Brinkhoff, James
Fields of Research (FoR 2020)
- 14 300206 Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling
- 10 401304 Photogrammetry and remote sensing
- 8 300403 Agronomy
- 8 300802 Horticultural crop growth and development
- 4 300407 Crop and pasture nutrition
- 3 300207 Agricultural systems analysis and modelling
- 3 300899 Horticultural production not elsewhere classified
- 2 300201 Agricultural hydrology
- 2 490511 Time series and spatial modelling
- 1 300410 Crop and pasture waste water use
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2020)
- 11 260308 Rice
- 4 260507 Macadamias
- 4 280101 Expanding knowledge in the agricultural, food and veterinary sciences
- 3 260513 Stone fruit (excl. avocado)
- 3 260516 Tropical fruit
- 3 260602 Cotton
- 2 260599 Horticultural crops not elsewhere classified
- 2 280111 Expanding knowledge in the environmental sciences
- 1 140102 Command, control and communications
- 1 180308 Surface water quantification, allocation and impact of depletion
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Fields of Research (FoR 2008)
- 4 070302 Agronomy
- 2 070104 Agricultural Spatial Analysis and Modelling
- 2 070699 Horticultural Production not elsewhere classified
- 1 070107 Farming Systems Research
- 1 070199 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management not elsewhere classified
- 1 070306 Crop and Pasture Nutrition
- 1 080503 Networking and Communications
Publication Date
Results 1-35 of 35 (Search time: 0.023 seconds).
Full Name
Brinkhoff, James
Brinkhoff, J
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Associate Professor (Research)
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of S&T - Physics and Electronics
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law

Given Name
School of Science and Technology