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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
110-Feb-2025Healing the heartbreak streets: An empirical investigation into civil society activism and planning systems in post-war, outer-suburban MelbourneFoley, Andrew Scott; Argent, Neil ; Wood, Stephen 11-Feb-2025
2Jan-2025Retaining Permanent and Temporary Immigrants in Rural Australia: Place‐Based and Individual DeterminantsArgent, Neil ; Bernard, Aude; Laukova, Dagmara; Wilson, Tom; Zajac, Tomasz; Kimpton, Anthony25-Jan-2025
3Aug-2024Counterurbanisation in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic in New South Wales, 2016-21Argent, Neil ; Plummer, Paul15-Jun-2024
417-Jun-2024Exploring adaptive capacity in a co-management regime to develop and maintain a community-based conservation program: a case study of Arnavon Community Marine Park, Solomon IslandsFidali, Kristina Lily ; Argent, Neil ; Larder, Nicolette ; Prior, Julian 20-Jun-2024
518-Feb-2024A River and its People: Tracing Socio–Ecological Relations in a Contested River LandscapeSmart, Michael ; Argent, Neil ; McFarland, Paul 21-May-2024
614-Sep-2023Triple Helix and Regional Innovation Systems: Knowledge Transfer in New South WalesLefley, Edward Robert John ; Dollery, Brian ; Argent, Neil ; Leu, Chen-Yu 15-Sep-2023
7Jun-2023The Staples Thesis, local models and competitiveness: the Western Australian economy over the 2001–2011 resource boomPaul Plummer; Argent, Neil 14-Aug-2023
8Jun-2023Do Co-Ethnic Neighbourhoods Affect the Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants? Longitudinal Evidence from AustraliaNguyen, Toan; Bernard, Aude; Lee, Rennie; Wilson, Tom; Argent, Neil 15-Aug-2023
927-Mar-2023Out-Migration, Agrarian Transition, and Gender Roles in MyanmarKyaw, Ei Mon Thida ; Villano, Renato ; Vo, Brenda ; Argent, Neil ; Prior, Julian 10-Aug-2023
10Mar-2023Be careful what you wish for: Resource boomtowns and disillusionment in the Surat BasinHaslam Mckenzie, Fiona M; Argent, Neil ; Markey, Sean; Halseth, Greg; Ryser, Laura15-Aug-2023
112023The socio-spatial politics of royalties and their distribution: A case study of the Surat Basin, QueenslandArgent, Neil ; Markey, Sean; Halseth, Greg; Ryser, Laura; Haslam-McKenzie, Fiona24-Sep-2021
12Nov-2022Wool and the relative resilience of Western Australian Wheatbelt economiesPlummer, Paul; Argent, Neil 9-Oct-2023
13Aug-2022Neither prepared nor transformed: Institutional responses to unconventional oil and gas development in Australian and Canadian communitiesMarkey, Sean; Halseth, Greg; Ryser, Laura; Argent, Neil ; Haslam-McKenzie, Fiona10-May-2022
1411-Jul-2022Out-migration, agrarian transition, and gender role in Myanmar - DatasetKyaw, Ei Mon Thida ; Villano, Renato ; Prior, Julian ; Argent, Neil ; Vo, Brenda 13-Sep-2024
15Jul-2022Cities, hinterlands and disconnected urban-rural development: Perspectives from sparsely populated areasCarson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley; Argent, Neil 15-Aug-2023
162022Counter-urbanisation in pre-pandemic times: disentangling the influences of amenity and disamenityArgent, Neil ; Plummer, Paul16-Jun-2022
179-Sep-2021Reduction of Blast Fishing in Tanzania: Analysis of Outcomes and Deterrence MeasuresHampton-Smith, Melissa ; Mika, Sarah ; Bower, Deborah ; Argent, Neil 24-Sep-2021
1811-Aug-2021Adaptive capacities and social resilience on Kangaroo Island: Beyond the staples trapArgent, Neil 24-Sep-2021
1923-Dec-2020The Little Island That Did: Related Variety, Branding and Place-based Development In South AustraliaArgent, Neil 14-Oct-2021
2030-Oct-2020Reduction of Blast Fishing in Tanzania: Analysis of Outcomes and Deterrence MeasuresHampton-Smith, Melissa ; Mika, Sarah ; Bower, Deborah ; Argent, Neil 24-Sep-2021
212020Postproductivist and Multifunctional AgricultureArgent, Neil 26-Oct-2021
222020NatureArgent, Neil 15-Oct-2021
231-Aug-2019Rural geography III: Marketing, mobilities, measurement and metanarrativesArgent, Neil 24-Sep-2021
24Apr-2019Bending the arc of the staples trap: Negotiating rural resource revenues in an age of policy incoherenceMarkey, Sean; Halseth, Greg; Ryser, Laura; Argent, Neil ; Boron, Jonathan24-Sep-2021
251-Feb-2019Rural geography II: Scalar and social constructionist perspectives on climate change adaptation and rural resilienceArgent, Neil 24-Sep-2021
26Jan-2019Path dependency or investing in place: Understanding the changing conditions for rural resource regionsRyser, Laura; Halseth, Greg; Markey, Sean; Gunton, Cameron; Argent, Neil 24-Sep-2021
272019Regional Cities and City Regions in Rural Australia: A Long-Term Demographic PerspectiveSmailes, Peter John; Griffin,Trevor Louis Charles; Argent, Neil Michael 24-Sep-2021
28Nov-2018New Immigration Destinations (NID) unravelling the challenges and opportunities for migrants and for host communitiesMcAreavey, Ruth; Argent, Neil 24-Sep-2021
29Nov-2018Migrant integration in rural New Immigration Destinations: An institutional and triangular perspectiveMcAreavey, Ruth; Argent, Neil 24-Sep-2021
3027-Oct-2018Experiencing Change in A Globalising Agricultural Economy: A Case StudyBaker, Claire Janet ; Scott, Alan ; Argent, Neil ; Walsh, Adrian 21-Jan-2024
31Jan-2018Sustainable rural economies, evolutionary dynamics and regional policyPlummer, Paul; Tonts, Matthew; Argent, Neil 14-Feb-2018
322018The redefined role of finance in Australian agricultureLarder, Nicolette ; Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Argent, Neil 5-Jun-2018
332018Heading down to the local? Australian rural development and the evolving spatiality of the craft beer sectorArgent, Neil 17-Jul-2018
3427-Oct-2017Peri-Urban Planning in an Age of LimitsMcFarland, Paul ; Bartel, Robyn ; Argent, Neil 18-Jan-2024
356-Mar-2017Behavioral GeographyArgent, Neil 15-Oct-2021
362017Mine Lifecycle Planning and Enduring Value for Remote CommunitiesRobertson, Stuart Andrew ; Blackwell, Boyd ; Haslam McKenzie, Fiona; Argent, Neil 18-Jun-2017
372017Rural geography I: Resource peripheries and the creation of new global commodity chainsArgent, Neil 22-Jan-2018
382017Australia: Trap or Opportunity?: Natural Resource Dependence, Scale, and the Evolution of New Economies in the Space/Time of New South Wales' northern tablelandsArgent, Neil 18-Apr-2017
3925-May-2016The Impacts of Population Change on Rural Society and EconomyBrown, David L; Argent, Neil 12-Dec-2023
402016Australia: Labor/capital relations and sustainable development in the new south wales' northern tablelandsArgent, Neil 22-Dec-2017
412016Migration and Ageing Processes in Non-metropolitan Australia: An Analysis of 30 Years of Dramatic ChangeArgent, Neil ; Griffin, Trevor; Smailes, Peter9-Aug-2016
422016Spatial Concentration in Australian Regional Development, Exogenous Shocks and Regional Demographic Outcomes: a South Australian case studySmailes, Peter; Griffin, Trevor; Argent, Neil 1-Aug-2017
432016Rural transitions in the Nambucca Valley: Socio-demographic change in a disadvantaged rural localeHolmes, John; Argent, Neil 29-Mar-2017
442016The Potential Value of Lifecycle Planning for Resource Communities and the Influence of Labour Force MobilityRobertson, Stuart ; Argent, Neil 18-Apr-2017
452016Demographic Change: Beyond the Urban-Rural DivideArgent, Neil 18-Apr-2017
462015The fall and rise of agricultural productivism? An Antipodean viewpointRoche, Michael; Argent, Neil 9-Oct-2015
472015Australasian Rural Geographies: At the Core, in the Antipodes?Argent, Neil 6-Nov-2015
482015A Multicultural and Multifunctional Countryside? International Labour Migration and Australia's Productivist HeartlandsArgent, Neil ; Tonts, Matthew30-Apr-2015
492015Wipeout? The Gold Coast and Tweed surfboard manufacturing cluster and local economic developmentLogue, David; Argent, Neil ; Warren, Andrew 1-Apr-2015
502014The Role of Gender in the Migration Practices and Aspirations of Australian Rural YouthDufty-Jones, Rae; Argent, Neil ; Rolley, Frances ; Walmsley, Dennis 30-Apr-2015

Credit Name
Neil Argent
Full Name
Argent, Neil
Argent, Neil Michael
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Professor of Human Geography
Google Scholar profile key
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of HASS - Geography and Planning
Faculty of HASS and Education
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Given Name
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School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
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