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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
18-Nov-2024Exploring the Relationship Between Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Data and Fruit Count for Predicting Mango Yield at Multiple ScalesTorgbor, Benjamin Adjah ; Sinha, Priyakant ; Rahman, Muhammad Moshiur ; Robson, Andrew ; Brinkhoff, James ; Suarez, Luz Angelica 12-Nov-2024
28-Mar-2024Integrating Remote Sensing and Weather Variables for Yield Forecasting of Horticultural Tree Crops – A Case Study of Mango in Ghana and AustraliaTorgbor, Adjah Benjamin; Brinkhoff, James ; Rahman, Muhammad Moshiur ; Robson, Andrew ; Sinha, Priyakant 30-May-2024
39-Oct-2023The Effects of Burrow Nesting Seabirds on Soils and Vegetation on Broughton Island, New South WalesGarrard, Mary ; Sindel, Brian Mark ; Sinha, Priyakant ; Wilson, Brian 7-Nov-2023
42-Jun-2023Integrating Remote Sensing and Weather Variables for Mango Yield Prediction Using a Machine Learning ApproachTorgbor, Benjamin Adjah; Rahman, Muhammad Moshiur ; Brinkhoff, James ; Sinha, Priyakant ; Robson, Andrew 7-Jul-2023
515-Feb-2023The effects of burrow nesting seabirds on soil and vegetation on Broughton Island, New South Wales - DatasetGarrard, Mary ; Wilson, Brian ; Sinha, Priyakant 7-Nov-2023
614-Feb-2023Assessing the impacts of climate change on climate/land suitability for tea crop [Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze] and the quality of young tea leaves in Sri LankaJayasinghe, Sadeeka Layomi; Sinha, Priyakant ; Khan, Muhammad-Azeem 11-Aug-2023
72023Integrating Remote Sensing and Weather Variables for Yield Forecasting of Horticultural Tree Crops – A Case Study of Mango in Ghana and Australia - DatasetRobson, Andrew ; Brinkhoff, James ; Sinha, Priyakant ; Rahman, Muhammad ; Torgbor, Adjah Benjamin13-Sep-2024
826-Jun-2022Assessing the impacts of climate change on climate/land suitability and the quality of tea [Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze] in Sri LankaJayasinghe, Layomi Sadeeka; Kumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant ; Hasan, Md Kamrul ; Kaliyadasa, Ewon12-Sep-2024
93-Feb-2022Climate Change and its Impacts on Agriculture in BhutanChhogyel, Ngawang; Sinha, Priyakant ; Khan, Muhammad-Azeem ; Bajgai, Yadunath22-Nov-2023
102022Airborne LiDAR and high resolution multispectral data integration in Eucalyptus tree species mapping in an Australian farmscapeVerma, Niva Kiran ; Lamb, David W ; Sinha, Priyakant 2-Oct-2020
112022Improving canola harvest management decisions with remote sensingDunn, Mathew; Hart, Josh; Sinha, Priyakant 2-Jul-2024
1227-Aug-2021Estimation of Fruit Load in Australian Mango Orchards Using Machine VisionAnderson, Nicholas Todd; Walsh, Kerry Brian; Koirala, Anand; Wang, Zhenglin; Amaral, Marcelo Henrique; Dickinson, Geoff Robert; Sinha, Priyakant ; Robson, Andrew James 28-Jul-2023
13Sep-2020The potential of in-situ hyperspectral remote sensing for differentiating 12 banana genotypes grown in UgandaSinha, Priyakant ; Robson, Andrew ; Schneider, Derek ; Kilic, Talip; Mugera, Harriet Kasidi; Ilukor, John; Tindamanyire, Jimmy Moses2-Oct-2020
1426-Nov-2018Mapping Long Term Changes in Mangrove Cover and Predictions of Future Change Under Different Climate Change Scenarios in the Sundarbans, BangladeshGhosh, Manoj Kumer; Kumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant 25-Mar-2021
1514-Aug-2018Investigating landslide triggering rainfall and susceptibility modelling in northern PhilippinesJavier, Dymphna; Kumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant 29-Jul-2019
162018An assessment of the potential of remote sensing based irrigation scheduling for sugarcane in AustraliaSinha, Priyakant ; Lamb, David W ; Robson, Andrew 28-Jul-2023
172018Soil salinity and vegetation cover change detection from multi-temporal remotely sensed imagery in Al Hassa Oasis in Saudi ArabiaAllbed, Amal; Kumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant 23-May-2018
182018Identifying conservation priorities for threatened Eastern Himalayan mammalsDorji, Sangay; Rajaratnam, Rajanathan ; Falconi, Lorena; Williams, Stephen E; Sinha, Priyakant ; Vernes, Karl 27-Nov-2018
192017Setting Conservation and Research Priorities for Threatened Mammals of the Eastern HimalayasDorji, Sangay; Vernes, Karl ; Rajaratnam, Rajanathan ; Sinha, Priyakant 10-Jun-2022
2016-Aug-2016Urban Built-up Area Extraction and Change Detection of Adama Municipal Area using Time-Series Landsat ImagesSinha, Priyakant ; Verma, Niva Kiran ; Ayele, Eskindir2-Oct-2020
212016Characterization, Mapping, and Monitoring of Rangelands: Methods and ApproachesKumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant ; Brown, Jesslyn F; Ramsey, R Douglas; Rigge, Matthew; Stam, Carson A; Hernandez, Alexander J; Hunt, E Raymond; Reeves, Matthew C10-Feb-2016
222016Rank-Based Methods for Selection of Landscape Metrics for Land Cover Pattern Change DetectionSinha, Priyakant ; Kumar, Lalit ; Reid, Nick 18-Feb-2016
232016Urban Land Cover Change Modelling Using Time-Series Satellite Images: A Case Study of Urban Growth in Five Cities of Saudi ArabiaAlqurashi, Abdullah; Kumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant 17-Feb-2017
242015Review of the use of remote sensing for biomass estimation to support renewable energy generationKumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant ; Taylor, Subhashni ; Alqurashi, Abdullah23-Jun-2015
252014Mapping and Modelling Spatial Variation in Soil Salinity in the Al Hassa Oasis Based on Remote Sensing Indicators and Regression TechniquesAllbed, Amal; Kumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant 12-Mar-2014
262014Time-series effective habitat area (EHA) modeling using cost-benefit raster based techniqueSinha, Priyakant ; Kumar, Lalit ; Drielsma, Michael ; Barrett, Tom 12-Mar-2014
272014Improving image classification in a complex wetland ecosystem through image fusion techniquesKumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant ; Taylor, Subhashni 9-Sep-2014
282014Mapping salt-marsh land cover vegetation using high-spatial and hyper-spectral satellite data to assist wetland inventoryKumar, Lalit ; Sinha, Priyakant 31-Oct-2014
292013Independent two-step thresholding of binary images in inter-annual land cover change/no-change identificationSinha, Priyakant ; Kumar, Lalit 26-Jul-2013
302013Markov Land Cover Change Modeling Using Pairs of Time-Series Satellite ImagesSinha, Priyakant ; Kumar, Lalit 23-Dec-2013
312013GIS and Remote Sensing based land cover change detection, prediction modeling and assessment of change on biodiversity using time-series dataSinha, Priyakant ; Kumar, Lalit ; Reid, Nick13-Nov-2013

Credit Name
Priyakant Sinha
Full Name
Sinha, Priyakant
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Lecturer in Spatial Science
Web of Science profile key
School of Environmental and Rural Science
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
Ecosystem Management, School of Environmental and Rural Science
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