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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12013Cost effectiveness in site selection to protect native plant communities from the weed, bitou bush, in New South Wales, AustraliaSinden, John A ; Downey, Paul; Cacho, Oscar J ; Hester, Susan 3-Apr-2014
22012Estimating the cost of protecting groundcover on privately managed properties in the Australian rangelands: the case of the West 2000 Plus Enterprise-Based Conservation schemeMoss, Jonathan ; Sinden, Jack A ; Stayner, Richard 25-Jun-2012
32009The economic impacts of vertebrate pests in AustraliaGong, Wendy ; Sinden, Jack A ; Braysher, Mike; Jones, Randall2-Aug-2010
425-Jan-2008Valuing the biodiversity gains from protecting native plant communities from bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp rotundata (DC.) T.Norl.) in New South Wales: application of the defensive expenditure methodSinden, J A ; Downey, Paul O; Hester, Susan M ; Cacho, Oscar 29-Jul-2021
52008Economic evaluation of the NSW Bitou Bush Threat Abatement PlanHester, Susan ; Sinden, Jack A 12-May-2010
62008Economic evaluation of the management of bitou bush ('chrysanthemoides monilifera' subsp. 'rotundata'(DC.) T.Norl.) to conserve native plant communitites in New South WalesSinden, Jack Alfred ; Downey, Paul; Hester, Susan ; Cacho, Oscar Jose 16-Nov-2009
72008Bioeconomic modeling for control of weeds in natural environmentsCacho, Oscar Jose ; Wise, Russell Montgomery; Hester, Susan ; Sinden, Jack Alfred 2-Dec-2009
82007Developing a Good Regulatory Practice Model for Environmental Regulations Impacting on FarmersMartin, Paul Vincent ; Bartel, Robyn ; Sinden, Jack Alfred ; Gunningham, N; Hannam, Ian 18-Aug-2009
92007Combining economic and ecological arguments to value the environmental gains from control of 35 weeds in AustraliaSinden, Jack Alfred ; Griffith, Garry9-Dec-2009
102006A travel cost analysis of the value of special events: Gemfest in Central QueenslandPrayaga, Prabha; Rolfe, John; Sinden, Jack Alfred 17-Feb-2010
112006The importance of seasonal variability and tactical responses to risk on estimating the economic benefits of integrated weed managementJones, Randall; Cacho, Oscar Jose ; Sinden, Jack Alfred 27-Nov-2009
122005The Economic Impact of Weeds in AustraliaSinden, JA ; Jones, R; Hester, S ; Odom, Doreen; Kalisch, Cheryl ; James, R; Cacho, Oscar J ; Griffith, G13-May-2008
132005The Impact and Opportunity Cost of Native Vegetation Regulations: Ten Facts & One QuestionSinden, Jack Alfred 17-Dec-2009
142005Economic issues in the management of plants invading natural environments: Scotch broom in Barrington Tops National ParkOdom, Doreen; Sinden, Jack Alfred ; Cacho, Oscar Jose ; Griffith, G R1-Dec-2009
152005Conservation of native woodland by farmers in Moree Plains Shire, New South WalesSinden, Jack Alfred 14-Dec-2009
162004The Economic Impact of Weeds in Australia: Report to the CRC for Australian Weed ManagementSinden, JA ; Jones, R; Hester, S ; Odom, D; Kalisch, C; James, R; Cacho, OJ 24-Sep-2008
172004Do the public gains from vegetation protection in North-western New South Wales exceed the landholders loss of land value?Sinden, JA 6-May-2008
182004Estimating the opportunity costs of biodiversity protection in the Brigalow Belt, New South WalesSinden, Jack Alfred 6-Nov-2009
192004Valuation of the cost of a weed incursion in a natural environment: a simulation approachHester, Susan ; Sinden, Jack Alfred ; Cacho, Oscar Jose 25-Oct-2012
202004Benefit cost analysis for weed risk assessment in natural environments: full analysis, partial analysis or rules of thumb?Odom, Doreen; Sinden, Jack Alfred 25-Oct-2012
212004The economic impact of weeds in Australian agricultureSinden, Jack Alfred ; Jones, R; Hester, Susan ; Odom, Doreen; Kalisch, Cheryl; James, R; Cacho, Oscar Jose 25-Oct-2012
222003Policies for the management of weeds in natural ecosystems: the case of scotch broom ('Cytisus scoparius', L.) in an Australian national parkOdom, D; Cacho, OJ ; Sinden, JA ; Griffith, GR2-May-2008
232003Editorial - Decision rules, government rules, and the costs of vegetation protection in New South WalesSinden, JA 18-Jul-2008
242003Using aerial mapping to analyse factors affecting the spread of Scotch broomOdom, Doreen; Griffith, G R; Schroder, Mellesa; Sinden, Jack Alfred 15-Dec-2009
251998An Economic Assessment of Management Programs for Land Degradation on a Regional, Farm and Paddock BasisWalpole, Sandra Christine; Sinden, John ; Duggin, John 7-Dec-2010

Credit Name
A/Prof John Sinden
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Sinden, John A
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UNE Business School
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