rise of the CompositesMcMillan, A J ; Walkom, S F ; Brown, D J 18-Sep-2023
1026-Jul-2023Fibre diameter variation as a measure of resilience in sheepSmith, E G ; Walkom, S F ; Clark, S A 18-Sep-2023
1126-Jul-2023Validation of breeding values for robustness in Australian MerinosWaters, D L ; van der Werf, J H J ; Brown, D J ; Walkom, S F ; Clark, S A 20-Sep-2023
1226-Jul-2023Quantifying the linkage between genetics represented in the Southern Multi-Breed project and the wider Australian beef populationsMoore, K L ; Walkom, S F ; Siddell, J P; Walmsley, B 20-Sep-2023
1326-Jul-2023Merits of using DEXA to measure lean meat yield for the genetic evaluation of Australian lambWalkom, S F ; Alexandri, P ; Connaughton, S; Gardner, G; Williams, A; Brown, D J 20-Sep-2023
1426-Jul-2023Merits of using new intramuscular fat measurement technologies in genetic evaluation of Australian lambAlexandri, P ; Walkom, S F ; Stewart, S; McGilchrist, P ; Steel, C; Brown, D J 20-Sep-2023
1526-Jul-2023Measured Goats in the Rangelands: An overview of a meat goat reference populationGranleese, T ; Mortimer, S I; Atkinson, T; Refshauge, G; Bird-Gardiner, T; Haynes, F; Brown, D J ; Alexandri, P ; Walkom, S F 19-Sep-2023
1626-Jul-2023Longevity of reference populations in a trans-Tasman genetic evaluation: Review of the Angus Sire Benchmarking ProgramWalkom, S F ; Duff, C J ; Girard, C ; Moore, K 20-Sep-2023
1726-Jul-2023Progress of the Southern Multi-Breed Resource Population: Hard-to-measure phenotypes to drive genomic selectionWalmsley, B J ; Moore, K L ; Walkom, S F ; Clark, S A ; Granleese, T; Donoghue, K A20-Sep-2023
189-Jun-2023A genetic improvement program for the Mexican sheep industryDe La Cruz Colin, Lino; Swan, Andrew ; Walkom, Samuel 9-Aug-2023
19Jul-2022Using historic data to understand the cost of an extra condition score in sheepWalkom, S F ; Swan, A A 25-Oct-2023
20May-2022Development of breeding values for susceptibility to virulent footrot in sheep: A strategy to accommodate variable disease progression at time of scoringWalkom, S F ; Bunter, K L ; Raadsma, H W; Gurman, P M ; Brown, D J ; Gibson, W; Wilding, E; Ferguson, M B29-Jul-2022
212022Economic value and production characteristics of table honeyFrost, E A ; Chapman, N C ; Banks, R G ; Walkom, S F ; Hermesch, S 22-Sep-2023
222022Value of data from ram breeding flocks as an industry reference population for Australian sheepAlexandri, P ; Walkom, S F ; Swan, A A ; van der Werf, J H J ; Brown, D J 28-Mar-2023
232022A new metric to assess reference populations for genomic selection in Australian beef breedsMoore, K L ; Ferdosi, M H ; Girard, C G ; Walkom, S F ; Johnston, D J 25-Oct-2023
24Nov-2021Capturing lean distribution in lamb carcases is of more value to the processor than the breederWalkom, S F ; Gardner, G E; Anderson, F; Williams, A; Brown, D J 10-May-2022
252021Initiating the Southern Multi-Breed Resource populationWalmsley, B J ; Donoghue, K A; Johnston, D J ; Clark, S A ; Siddell, J P; Walkom, S F ; Granleese, T ; Arthur, P F8-Aug-2022
262021The impact of genotype by environment interaction on breeding values for 150-day weight in Katahdin sheep in MexicoDe la Cruz, L ; Walkom, S F ; Swan, A A 12-Apr-2022
272021Is sex determination in Merinos heritable?Granleese, T ; Mortimer, M R; Walkom, S F 4-Feb-2022
282021Using MateSel to aid sire allocation in genomic reference populations - Southern Multi-breed an exampleWalkom, S F ; Donoghue, K A; Arthur, P F; Clark, S A ; Walmsley, B J 4-Feb-2022
292021Genetic associations between ultrasound and carcase muscle dimension measures in sheepAlexandri, Panoraia ; Walkom, S F ; Brown, D J 4-Feb-2022
302021Merits of developing a genetic evaluation for the Australian dairy sheep and goat industriesAlexandri, Panoraia ; Banks, R G ; Brown, D J ; Walkom, S F 4-Feb-2022
312021Defining longevity and estimating genetic parameters in Australian Merino ewesRahman, M O A; Brown, D J ; Walkom, S F 4-Feb-2022
322021Improve your social license - Breed sheep for disease resistanceWalkom, S F ; Bunter, K L 4-Feb-2022
332021Substantial genetic gains in reducing breech flystrike and in improving productivity traits are achievable in Merino sheep by using index selectionBrien, F D; Walkom, S F ; Swan, A A ; Brown, D J 29-Apr-2021
342021Microwave technology is a potential tool for the genetic selection of carcase composition in lambGuy, S Z Y ; Walkom, S F ; Marimuthu, J; Gardner, G E; Brown, D J 10-Aug-2021
352019Australia You Have Footrot, Time to Start Breeding Against it!Walkom, S F ; Bunter, K L ; Raadsma, H; Brown, D J ; Ferguson, M B25-Jun-2020
362019Graphical Modelling of the Relationship Between Body Reserves and Yearling Reproduction in Maternal SheepWalkom, S F ; Bunter, K L ; Swan, A A ; Clark, S A 25-Jun-2020
372019Breeding for Reduced Breech Flystrike as part of Multi-Trait SelectionBrien, F D; Walkom, S F ; Swan, A A ; Brown, D J 6-May-2020
382019Genetic Parameters for Growth Traits in Hampshire Sheep in MexicoDe la Cruz, L ; Walkom, S F ; Torres, H G; Swan, A A 7-May-2020
392019The Genetic Relationships Between Intramuscular Fat Measured in Four Different Lamb MusclesGuy, S Z Y ; Walkom, S F ; Anderson, F; Gardner, G E; McGilchrist, P ; Brown, D J 11-May-2020
402019Genetic Evaluation and Relationship Across Ages for Dag Score in Maternal SheepMcMillan, A J ; Walkom, S F ; Brown, D J 18-May-2020
412019Weaner survival is heritable in Australian Merinos and current breeding objectives are potentially leading to a decline in survivalWalkom, S F ; Thompson, A N; Bowen, E; Brown, D J 1-Apr-2019
42Jun-2018The value of recording live animal and carcase scan traits for the genetic selection of lean meat yield in lambWalkom, S F ; Guy, S Z Y ; Anderson, F; Gardner, G E; Brown, D J 20-Oct-2019
432018Genetic analysis of docility score of Australian Angus and Limousin cattleWalkom, Samuel ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Tier, Bruce ; Johnston, David 5-Jan-2018
442018Estimation of Breeding Values for Footrot in New Zealand Merino SheepWalkom, S F ; Bunter, K L ; Raadsma, H; Brown, D J ; Gibson, W; Swan, A A ; Boerner, V ; Ferguson, M B8-Jul-2019
452018Genetic architecture of resistance to virulent ovine-footrot in a case-control study of New Zealand Merino sheepRaadsma, H W; Walkom, S F ; Sharland, B; Esquivelzeta-Rabell, C ; Brown, D J ; Bunter, K L ; Ferguson, M4-Jul-2019
462017Impact of liveweight, fat and muscle sire breeding values on ewe reproduction is minimal but variable across Australian grazing systemsWalkom, Samuel ; Brown, Daniel 26-Sep-2017
472017Accommodating Variable Disease Challenge on Breeding Value Prediction for Sires - Using Footrot as an ExampleWalkom, Samuel ; Ferguson, M B; Gibson, W; Brown, Daniel ; Bunter, Kim L 4-Jul-2018
482017Genetic Variation of Weaner Survival in Merino Sheep and Its Relationships with Growth and WoolWalkom, Samuel ; Thompson, A N; Bowen, E; Brown, Daniel 4-Jul-2018
492017ON-00364: Selecting Sheep for a Resource Limiting EnvironmentYoung, John; Brown, Daniel ; Ferguson, Mark; Masters, David; Rose, Gus; Swan, Andrew ; Trompf, Jason; Walkom, Sam 31-Jul-2020
502017Genetic evaluation of adult ewe bodyweight and condition: relationship with lamb growth, reproduction, carcass and wool productionWalkom, Samuel ; Brown, Daniel 23-May-2017

Credit Name
Mr Samuel Walkom
Full Name
Walkom, Samuel
Walkom, S F
Walkom, Sam
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Senior Research Fellow - Breeding Program
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
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Given Name
Middle Name
Preferred Given Name
Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
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