Chris Fellows
Fields of Research (FoR 2020)
- 24 340302 Macromolecular materials
- 12 300602 Food chemistry and food sensory science
- 11 340603 Colloid and surface chemistry
- 9 340199 Analytical chemistry not elsewhere classified
- 9 340306 Polymerisation mechanisms
- 7 340301 Inorganic materials (incl. nanomaterials)
- 6 300603 Food nutritional balance
- 6 3403 Macromolecular and materials chemistry
- 6 340309 Theory and design of materials
- 5 340307 Structure and dynamics of materials
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2020)
- 11 200410 Nutrition
- 11 280105 Expanding knowledge in the chemical sciences
- 7 110504 Water services and utilities
- 6 241304 Flour mill and cereal food
- 5 120304 Polymeric materials and paints
- 3 120302 Glass materials
- 3 160102 Higher education
- 3 169999 Other education and training not elsewhere classified
- 3 170801 Biofuel energy
- 3 180205 Measurement and assessment of estuarine water quality
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Fields of Research (FoR 2008)
- 28 030304 Physical Chemistry of Materials
- 17 030305 Polymerisation Mechanisms
- 16 030399 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry not elsewhere classified
- 15 030301 Chemical Characterisation of Materials
- 14 030306 Synthesis of Materials
- 12 030603 Colloid and Surface Chemistry
- 6 030199 Analytical Chemistry not elsewhere classified
- 6 030307 Theory and Design of Materials
- 5 030108 Separation Science
- 5 030602 Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2008)
- 14 860608 Rubber and Synthetic Resins
- 10 820304 Sugar
- 10 970103 Expanding Knowledge in the Chemical Sciences
- 8 920411 Nutrition
- 6 870303 Polymeric Materials (e.g. Paints)
- 5 860104 Flour Mill and Cereal Food
- 4 870399 Construction Materials Performance and Processes not elsewhere classified
- 4 960905 Farmland, Arable Cropland and Permanent Cropland Water Management
- 3 850501 Biofuel (Biomass) Energy
- 3 860606 Plastics in Primary Forms
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Publication Date
- 35 2020 - 2025
- 61 2010 - 2019
- 37 2000 - 2009
- 135 School of Science and Technology
- 19 School of Environmental and Rural Science
- 10 Chemistry
- 7 Office of Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
- 3 Physics and Electronics Engineering
- 3 Science and Technology
- 2 School of Rural Medicine
- 1 Administration
- 1 IT Voice Systems
- 1 School of Education
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Results 1-50 of 135 (Search time: 0.046 seconds).
Credit Name
Chris Fellows
Full Name
Fellows, Christopher
Fellows, Christopher M
Fellows, Chris
Fellows, C M
Fellows, Christopher Michael
Fellows, Chris
Fellows, C M
Fellows, Christopher Michael
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law

Given Name
Middle Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Science and Technology