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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
15-Feb-2022Design for Balance: Addressing Challenges of Safety, Privacy and Identity Management in Online and Hybridised Learning and Teaching SpacesWarburton, Steven ; Perry, Mark 15-May-2023
223-Jan-2022Design Patterns for Curriculum Renewal and Course reDesignWarburton, Steven ; Perry, Mark 29-May-2023
32022The Impact of social presence during COVID-19 and the implications for learning designAlian, Sanaz ; Parkes, Mitchell ; Warburton, Steven 10-Sep-2024
42022Emerging design solutions for hybridised learning spaces: addressing social practice, privacy and participationWarburton, Steven ; Mor, Yishay10-Sep-2024
5Nov-2021Back to the Future - ASCILITE '21. Proceedings ASCILITE 2021 in ArmidaleGregory, Sue ; Warburton, Steve ; Schier, Mark 28-Mar-2023
617-Dec-2020Design patterns for teaching in online settingsWarburton, Steven ; Perry, Mark 15-May-2023
72019A three tier model to promote the institutional adoption of learning analyticsWarburton, Steven ; Elgort, Irina; White, Derek4-Oct-2024
82019Visualising Learning Pathways in MOOCsLundqvist, Karsten Oster; Warburton, Steven 4-Oct-2024
92018Visualizing Learner Behaviour in MOOCs using Sankey DiagramsLundqvist, Karsten; Godinez, Michael; Warburton, Steven 4-Oct-2024

Full Name
Warburton, Steven
Warburton, Steve
UNE Researcher ID
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Given Name
Education Futures
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