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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1Feb-2025A comparison of Fulltrack AI application as an alternative to radar gun measured cricket ball delivery speedShorter, Kathleen A ; Tissera, Kevin; Huynh, Minh; Benson, Amanda C5-Oct-2024
217-Jun-2024A Novel Method for Detecting and Monitoring Multidirectional Running in Rugby League RefereesHandley, Caleb ; Cummins, Cloe ; Jones, Ben ; Shorter, Kath 20-Jun-2024
35-May-2024Reliability and validity of Fulltrack AI App to measure cricket ball speed under training conditionsShorter, Kathleen ; Tissera, Kevin; Huynh, Minh; Benson, Amanda23-Nov-2024
42024Reliability and validity of the fulltrack AI application to determine cricket bowling line and length compared to 3D motion captureTissera, Kevin; Shorter, Kathleen A ; Huynh, Minh; Benson, Amanda C3-Aug-2024
59-Jul-2022Modelling Human Gait using a Nonlinear Differential EquationSchmalz, Jelena ; Paul, David ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Schmalz, Xenia; Cooper, Matthew ; Murphy, Aron11-Oct-2023
629-Jun-2021Women's Rugby League: Positional Groups and Peak Locomotor DemandsCummins, Cloe ; Charlton, Glen ; Paul, David ; Shorter, Kath ; Buxton, Simon; Caia, Johnpaul; Murphy, Aron 18-Oct-2021
7May-2021Womens rugby league: positional groups and peak locomotor demandsCummins, Cloe ; Charlton, Glen ; Paul, David ; Shorter, Kath ; Buxton, Simon; Caia, JohnPaul; Murphy, Aron 25-Jul-2022
812-Apr-2020A Radiographic Technique for Assessment of Morphologic Variations of the Equine Caudal Cervical SpineGee, Christine; Small, Alison; Shorter, Kathleen ; Brown, Wendy Y 23-Oct-2020
9Oct-2019The physical demands of women's rugby league during a three-day national championshipsMelinz, J ; Shorter, K ; Murphy, A ; Cummins, C 26-Jul-2022
10Jun-2019Training load prior to injury in professional rugby league players: Insights from machine learningCummins, Cloe ; Welch, Mitchell ; Charlton, Glen ; Inkster, Brendan; Shorter, Kathleen ; Jones, Ben ; Murphy, Aron 26-Jul-2022
11Jun-2019Ground force kinetic adaptations associated with canine bootsShorter, Kathleen ; Brown, Wendy 11-Oct-2019
122019Changes in unilateral upper limb muscular strength and Electromyographic activity following a 16-week strength training intervention in survivors of breast cancerHagstrom, Amanda D ; Shorter, Kathleen A ; Marshall, Paul W M 13-May-2019
132019Do lethal trap devices threaten foot-hold trap capture efficacy?Meek, Paul D ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Falzon, Greg 8-Apr-2019
14Dec-2018Energetic Demands of Interchange and Full-Match Rugby League PlayersCummins, Cloe J ; Gray, Adrian J ; Shorter, Kathleen A ; Halaki, Mark; Orr, Rhonda18-Mar-2019
15Nov-2018The association between external workloads and injury risk in professional rugby league playersCummins, C ; Welch, M ; King, D ; Shorter, K ; Murphy, A 26-Jul-2022
165-Jun-2018Creatine kinase, neuromuscular fatigue, and the contact codes of football: A systematic review and meta-analysis of pre- and post-match differencesHagstrom, Amanda D ; Shorter, Kathleen A 8-Apr-2019
172018A Novel Non-Invasive Selection Criterion for the Preservation of Primitive Dutch Konik HorsesMay-Davis, Sharon; Brown, Wendy ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Vermeulen, Zefanja; Butler, Raquel; Koekkoek, Marianne13-Apr-2018
182018Modelling Movement Energetics Using Global Positioning System Devices in Contact Team Sports: Limitations and SolutionsGray, Adrian ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Cummins, Cloe ; Murphy, Aron ; Waldron, Mark 4-Jun-2018
192018Upper Body Kinematic Analysis of the Paddling Stroke in Female Recreational Stand-up Paddle BoardersBancks, Megan; Cummins, Cloe ; Shorter, Kathleen 3-Jun-2019
202018Ground force kinetic adaptations associated with canine bootsLawman, Caleb; Shorter, Kathleen ; Brown, Wendy 3-Jun-2019
212017Variability of Kinetic and Kinematic Variables Associated with Canine Gait: A preliminary InvestigationShorter, Kathleen ; Lawman, Caleb; Brown, Wendy 3-Jun-2019
222016Energetic and Metabolic Power Demands of National Rugby League Match-PlayCummins, Cloe ; Gray, Adrian ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Halaki, M; Orr, R14-Mar-2017
23May-2015Energetic And Metabolic Power Demands Of Australian National Rugby League match playCummins, Cloe ; Gray, Adrian ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Halaki, Mark; Orr, Rhonda26-Jul-2022
242015Running-Intensity Fluctuations in Elite Rugby Sevens PerformanceFurlan, Nicola ; Waldron, Mark ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Gabbett, Timothy J; Mitchell, John; Fitzgerald, Edward; Osborne, Mark A; Gray, Adrian 28-Sep-2015
252015Energetic and metabolic power demands of interchange and full-match players within National Rugby League match-playCummins, Cloe ; Gray, Adrian ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Halaki, Mark; Orr, Rhonda24-May-2017
262015Metabolic power and energetic costs of elite Rugby League match-playCummins, Cloe ; Gray, Adrian ; Shorter, Kathleen ; Halaki, Mark; Orr, Rhonda24-May-2017
272013Comparison of Two Methods for Calculating 3-Dimensional Ball Spin, and its Application to Soccer KickingShorter, Kathleen ; Smith, Neal24-May-2017
282013Evaluation of a Multiple Calibration Procedure for Scapula ReconstructionShorter, Kathleen ; Smith, Neal; Lauder, Mike31-May-2017
292012A Comparison of Ballistic and Nonballistic Lower-Body Resistance Exercise and the Methods Used to Identify Their Positive Lifting PhasesLake, Jason; Lauder, Mike; Smith, Neal; Shorter, Kathleen 31-Oct-2012
302012Wearing Knee Wraps Affects Mechanical Output and Performance Characteristics of Back Squat ExerciseLake, Jason P; Carden, Patrick J C; Shorter, Kathleen 31-Oct-2012

Credit Name
Kathleen Shorter
Full Name
Shorter, Kathleen
Shorter, Kathleen A
Shorter, Kath
Shorter, K
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Senior Lecturer - Exercise and Sport Science (Biomechanics)
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of S&T - Exercise and Sports Science
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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School of Science and Technology
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