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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12024Effects of Feeding Recycled Food Waste-Based Diets on Gut Health, Nutrient Digestibility, and Bone Quality in Laying HensDao, Thi Hiep ; Sharma, Nishchal K ; Kim, Eunjoo ; Barekatain, Reza ; Swick, Robert A ; Moss, Amy F 15-May-2024
22024Holo-analysis of the effects of xylo-oligosaccharides on broiler chicken performanceMorgan, N K ; Kim, E ; González-Ortiz, G24-Aug-2024
3Oct-2022Exogenous emulsifiers and multi-enzyme combination improves growth performance of the young broiler chickens fed low energy diets containing vegetable oilWickramasuriya, Samiru Sudharaka; Priyan Macelline, Shemil; Kim, Eunjoo ; Kyun Shin, Taeg; Min Cho, Hyun; Jayasena, Dinesh D; Min Heo, Jung15-May-2024
4Sep-2022Ileal profile of non-starch polysaccharides and oligosaccharides in response to exogenous enzymes in broiler chickens offered wheat- or maize-based diets under subclinical necrotic enteritis challengeKim, Eunjoo ; Moss, Amy F ; Morgan, Natalie K ; Gharib Naseri, Kosar ; Ader, Peter; Choct, Mingan 28-Mar-2023
5Jun-2022The flow of non-starch polysaccharides along the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens fed either a wheat- or maize-based dietKim, Eunjoo ; Morgan, Natalie K ; Moss, Amy F ; Li, Lily; Ader, Peter; Choct, Mingan 11-May-2022
6May-2022Supplementation of live yeast culture modulates intestinal health, immune responses, and microbiota diversity in broiler chickensEunjoo, Kim ; Kyoung, Hyunjin; Koh, Nae Hyung; Lee, Hanbae; Lee, Seonmin; Kim, Yonghee; Park, Kyeong Il; Heo, Jung Min; Song, Minho18-Jun-2024
71-Mar-2022Exploring the undigestibles in broilers: enhancing gut health and performance through enzymesKim, Eunjoo ; Choct, Mingan ; Ader, Peter; Li, Lily ; Morgan, Natalie ; Moss, Amy 21-Nov-2023
8Mar-2022Characterisation of undigested components throughout the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens fed either a wheat- or maize-based dietKim, Eunjoo ; Morgan, Natalie K ; Moss, Amy F ; Li, Lily ; Ader, Peter; Choct, Mingan 13-Jan-2022
92022In vitro degradation of non-starch polysaccharide residues in the digesta of broilers offered wheat-soy or maize-soy diets by feed enzymesEunjoo, Kim ; Morgan, N K ; Moss, A F ; Solbak, A; Li, Li ; Ader, P; Choct, M 21-Jun-2024
102022Moderate dietary boron supplementation improved growth performance, crude protein digestibility and diarrhea index in weaner pigs regardless of the sanitary conditionMin Cho, Hyun; Priyan Macelline, Shemil; Sudharaka Wickramasuriya, Samiru; Kyun Shin, Taeg; Kim, Eunjoo ; Cheol Son, Hong; Min Heo, Jung29-Apr-2024
112022Non-starch polysaccharide-degrading enzymes may improve performance when included in wheat- but not maize-based diets fed to broiler chickens under subclinical necrotic enteritis challengeKim, Eunjoo ; Moss, Amy F ; Morgan, Natalie K ; Gharib Naseri, Kosar ; Ader, Peter; Choct, Mingan 24-Apr-2024
1226-Oct-2021Management of Gut Health via in Situ Production of Bioactive Compounds in Broiler ChickensKim, Eunjoo ; Morgan, Natalie ; Choct, Mingan ; Moss, Amy 21-Nov-2023
132021Supplementation of fibre-degrading enzymes to wheat- or maize-based diets offered to broiler chickens under necrotic enteritisKim, E ; Gharib Naseri, Kosar ; Morgan, N K ; Moss, A F ; Li, L ; Ader, P; Choct, M 11-Jul-2024
142021Growth and gut performance of young pigs in response to different dietary cellulose concentration and rearing conditionMin Cho, Hyun; Kim, Eunjoo ; Sudharaka Wickramasuriya, Samiru; Kyun Shin, Taeg; Min Heo, Jung19-Apr-2024
15Jun-2020Effect of calcium stearoyl-2 lactylate and lipase supplementation on growth performance, gut health, and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickensWickramasuriya, Samiru Sudharaka; Cho, Hyun Min; Macelline, Shemil Priyan; Kim, Eunjoo ; Shin, Taeg Kyun; Yi, Young Joo; Park, Seung Hwan; Lee, Kyung Bon; Heo, Jung Min15-Apr-2024
16Feb-2020Broilers fed a low protein diet supplemented with synthetic amino acids maintained growth performance and retained intestinal integrity while reducing nitrogen excretion when raised under poor sanitary conditionsMacelline, Shemil P; Wickramasuriya, Samiru S; Cho, Hyun Min; Kim, Eunjoo ; Shin, Taeg Kyun; Hong, Jun Seon; Kim, Jae Cheol; Pluske, John R; Choi, Ho Jun; Hong, Young Gi; Heo, Jung Min5-May-2024
172020Starch Digestion Along the Gastrointestinal Tract in Broiler Chickens Offered a Wheat- or Corn-Based DietKim, E ; Morgan, N K ; Moss, A F ; Troescher, A; Ader, P; Choct, M 13-Aug-2020
182020Estimating total lysine requirement for optimised egg production of broiler breeder hens during the early-laying periodKim, Eunjoo ; Sudharaka Wickramasuriya, Samiru; Kyun Shin, Taeg; Min Cho, Hyun; Bum Kim, Hyeun; Min Heo, Jung7-May-2024
192020Physiological impact on layer chickens fed corn distiller's dried grains with solubles naturally contaminated with deoxynivalenolWickramasuriya, Samiru Sudharaka; MacElline, Shemil Priyan; Kim, Eunjoo ; Cho, Hyun Min; Shin, Taeg Kyun; Yi, Young Joo; Jayasena, Dinesh D; Lee, Sung-Dae; Jung, Hyun Jung; Heo, Jung Min17-May-2024
201-Jun-2019Multi-Carbohydrase Addition Into a Corn-Soybean Meal Diet Containing Wheat and Wheat By Products to Improve Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility of Broiler ChickensWickramasuriya, Samiru S; Kim, Eunjoo ; Shin, Taeg Kyun; Cho, Hyun Min; Kim, Beomgyu; Patterson, Rob; Yi, Young-Joo; Park, Sungkwon; Balasubramanian, Balamuralikrishnan; Heo, Jung Min29-May-2024
212019Differential effects of dietary methionine isomers on broilers challenged with acute heat stressWickramasuriya, Samiru S; Kim, Eunjoo ; Cho, Hyun-Min; Shin, Taeg-Kyun.; Kim, Beomgyu; Lee, Mingyung; Seo, Seongwon; Heo, Jung-Min; Choi, Hojun16-Apr-2024
222019Bioaccumulation and toxicity studies of lead and mercury in laying hens: Effects on laying performance, blood metabolites, egg quality and organ parametersKim, Eunjoo ; Wickramasuriya, Samiru S; Shin, Taeg-Kyun; Cho, Hyun-Min; Macelline, Shemil P; Lee, Sung-Dae; Jung, Jung-Hyun; Heo, Jung-Min30-May-2024
232018Standard body weight and serum estradiol and progesterone concentrations in response to total lysine content in female broiler breeders from 14 to 42 days after hatchKim, E ; Rew, H J; Shin, T K; Cho, H M; Wickramasuriya, S S; Yi, Y J; Jeong, J; Choi, I; Heo, J M6-May-2024
242017Evaluation of dietary methionine requirement of male Korean native ducks for 3 weeks post-hatchingYoo, Jaehong; Yi, Young-Joo; Wickramasuriya, Samiru S; Kim, Eunjoo ; Shin, Taeg Kyun; Kim, Nu Ri; Heo, Jung Min30-May-2024
252017Reducing the dietary omega-6 to omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio attenuated inflammatory indices and sustained epithelial tight junction integrity in weaner pigs housed in a poor sanitation conditionShin, T K; Yi, Y J; Kim, J C; Pluske, J R; Cho, H M; Wickramasuriya, S S; Kim, E ; Lee, S M; Heo, J M30-May-2024
262017Evaluation of sulphur amino acid requirement of male Korean native ducklings from hatch to 21 day of ageYoo, J; Yi, Y J; Wickramasuriya, S S; Kim, E ; Shin, T K; Cho, H M; Kim, N; Heo, J M7-May-2024

Credit Name
Eunjoo Kim
Full Name
Eunjoo Kim
Kim, E
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Web of Science profile key
School of E&RS - Animal Science
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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Given Name
School of Environmental and Rural Science
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