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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1May-2025Adding non-floral resources increases wild insect abundance but not yield in Australian hybrid carrot cropsDawson, Blake M ; Johnston, Nikolas P; Cerato, Stephanie; Rowbottom, Raylea; Spurr, Cameron; Davis, Abby ; Rader, Romina 1-Feb-2025
2Feb-2025Effect of insect exclusion and microbial perturbation on piglet mass loss and total body scoreMcIntyre, Donna B; Long, Benjamin M; Dawson, Blake M ; Barton, Philip S1-Feb-2025
3Apr-2024Drastic changes in ground-dwelling beetle communities following high-intensity deer culling: insights from an island ecosystemDawson, Blake M ; Evans, Maldwyn J; Barton, Philip S; Soga, Masashi; Tochigi, Kahoko; Koike, Shinsuke22-May-2024
4Mar-2024Bridging the gap between decomposition theory and forensic research on postmortem intervalDawson, Blake M ; Ueland, Maiken; Carter, David O; Mclntyre, Donna; Barton, Philip S22-May-2024
52024A review of multi-disciplinary decomposition research and key drivers of variation in decayMcIntyre, Donna B; Dawson, Blake M ; Long, Benjamin M; Barton, Philip S22-Jun-2024
62024Protective covers impact honey bee colony performance and access to outside resourcesSonter, Carolyn A ; Jones, Jeremy ; Dawson, Blake M ; Reid, Jared N; C B S Santos, Karen ; Fuller, Steve; Tighe, Matthew ; Wilson, Susan C ; Rader, Romina 22-Jun-2024
7Mar-2023The blowfy Chrysomya latifrons inhabits fragmented rainforests, but shows no population structureButterworth, Nathan J; Wallman, James F; Johnston, Nikolas P; Dawson, Blake M ; Sharp-Heward, Joshua; McGaughran, Angela22-May-2024
8Sep-2022How does mass loss compare with total body score when assessing decomposition of human and pig cadavers?Dawson, Blake M ; Wallman, James F; Barton, Philip S22-May-2024
9May-2022Priority efects and density promote coexistence between the facultative predator Chrysomya ruffacies and its competitor Calliphora stygiaDawson, Blake M ; Wallman, James F; Evans, Maldwyn J; Butterworth, Nathan J; Barton, Philip S22-May-2024
10Apr-2022Insect abundance patterns on vertebrate remains reveal carrion resource quality variationDawson, Blake M ; Wallman, James F; Evans, Maldwyn J; Barton, Philip S22-May-2024
11Nov-2021Is Resource Change a Useful Predictor of Carrion Insect Succession on Pigs and Humans?Dawson, Blake M ; Wallman, James F; Evans, Maldwyn J; Barton, Philip S22-May-2024
12Nov-2021Field succession studies and casework can help to identify forensically useful DipteraDawson, Blake M ; Barton, Philip S; Wallman, James F22-May-2024
13Aug-2021Temperature dynamics in different body regions of decomposing vertebrate remainsBarton, Philip S; Dawson, Blake M ; Barton, Andrew F; Joshua, Sergio; Wallman, James F22-May-2024
14Dec-2020Soil chemical markers distinguishing human and pig decomposition islands: a preliminary studyBarton, Philip S; Reboldi, Anna; Dawson, Blake M ; Ueland, Maiken; Strong, Craig; Wallman, James F22-May-2024
15Nov-2020Contrasting insect activity and decomposition of pigs and humans in an Australian environment: A preliminary studyDawson, Blake M ; Barton, Philip S; Wallman, James F22-May-2024

Full Name
Dawson, Blake
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Crop Pollination by Flies
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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Given Name
School of Environmental & Rural Science
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