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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1Dec-2024The Impact of Cancer Status on Anxiety in Prostate Cancer Patients: A Network AnalysisSharpley, Christopher F ; Vessey, Kirstan ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Arnold, Wayne M ; Christie, David R H 25-Jan-2025
2Mar-2023Network analysis of depression in prostate cancer patients: Implications for assessment and treatmentSharpley, Christopher F ; Christie, David R H ; Arnold, Wayne M ; Bitsika, Vicki 21-Aug-2023
312-Jul-2022Which Aspects of Psychological Resilience Moderate the Association between Deterioration in Sleep and Depression in Patients with Prostate Cancer?Sharpley, Christopher F ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki 13-Jun-2023
41-Mar-2021Deterioration in Sleep Quality Affects Cognitive Depression in Prostate Cancer PatientsSharpley, Christopher F ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki 3-Nov-2021
5Mar-2021A prospective study of the effect of testosterone escape on preradiotherapy prostate-specific antigen kinetics in prostate cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapyChristie, David R H ; Mitina, Nataliaa; Sharpley, Christopher F 8-Nov-2021
68-Jan-2021The association between fatigue and depression in prostate cancer patients is influenced by psychological resilienceSharpley, Christopher F ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki 3-Nov-2021
7Jan-2021'Steeling' Effects in the Association between Psychological Resilience and Cancer Treatment in Prostate Cancer patientsSharpley, Christopher F ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki 3-Nov-2021
8Oct-2020Depression and prostate cancer: implications for urologists and oncologistsSharpley, Christopher F ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki 4-Nov-2021
9Jun-2020How accurately can multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging measure the tumour volume of a prostate cancer? Results of a systematic reviewChristie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher F 25-Nov-2020
10Apr-2020Is prospective MRI mapping of the changes in the volume of the prostate gland in prostate cancer patients undergoing 6 months of neo-adjuvant androgen deprivation therapy a step towards a trial to determine those who may benefit from treatment intensification or extended duration?Christie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher F ; Mitina, Natalia; MacAteer, Eamonn; Jackson, James E; Lunn, Dominic7-Dec-2020
112020A systematic review of the effects of hormone therapy on urinary symptoms in mean with prostate cancerChristie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher F 4-Nov-2021
122020The effect of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer on lower urinary tract symptoms: Could they be affected by prostate gland volume reduction?Christie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher F 9-Nov-2021
131-Sep-2019A systematic review of the accuracy of the digital rectal examination as a method of measuring prostate gland volumeChristie, David R H ; Windsor, Jane; Sharpley, Christopher F 30-Mar-2020
142019How Accurately Can Prostate Gland Imaging Measure the Prostate Gland Volume? Results of a Systematic ReviewChristie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher F 28-Feb-2020
151-Sep-2018“The Worst Thing Was...”: Prostate Cancer Patients’ Evaluations of Their Diagnosis and Treatment ExperiencesSharpley, Christopher F ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 15-Apr-2019
16Sep-2018Comparing a genetic and a psychological factor as correlates of anxiety, depression, and chronic stress in men with prostate cancerSharpley, Christopher F ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Andronicos, Nicholas M ; Agnew, Linda L ; Richards, Timothy M; McMillan, Mary E 8-Apr-2019
17Mar-2018Associations between reduced telomere length, depressed mood, anhedonia, and irritability in prostate cancer patients: Further evidence for the presence of "male depression"?Sharpley, Christopher F ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Agnew, Linda L ; Andronicos, Nicholas M ; McMillan, Mary E 10-Apr-2019
182017Measuring personal and functional changes in prostate cancer survivors: development and validation of the FADE data from the TROG 03.04 RADAR trialBitsika, Vicki ; Sharpley, Christopher ; Christie, David ; Bradford, Rosemary; Steigler, Allison; Denham, James W26-Sep-2017
192017Psychological resilience aspects that mediate the depressive effects of urinary incontinence in prostate cancer survivors 10 years after treatment with radiation and hormone ablationSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David ; Bradford, Rosemary; Steigler, Allison; Denham, James W12-Sep-2017
202017The use of salivary cortisol as an index of chronic stress that correlates with depression in prostate cancer patientsSharpley, Christopher ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Agnew, Linda ; Andronicos, Nicholas ; McMillan, Mary ; Richards, Timothy M20-Apr-2018
212017Using cluster analysis of anxiety-depression to identify subgroups of prostate cancer patients for targeted treatment planningSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Warren, Amelia K; Christie, David R H 20-Apr-2018
222017Total depression and subtypes in prostate cancer survivors 10 years after treatmentSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David ; Bradford, Rosie; Steigler, Alison; Denham, James27-Apr-2018
232017Evidence of depression-associated circadian rhythym disruption and regret in prostate cancer patients after surgeryChristie, Joanne; Sharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David 27-Apr-2018
242017Does psychological resilience buffer against the link between the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and depression following stress?Sharpley, Christopher ; Christie, David ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Agnew, Linda ; Andronicos, Nicholas ; McMillan, Mary 10-May-2018
252016Variability in Depressive Symptoms of Cognitive Deficit and Cognitive Bias During the First 2 Years After Diagnosis in Australian Men With Prostate CancerSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 27-Mar-2017
262016Factor structure of a combined measure of major depressive disorder and male depression in prostate cancer patientsSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 27-Mar-2017
272015Why do patients regret their prostate cancer treatment? A systematic review of regret after teratment for localised prostate cancerChristie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki 17-Nov-2015
282015The relative influence of patients' self-reported depressive symptoms of cognitive deficit and cognitive bias on total depression in prostate cancer patients: implications for psychotherapy interventionsSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 17-Nov-2015
292014Researching Depression in Prostate Cancer Patients: Factors, Timing, and MeasuresSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H ; Denham, James W; Duchesne, Gillian M; Couper, Jeremy W13-Jul-2017
302014The Hot Flush Beliefs and Behaviour Scale for Men (HFBBS-Men) undergoing treatment for prostate cancerHunter, M S; Sharpley, Christopher ; Stefanopoulou, E; Yousaf, O; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 17-Nov-2015
312014Ways forward for treating depressed patients with cancerSharpley, Christopher ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki 15-Oct-2014
322014Prostate cancer: Depression and prostate cancer - why do they show up together?Christie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher 2-Dec-2014
332014The effects of low- and high-dose-rate brachytherapy on depressive symptoms in prostate cancer patientsSharpley, Christopher ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Oar, Andrew J17-Dec-2014
342014Does resilience 'buffer' against depression in prostate cancer patients? A multi-site replication studySharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Wooten, A C; Christie, David R H 15-Oct-2014
352014Do hormone treatments for prostate cancer cause anxiety and depression?Sharpley, Christopher ; Christie, David R H ; Bitsika, Vicki 15-Oct-2014
362014Measuring Individual Burden of Illness for Depression among prostate cancer patientsSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 15-Oct-2014
372014Predictors of Depression in Prostate Cancer Patients: A Comparison of Psychological Resilience Versus Pre-Existing Anxiety and DepressionSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Wootten, Addie; Christie, David R H 15-Oct-2014
382014Diagnosing 'Male Depression' in prostate cancer patients: The next step in translational psycho-oncology interventions?Sharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 15-Oct-2014
392014The successful contribution by the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group to intergroup radiation oncology trials (2010-2012) and a proposal for accrual definitionsChristie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher 30-Oct-2014
402014Differences in major depressive disorder and generalised anxiety disorder symptomatology between prostate cancer patients receiving hormone therapy and those who are notSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Wootten, Addie; Christie, David R H 16-Dec-2014
412013Do prostate cancer patients suffer more from depressed mood or anhedonia?Sharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 23-Jul-2013
422013Incidence, Structure and Interrelationships of Subsyndromal Depression Symptomatology in Prostate Cancer PatientsSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 22-Aug-2013
432013Variability Over Time-Since-Diagnosis in the Protective Effect of Psychological Resilience Against Depression in Australian Prostate Cancer Patients: Implications for Patient Treatment ModelsSharpley, Christopher ; Wootten, Addie; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 26-Aug-2013
442013Are Somatic Symptoms a Legitimate Part of the Depression Profile in Prostate Cancer Patients?Sharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 27-Nov-2013
452013How does psychological resilience "buffer" against depression in prostate cancer patients following diagnosis?Wooten, Addie; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher 3-Feb-2014
462013The incidence and causes of different subtypes of depression in prostate cancer patients: implications for cancer careSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 4-Feb-2014
472013Do hormone treatments cause anxiety and depression among prostate cancer patients?Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H ; Sharpley, Christopher 3-Feb-2014
482012Do Patient-Reported Androgen-Deprivation Therapy Side Effects Predict Anxiety and Depression Among Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy? Implications for Psychosocial Therapy InterventionsSharpley, Chris ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 7-Nov-2012
492012How prostate cancer patients cope: evaluation and refinement of the Prostate Cancer Patients' Coping Strategies QuestionnaireSharpley, Chris ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 2-Nov-2012
502011Understanding the Functionality of Depression Among Australian Breast Cancer Patients: Implications for Cognitive and Behavioural InterventionsSharpley, Christopher ; Bitsika, Vicki ; Christie, David R H 13-Jul-2017

Credit Name
David Christie
Full Name
Christie, David
Christie, David R H
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Clinical Professor
Web of Science profile key
School of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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School of Science and Technology
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