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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12018Counting the Cost: A Critical Evaluation of the Australian National Broadband Network Roll-Out under the Rudd/Gillard GovernmentsValle de Souza, Simone ; Dollery, Brian E ; Kortt, Michael A 5-Jan-2018
22018An empirical analysis of mining costs and mining royalties in Queensland local governmentValle de Souza, Simone ; Dollery, Brian E ; Blackwell, Boyd 31-Jul-2018
32017A Critical Evaluation of Australian Mineral Resources Rent TaxValle de Souza, Simone ; Dollery, Brian E ; Kortt, Michael A 22-May-2017
42016A systematic review and agenda for using alternative water sources for consumer markets in AustraliaAdapa, Sujana ; Bhullar, Navjot ; Valle de Souza, Simone 1-Jun-2016
52015Post-Disaster Local Infrastructure Reconstruction Finance: A Comparative Analysis of Policy Intervention in the Japanese Earthquake and Queensland Flood DisastersValle de Souza, Simone ; Kinoshita, Yukio; Dollery, Brian E 20-Jan-2016
62015De-Amalgamation in Action: The Queensland experienceValle de Souza, Simone ; Dollery, Brian E ; Kortt, Michael A 1-Oct-2015
72015Policy analysis capacity and Australian local governmentDollery, Brian E ; Kortt, Michael A ; Valle de Souza, Simone 10-Nov-2015
82014Enduring Financial Sustainability Through "Bottom-Up" Local Authority Ingenuity and Rational "Top-Down" State Regulation: The Case of Lake Macquarie City CouncilDollery, Brian E ; Kortt, Michael A ; Valle de Souza, Simone 30-Apr-2014
92011Shared Services in Australian Local Government: The Brighton Common Service ModelValle de Souza, Simone ; Dollery, Brian E 31-Aug-2011
102010An Optimization Model for the Banana Northern Prawn FisheryValle de Souza, Simone ; Gondro, Cedric ; Cacho, Oscar Jose 8-Jul-2011

Credit Name
Simone Valle De Souza
Full Name
Valle De Souza, Simone
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Lecturer
Web of Science profile key
UNE Business School
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
Valle De Souza
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UNE Business School
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