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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
126-Jul-2023New module for prediction of reproductive traits EBV in BreedplanJeyaruban, M G ; Johnston, D J 18-Sep-2023
226-Jul-2023Remodelling the genetic evaluation of NFI in beef cattle - Part 2: Shortening the length of the feed intake testVargovic, L ; Moore, K L ; Johnston, D J ; Jeyaruban, G M ; Girard, C J ; Cook, J ; Torres-Vazquez, J A ; Miller, S P 20-Sep-2023
326-Jul-2023Development of a new Breedplan objective body composition EBV to allow selection to improve cow survivalWolcott, M L ; Johnston, D J ; Jeyaruban, M G ; Girard, C J 20-Sep-2023
426-Jul-2023Validation of calving ease EBVs examining the impact of genetic groups and single-step on predictive abilityGurman, P M ; Li, L ; Jeyaruban, M G ; Johnston, D J ; Girard, C J ; Swan, A A 20-Sep-2023
521-Aug-2022Optimization of Dairy Cattle Breeding Programs with Genotype by Environment Interaction in KenyaWahinya, Peter K ; Jeyaruban, Gilbert M ; Swan, Andrew A ; van der Werf, Julius H J 7-Jun-2023
69-Jun-2022Development of Breeding Strategies to Improve Growth and Egg Production in a Dual-Purpose Native Chicken Breed in ThailandTongsiri, Siriporn ; Jeyaruban, Mariathasan Gilbert ; Hermesch, Susanne ; Li, Li ; Van Der Werf, Julius 25-Sep-2023
7May-2022Breeding objectives for dairy cattle under low, medium and high production systems in the tropicsWahinya, P K ; Jeyaruban, M G ; Swan, A A ; van der Werf, J H J 7-Jun-2023
82021Estimation of optimum polygenic and genomic weights in single-step genetic evaluation of carcass traits in Australian Angus beef cattleSamaraweera, A M ; Torres-Vazquez, J A ; Jeyaruban, M G ; Johnston, D J ; Boerner, V 13-Apr-2022
92021Determination of optimum weighting factors for single-step genetic evaluation via genetic variance partitioningTorres-Vázquez, J A ; Samaraweera, A M ; Jeyaruban, M G ; Johnston, D J ; Boerner, V 13-Apr-2022
102021Proposed genetic improvement strategies for dairy cattle in KenyaWahinya, P K ; Swan, A A ; Jeyaruban, M G 13-Apr-2022
114-Nov-2020Strategies for Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle Under Low, Medium and High Production Systems in KenyaWahinya, Peter Kiongo ; Jeyaruban, Mariathasan Gilbert ; Swan, Andrew 14-Dec-2023
12Nov-2020Genetic parameters for test-day milk yield, lactation persistency, and fertility in low-, medium-, and high-production systems in KenyaWahinya, P K ; Jeyaruban, M G ; Swan, A A ; Gilmour, A R; Magothe, T M29-Apr-2021
13Sep-2020A method for deriving the genetic matrix needed for selection across combinations of breedsBarwick, Stephen A ; Johnston, David J ; Walmsley, Bradley J ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Boerner, Vinzent 2-Aug-2020
14Sep-2020Estimation of genetic parameters for milk and fertility traits within and between low, medium and high dairy production systems in Kenya to account for genotype-by-environment interactionWahinya, Peter K ; Jeyaruban, Gilbert ; Swan, Andrew ; Magothe, Thomas29-Apr-2021
1514-Aug-2020Using random regression models to estimate genetic variation in growth pattern and its association with sexual maturity of Thai native chickensTongsiri, S ; Van Der Werf, J H J ; Li, L ; Jeyaruban, M G ; Wolcott, M L ; Hermesch, Susanne ; Chormai, T7-Dec-2020
16Nov-2019Genetic Associations Between Early and Late Growth with Sexual Maturity in Thai Native ChickensTongsiri, S ; Jeyaruban, M G ; van der Werf, J H J ; Li, L ; Hermesch, Susanne ; Chormai, T25-May-2020
17Nov-2019Genetic Parameters of First Lactation Milk Yield Under Low, Medium and High Production Systems in Kenya, using Test-Day Random Regression ModelWahinya, P K ; Magothe, T M; Swan, A A ; Jeyaruban, M G 31-Jul-2020
18Jul-2019Genetic parameters and inbreeding effects for production traits of Thai native chickensTongsiri, Siriporn ; Jeyaruban, Gilbert M ; Hermesch, Susanne ; van der Werf, Julius H J ; Li, Li ; Chormai, Theerachai7-Jun-2019
192019Validation of Single Step Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction in Beef CattleJeyaruban, M G ; Gurman, P M ; Johnston, D J ; Swan, A A ; Banks, R G ; Girard, C J 17-May-2020
202019Genetic Aspects of Growth in a Dual-Purpose Thai Native ChickenTongsiri, Siriporn ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Hermesch, Susanne ; Chormai, Teerachai; Wolcott, Matt ; Li, Li ; van der Werf, Julius 8-Aug-2019
212018Genetic analysis of docility score of Australian Angus and Limousin cattleWalkom, Samuel ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Tier, Bruce ; Johnston, David 5-Jan-2018
222018Genetic analysis of dairy cattle performance under extensive, semi-intensive and intensive production systems under tropical climate in KenyaWahinya, Peter Kiongo ; Magothe, T M; Swan, A ; Jeyaruban, M G 7-Jul-2019
232017Genetic Association of Young Male Traits with Female Reproductive Performance in Brahman and Santa Gertrudis CattleJeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Johnston, David 5-Jul-2018
242017Genetic Parameters for Body-Weight Traits of a Native Poultry Breed in ThailandTongsiri, Tookky ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Hermesch, Susanne ; Van Der Werf, Julius H ; Li, Li ; Chormai, T4-Jul-2018
252017Genetic and Phenotypic Characterization of MSA Index and its Association with Carcase and Meat Quality Traits in Angus and Brahman CattleJeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Johnston, David ; Walmsley, Bradley J 5-Jul-2018
2630-Apr-2016Selection strategies to improve the production potential of layer chicken in ThailandTongsiri, Siriporn ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; van der Werf, Julius H 2-Oct-2019
272016Genetic parameters for calving difficulty using complex genetic models in five beef breeds in AustraliaJeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Johnston, David ; Tier, Bruce ; Graser, Hans-Ulrich 5-Jul-2016
282015Impact of Scanning Lean Cattle on the Genetic Correlation Between Scan and Carcase Intramuscular Fat in Angus and Hereford CattleWalkom, Samuel ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Johnston, David 24-May-2016
292015Genetic parameters for egg production traits in purebred and hybrid chicken in a tropical environmentTongsiri, Siriporn ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Van Der Werf, Julius H 22-Apr-2016
302014Genetic Parameters for Production Traits of Rhode Island Red and White Plymouth Rock Breeds Selected under Tropical Condition in ThailandTongsiri, Siriporn ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Van Der Werf, Julius H ; Thummabood, S19-May-2015
312014Estimated Additive and Non-additive Breed Effects and Genetic Parameters for Ultrasound Scanned Traits of a Multi-breed Beef Population in Tropical AustraliaJeyaruban, M G ; Johnston, D J 19-May-2015
322014Performance and resilience of poultry in ThailandTongsiri, Siriporn ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert 29-Apr-2015
332013Genetic Associations of Early Growth and Ultrasound Scanned Traits in Several Beef BreedsJeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Johnston, David 24-Mar-2014
342013The prediction of genetic structure of East African smallholder dairy cattleWeerasinghe, Shalanee; Gondro, Cedric ; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Mwai, O; Mjuibi, D F; Gibson, John 6-Mar-2014
352012Genetic analysis of feet and leg traits of Australian Angus cattle using linear and threshold modelsJeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Tier, Bruce ; Johnston, David ; Graser, Hans 18-Mar-2013
362012Use of SNP Marker Data to Analyse Population Structure in Crossbred SheepWeerasinghe, Shalanee; Gondro, Cedric ; Henshall, John M; Jeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Gibson, John 26-Mar-2013
372012Performance of Friesian, Jersey and Their Crosses under Smallholder Dairy Production Systems in Tropics: A Meta AnalysisJeyaruban, M Gilbert ; Gibson, John 13-Mar-2013
382011The impacts on selection for economic merit of including residual feed intake traits in breeding objectives and of having records availableBarwick, Stephen ; Jeyaruban, Mariathasan G ; Johnston, David ; Wolcott, Matthew L ; Graser, Hans-Ulrich 26-Mar-2012
392011Comparison of genetic parameters for calving difficulty in Angus, Charolais, Hereford and LimousinJeyaruban, Mariathasan G ; Johnston, David ; Graser, Hans-Ulrich 26-Mar-2012
402011Effect of previous reproductive status of dam on the preadjustment of weaning weight for genetic evaluation in tropical beef breedsJeyaruban, Mariathasan G ; Wolcott, Matthew L ; Johnston, David ; Graser, Hans-Ulrich 26-Mar-2012
412010Proposed breeding structure for cattle development in countries in the South Asia Pacific regionJeyaruban, Mariathasan G ; Rahman, MH28-Apr-2011
422009Estimation of genotype × environment interactions for growth, fatness and reproductive traits in Australian Angus cattleJeyaruban, Mariathasan G ; Johnston, David ; Graser, Hans-Ulrich 9-Mar-2010
432009Genetic association of net feed intake measured at two stages with insulin-like Growth Factor-I, growth and ultrasound scanned traits in Angus cattleJeyaruban, Mariathasan G ; Johnston, David ; Graser, Hans-Ulrich 22-Mar-2010
442007Development of a genetic evaluation system for structural soundness traits in Angus cattleJeyaruban, Mariathasan G ; Johnston, David ; Graser, Hans-Ulrich 14-Jan-2010
452006Developing selection criteria for breeding heifers for Asian dairy production system with special emphasis to South AsiaJeyaruban, M G 29-Sep-2008
462003Beef Improvement Research ProgramJeyaruban, M G 1-Oct-2008
472003Growth performances of exotic indigenous crosses under semi-arid conditions in BotswanaJeyaruban, M G 29-Sep-2008
482002Utilization of indigenous breeds for sustainable beef production under semi-arid conditions in BotswanaJeyaruban, MG ; Mosimanyana, BM; Setshwaelo, LL29-Sep-2008

Credit Name
Dr Gilbert Jeyaruban
Full Name
Jeyaruban, Mariathasan G
Jeyaruban, Gilbert M
Jeyaruban, M Gilbert
Jeyaruban, M G
Jeyaruban, G M
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Principal Research Fellow
Scopus Author ID
Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
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Given Name
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Preferred Given Name
Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
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