Kathleen Shorter
Fields of Research (FoR 2020)
- 14 420701 Biomechanics
- 12 420702 Exercise physiology
- 4 300302 Animal management
- 4 460102 Applications in health
- 3 310911 Animal structure and function
- 3 4207 Sports science and exercise
- 3 420799 Sports science and exercise not elsewhere classified
- 2 300902 Veterinary anatomy and physiology
- 1 300305 Animal reproduction and breeding
- 1 300704 Forest health and pathology
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2020)
- 12 130602 Organised sports
- 4 109902 Animal welfare
- 3 200408 Injury prevention and control
- 3 280103 Expanding knowledge in the biomedical and clinical science
- 2 280112 Expanding knowledge in the health sciences
- 2 280114 Expanding knowledge in Indigenous studies
- 1 100406 Horses
- 1 109999 Other animal production and animal primary products not elsewhere classified
- 1 130602
- 1 189999 Other environmental management not elsewhere classified
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Fields of Research (FoR 2008)
- 12 110601 Biomechanics
- 8 110699 Human Movement and Sports Science not elsewhere classified
- 4 070203 Animal Management
- 3 060807 Animal Structure and Function
- 3 110602 Exercise Physiology
- 3 110604 Sports Medicine
- 2 010299 Applied Mathematics not elsewhere classified
- 2 070702 Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology
- 1 070199 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management not elsewhere classified
- 1 070201 Animal Breeding
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2008)
- 6 970111 Expanding Knowledge in the Medical and Health Sciences
- 5 950102 Organised Sports
- 4 839901 Animal Welfare
- 4 970101 Expanding Knowledge in the Mathematical Sciences
- 1 830306 Horses
- 1 839999 Animal Production and Animal Primary Products not elsewhere classified
- 1 860902 Veterinary Diagnostics
- 1 920102 Cancer and Related Disorders
- 1 929999 Health not elsewhere classified
- 1 960604 Environmental Management Systems
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Publication Date
Results 1-30 of 30 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).
Credit Name
Kathleen Shorter
Full Name
Shorter, Kathleen
Shorter, Kathleen A
Shorter, Kath
Shorter, K
Shorter, Kath
Shorter, K
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Senior Lecturer - Exercise and Sport Science (Biomechanics)
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of S&T - Exercise and Sports Science
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law

Given Name
Middle Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Science and Technology