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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
111-Jul-2024A Further Update of an Equilibrium Displacement Model of the Australian Pig Meat IndustryRathnayake, Chinthanthi; Mounter, Stuart ; Griffith, Garry 20-Nov-2024
22024A Critical Review of the Effectiveness of Policies to Reduce Nitrogen Fertilizer PollutionTang, Xinyue; Griffith, Garry ; Malcolm, Bill10-Jul-2024
32024Price Transmission in the Papua New Guinea Coffee Market: A Vector Autoregression ApproachPopat, Meizal ; Dambui, Charles; Griffith, Garry ; Mounter, Stuart 1-Nov-2024
418-Dec-2023Unlocking the monetary value: investigating the importance of quality information in Australian red meat chainsZhang, Yue ; Hoang, Nam ; Baker, Derek ; Morales, Emilio ; Griffith, Garry 5-Jan-2024
525-Sep-2023Current Status and Potential Economic Effects of Food Traceability in AustraliaGunasekera, Don; Valenzuela, Ernesto; Griffith, Garry ; Malcolm, Bill2-Nov-2024
620-Jun-2023The Influence of Genetic Information in the Selection and Valuation of Angus Bulls: 1. Statistical Analyses of Sale DataThomson, Damien; Mounter, Stuart ; Griffith, Garry 19-Nov-2024
725-May-2023On Reconciling the Multiple Objectives of Agricultural RD&EMullen, John; de Meyer, Julien; Griffith, Garry ; Lemerle, Caroline; Malcolm, Bill1-Jun-2024
86-Apr-2023The Influence of Genetic Information in the Selection and Valuation of Angus Bulls: 2. Key Informant AnalysisThomson, Damien; Mounter, Stuart ; Griffith, Garry 19-Nov-2024
914-Feb-2023Developing a Marketing Strategy for Selling High Value Nusa Tenggara Barat Beef in Selected Urban Markets in IndonesiaWankar, Tian Jihadhan; Morales, Luis Emilio ; Noor, Yudi Guntara; Griffith, Garry R ; Guntoro, Budi; Agus, Ali 4-Oct-2023
102023A Performance Analysis of the Australian Nitrogen Fertiliser Value ChainWirtz, Hugh; Griffith, Garry ; Deane, Paul; Malcolm, Bill20-Apr-2024
112023A Critical Review of the External Costs of Nitrogen Fertiliser UseTang, Xinyue; Griffith, Garry ; Malcolm, Bill20-Apr-2024
122023Using Nitrogen Fertilizer to Grow Irrigated Cotton in Australia: Marginal Benefits and Costs of Nitrogen and Nitrous Oxide EmissionsRathnayake, Chinthani; Malcolm, Bill; Griffith, Garry ; Sinnett, Alex; Deane, Paul20-Apr-2024
132023Developing an Equilibrium Displacement Model of the Sri Lankan Tea IndustryRathnayake, Chinthani; Griffith, Garry ; Sinnett, Alexandria; Malcolm, Bill; Farquharson, Bob24-May-2024
142023Novel policy: an economic retrospective of the glyphosate ban on the tea industry in Sri Lanka tea industryRathnayake, Chinthani; Malcolm, Bill; Griffith, Garry ; Sinnett, Alex22-May-2024
152023An Economic Retrospective on the Policy Banning Glyphosate in Sri Lanka between 2015 and 2018: The Case of the Tea IndustryRathnayake, Chinthani; Malcolm, Bill; Griffith, Garry ; Sinnett, Alex13-May-2024
162023A Model of Farm Price Levelling when Variability comes from Export Demand, Illustrated with Coffee Marketing Margin Data in Papua New Guinea, 1999-2010Griffith, Garry ; Dambui, Charles; Mounter, Stuart 19-Nov-2024
1729-Sep-2022Applying System Dynamics to the Food Loss and Waste Problem: a Literature ReviewPopat, Meizal ; Cacho, Oscar ; Griffith, Garry ; Mounter, Stuart ; Fleming, Euan ; Baker, Derek 26-Sep-2023
18Sep-2022Food loss and waste in maize in Mozambique and its economic impacts: a system dynamics assessment approachPopat, Meizal ; Cacho, Oscar ; Griffith, Garry ; Mounter, Stuart 23-May-2024
19Feb-2022Infrastructure investments, regional trade agreements and agricultural market integration in MozambiquePopat, Meizal ; Griffith, Garry ; Mounter, Stuart ; Cacho, Oscar 1-May-2024
202022A Benefit Cost Analysis of Entire Male Pig ImmunocastrationSinnett, Alex; Dunshea, Frank; D'Souza, Darryl; Malcolm, Bill; Griffith, Garry 24-May-2024
212022The ALMTech Project: Initial Economic Evaluation of the Potential BenefitsGriffith, Garry ; Zhang, Yue ; Mounter, Stuart 21-Mar-2024
222022Evaluating the Potential Returns to Investment in RD&E in the Southern Australian Grains IndustryLi, Kuo; Malcolm, Bill; Griffith, Garry ; Kingwell, Ross21-Mar-2024
23Nov-2021Environmental DNA analyses reveal links between abundance and composition of airborne grass pollen and population scale respiratory healthCreer, S; Rowney, F M; Brennan, G L; Skjøth, C; Griffith, G ; Mcinnes, R N; Clewlow, Y; Adams-Groom, B; Barber, A; Devere, N; Economou, T; Hegarty, M; Hanlon, H; Jones, L; Kurganskiy, A; Petch, G; Potter, C; Rafiq, A; Walker, A; Wheeler, B; Osborne, N21-May-2024
2416-Aug-2021Empirical Detection and Quantification of Price Transmission in Endogenously Unstable Markets: The Case of the Global–Domestic Coffee Supply Chain in Papua New GuineaHuffaker, Ray; Griffith, Garry ; Dambui, Charles; Canavari, Maurizio21-Mar-2024
2525-Feb-2021The Problem of Food Loss and Waste in Developing Countries and its Economy-wide Impacts: Empirical Evidence from the Maize Grain Sector in Mozambique (Ministry of Agriculture of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mozambique data)Popat, Meizal ; Griffith, Garry ; Cacho, Oscar ; Mounter, Stuart 5-Sep-2024
2625-Feb-2021The Problem of Food Loss and Waste in Developing Countries and its Economy-wide Impacts: Empirical Evidence from the Maize Grain Sector in Mozambique (Central Bank of Mozambique data)Popat, Meizal ; Griffith, Garry ; Cacho, Oscar ; Mounter, Stuart 10-Sep-2024
272021The Benefits of Dry Ageing of Mutton to the Australian Sheep Meat IndustryGriffith, Garry ; Jacob, Robin; Mounter, Stuart ; Zhang, Yue 7-Oct-2021
282021Food Value Chain Coordination in Practice: European and Australian Case Studies of the Creation of Chain Good Innovations*Fleming, Euan ; Griffith, Garry ; Mounter, Stuart ; Hartmann, Monika; Simons, Johannes13-May-2024
292021Food Loss and Waste Definitions and Measurement Issues: The Case of the Maize Sector in MozambiquePopat, Meizal ; Griffith, Garry ; Cacho, Oscar ; Mounter, Stuart 22-May-2024
302021What is the value of information about animal health in the Australian beef supply chain?Zhang, Y ; Baker, D ; Griffith, G ; Morales, E ; Hoang, N 21-May-2024
312021Assessing Relationship Quality as a Driver of Innovation in a Western Australian Lamb Production NetworkGraham, Penny; Baker, Derek ; Griffith, Garry 16-Aug-2023
327-Dec-2020A Diagrammatic Framework for Accounting for Externalities in Agriculture and Food Sector Value ChainsRohr, Sarah; Mounter, Stuart ; Fleming, Euan ; Griffith, Garry 7-Oct-2021
333-Aug-2020The Australian Apple Industry - Trends and ChallengesRohr, Sarah; Mounter, Stuart ; Fleming, Euan ; Griffith, Garry 19-Nov-2020
342-Apr-2020The Value of Information and Information Sharing in the Australian Beef and Sheep Meat Supply ChainsZhang, Yue ; Baker, Derek ; Hoang, Nam ; Morales, Luis ; Griffith, Garry 18-Sep-2023
352020Preferences for Certified Beef with Animal Welfare and Other Credence Attributes in AustraliaMorales, L Emilio ; Griffith, Garry ; Fleming, Euan ; Mounter, Stuart ; Wright, Victor ; Umberger, Wendy23-Sep-2020
362020Product quality information in supply chains: a performance-linked conceptual framework applied to the Australian red meat industryZhang, Yue ; Baker, Derek ; Griffith, Garry 21-Oct-2020
372020Loss and waste in the Australian fresh apple value chainRohr, Sarah; Mounter, Stuart ; Fleming, Euan ; Griffith, Garry 24-May-2024
382020Moving Toward Sustainable Agri-Food Value Chains: Challenges and a Proposed Way ForwardFleming, Euan ; Mounter, Stuart ; Griffith, Garry 19-Nov-2024
392020Postharvest losses at the farm level and its economy-wide costs: the case of the maize sector in MozambiquePopat, Meizal ; Griffith, Garry ; Mounter, Stuart ; Cacho, Oscar 8-Jun-2021
4031-Oct-2019The Cost of Climate Change to Agricultural Industries: Coconuts in Sri LankaPathiraja, Erandathie; Griffith, Garry ; Farquharson, Robert; Faggian, Rob24-May-2024
4116-Oct-2019Achieving Strategic Fit in a Food Value Chain: Further Evidence and the Link with Strategic ScopeMounter, Stuart ; Fleming, Euan ; Griffith, Garry 18-Nov-2024
4227-Aug-2019Financing Agricultural Value Chain RD&E: An Alternative Approach with Examples from the Red Meat IndustryMounter, Stuart ; Fleming, Euan ; Griffith, Garry 17-Nov-2024
43Aug-2019Assessing quantitative taxon-specific grass pollen biodiversity in time and space using targeted molecular analysis of aerial environmental DNABrennan, G; Potter, C; Adams-Groom, B; Barber, A; Clewlow, Y; De Vere, N; Griffith, G ; Hanlon, H M; Hegarty, M; Kurganskiy, A; Mc Innes, R N; Petch, G; Osborne, N; Skjøth, C; Wheeler, B; Creer, S19-Apr-2024
44Jul-2019Response to stockout in grocery stores: A small city case in a changing competitive environmentAzeem, Muhammad Masood ; Baker, Derek ; Villano, Renato A ; Mounter, Stuart ; Griffith, Garry 23-Apr-2019
45Feb-2019Selling differentiated Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) beef in selected urban markets in IndonesiaWankar, Tian Jihadhan; Morales, L Emilio ; Griffith, Garry ; Agus, Ali ; Guntara, Yudi; Guntoro, Budi20-May-2024
46Feb-2019The value of product quality information in Australian red meat supply chainsZhang, Yue ; Baker, Derek ; Morales, Emilio ; Griffith, Garry ; Hoang, Nam 24-May-2024
472019The value of product quality information: a comparison across multiple stages of Australian red meat supply chainsZhang, Yue ; Baker, Derek ; Morales, Luis ; Griffith, Garry ; Hoang, Nam 8-May-2023
482019Impact of Climate Change on Coconut Production in Different Agro-ecological Regions of Sri LankaPathiraja, P M E K; Faggian, R; Farquharson, R J; Griffith, G R 20-May-2024
492019Generating whole-of-chain benefit from improved informationGriffith, Garry 24-May-2024
502019Measuring the Returns to Investment in RD&E in the WA Grains Industry Using Equilibrium Displacement ModellingLi, Kuo; Kingwell, Ross; Griffith, Garry ; Malcolm, Bill19-Mar-2024

Credit Name
Garry Griffith
Full Name
Griffith, Garry
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
Scopus Author ID
UNE Business School
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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UNE Business School
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