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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
123-Jan-2025The Essence of CatholicismForrest, Peter 7-Feb-2025
22024God and Perfect BeautyForrest, Peter 6-May-2024
322-Dec-2023Possible Worlds as PropertiesForrest, Peter 23-Jan-2024
44-Feb-2023Swami Medhananda, Swami Vivekananda's Vedantic CosmopolitanismForrest, Peter 19-Jun-2024
52023Methodological Naturalism Undercuts Ontological NaturalismForrest, Peter 17-Apr-2024
6Sep-2022The Natural Theology of Beauty, and the Glory of LoveForrest, Peter 16-Mar-2022
711-Nov-2021Process TheologyForrest, Peter 10-May-2022
8Mar-2021Fictional Possibilities Grounded in Foundational NominalismForrest, Peter 18-Feb-2020
91-Oct-2020Chance or Agency? A Response to "Divine Providence and Chance in the World"Forrest, Peter 24-Mar-2022
1018-Oct-2019Neutralism, Naturalism and Emergence: A Critical Examination of Cumpa's Theory of InstantiationForrest, Peter 2-Nov-2021
1125-Jul-2019Intellectual, Humanist and Religious Commitment: Acts of AssentForrest, Peter 22-Nov-2019
12Apr-2018A Speculative Solution to the Instantiation and Structure Problems for UniversalsForrest, Peter 15-Jun-2018
132018Operators Solve the Many Categories Problem with UniversalsForrest, Peter 24-Mar-2022
1420-Jan-2017Mattering: A Recreation of the Realism of Charles S. PeirceSophia, Dorothea; Forrest, Peter ; Lynch, Anthony 27-Apr-2020
152017Theoretical MereologyForrest, Peter 7-Dec-2020
162017Review of 'Religious Faith and Intellectual Virtue'. Edited by Laura Frances Callahan and Timothy O'Connor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. xii + 334 pp. £45.00Forrest, Peter 9-Feb-2018
172017Review of 'Purpose in the Universe'. By Tim Mulgan. (Oxford: OUP, 2015. Pp. 448. Price £50.)Forrest, Peter 16-May-2017
182017Acquaintance with UniversalsForrest, Peter 25-May-2017
192016The Personal Pantheist Conception of GodForrest, Peter 27-May-2016
202016The Mereology of Structural UniversalsForrest, Peter 12-Oct-2016
212016Einstein's Genie: Spacetime out of the Bottle, by Graham NerlichForrest, Peter 24-Aug-2022
222015William Kingdon Clifford: An unconventional mindGilbody, Robert; Forrest, Peter ; Blinov, Arcady 2-Jun-2015
232015The Multiverse: Separate Worlds, Branching, or Hyperspace? And What Implications Are There for Theism?Forrest, Peter 30-Jun-2015
242015Review of Schilbrack, Kevin, 'Philosophy and the Study of Religions: A Manifesto', Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, 2014, pp. xx + 226, AUD $41.95 (paperback), AUD $19.95 (hardback), AUD $33.99 (e-book).Forrest, Peter 18-Dec-2015
252015A Critical Reading of the Writings of John Shelby Spong: With a Focus on His Treatment of the Resurrection in Early ChristianityLilley, Gordon Mitford; Garland, Lynda; Forrest, Peter ; Dillon, Matthew 6-Jan-2016
262014On Molinism and Manipulation: Does Molinism answer the problems about Providence, Foreknowledge and Free Will?Anderson, Robert Ian; Forrest, Peter ; Lynch, Anthony 8-Apr-2015
272014Conflicting Intuitions about SpaceForrest, Peter 23-Apr-2014
282013An Examination of John Schellenberg's Austere UltimismForrest, Peter 16-Sep-2013
292013Environmental Values and the Ecological Crisis: A Drama-logueNorris, Stephen John; Lynch, Anthony ; Forrest, Peter ; McDonald, William 1-Oct-2013
302013Exemplification and ParthoodForrest, Peter 12-Dec-2014
312012Proof of Nothing: Post-modern thought after LeibnizIntemann, Lisa Christina; Forrest, Peter ; Blinov, Arcady 18-Apr-2012
322012Truths about non-existent things: Review of Jody Azzouni: 'Talking about nothing: Numbers, hallucinations and fictions'. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, 288pp, $74.00 HBForrest, Peter 5-Jun-2012
332012Replying to the anti-God challenge: a God without moral character acts wellForrest, Peter 9-Mar-2012
342012A Noneistic Metaphysics of ContentGawthorne, David; Forrest, Peter ; Gray, Frances; Walsh, Adrian 3-Aug-2012
352012On the Argument from Divine ArbitrarinessForrest, Peter 16-Oct-2012
362012The Necessary Structure of the All-pervading Aether: Discrete or Continuous? Simple or Symmetric?Forrest, Peter 18-Jan-2013
372012Review of Paul K. Moser, 'The Evidence for God: Religious Knowledge Reexamined'. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. x + 280 pp.Forrest, Peter 19-Feb-2013
382011In Defence of Anthropomorphic TheismForrest, Peter 20-Oct-2011
392011Missing the Point Many Times Over? Australian Philosophical AtheismForrest, Peter 18-Jun-2012
402011Review of 'Inquiring about God: Selected Essays, Volume 1' By Nicholas Wolterstorff, Edited by Terence Cuneo: Cambridge University Press, 2010. VIII + 314 pp. £50.00 & 'Practices of Belief: Selected Essays, Volume 2' By Nicholas Wolterstorff, Edited by Terence Cuneo: Cambridge University Press, 2010. X + 436 pp. £50.00Forrest, Peter 28-Feb-2013
412010Mereotopology without MereologyForrest, Peter 14-May-2010
422010Can a Soufflé Rise Twice? Van Inwagen's Irresponsible Time-TravelersForrest, Peter 17-Sep-2010
432010The Identity of IndiscerniblesForrest, Peter 12-Nov-2010
442010Armstrong, D. M.Forrest, Peter 7-Dec-2010
452010Materialism, AustralianForrest, Peter 7-Dec-2010
462010Spinozistic Pantheism, the Environment and ChristianityForrest, Peter 16-May-2011
472009Vectors on Curved SpaceForrest, Peter 9-Mar-2010
482009Why Richard Swinburne Won't 'Rot in Hell': A Defense of Tough-minded TheodicyForrest, Peter 10-Mar-2010
492009Music, Geometry, and the Listener: Space in The History of Western Philosophy and Western Classical MusicBuck, Mary; Forrest, Peter ; Walsh, Adrian 17-Oct-2011
502009The Philosophical Scandal of the Wrong Kind of Religious DisagreementForrest, Peter 30-Mar-2010

Credit Name
Peter Forrest
Full Name
Forrest, Peter
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of HASS and Education
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Given Name
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School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
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