Philip Kibet Langat
Fields of Research (FoR 2020)
- 3 410102 Ecological impacts of climate change and ecological adaptation
- 2 300206 Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling
- 2 300207 Agricultural systems analysis and modelling
- 2 401302 Geospatial information systems and geospatial data modelling
- 2 410203 Ecosystem function
- 2 410404 Environmental management
- 1 330404 Land use and environmental planning
- 1 370201 Climate change processes
- 1 370704 Surface water hydrology
- 1 3709 Physical geography and environmental geoscience
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2020)
- 4 189999 Other environmental management not elsewhere classified
- 2 180403 Assessment and management of Antarctic and Southern Ocean ecosystems
- 2 180607 Terrestrial erosion
- 2 180699 Terrestrial systems and management not elsewhere classified
- 2 190102 Ecosystem adaptation to climate change
- 2 190301 Climate change mitigation strategies
- 1 150401 Agricultural and environmental standards and calibrations
- 1 180603 Evaluation, allocation, and impacts of land use
- 1 190502 Climate variability (excl. social impacts)
- 1 260104 Management of water consumption by plant production
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Fields of Research (FoR 2008)
- 3 050101 Ecological Impacts of Climate Change
- 2 050102 Ecosystem Function
- 2 050205 Environmental Management
- 2 070104 Agricultural Spatial Analysis and Modelling
- 2 070105 Agricultural Systems Analysis and Modelling
- 2 090903 Geospatial Information Systems
- 1 010406 Stochastic Analysis and Modelling
- 1 040104 Climate Change Processes
- 1 040601 Geomorphology and Regolith and Landscape Evolution
- 1 040608 Surfacewater Hydrology
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2008)
- 4 960604 Environmental Management Systems
- 2 960302 Climate Change Mitigation Strategies
- 2 960305 Ecosystem Adaptation to Climate Change
- 2 960501 Ecosystem Assessment and Management at Regional or Larger Scales
- 2 960905 Farmland, Arable Cropland and Permanent Cropland Water Management
- 1 829805 Management of Water Consumption by Plant Production
- 1 910501 Agricultural and Environmental Standards
- 1 960304 Climate Variability (excl. Social Impacts)
- 1 960608 Rural Water Evaluation (incl. Water Quality)
- 1 960909 Mountain and High Country Land and Water Management
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Publication Date
HERDC Category
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Credit Name
Philip Kibet Langat
Full Name
Kibet Langat, Philip
Langat, Philip Kibet
Langat, Philip
Langat, Philip
UNE Researcher ID
Other emails
Web of Science profile key
UNE Student ID
Kibet Langat

Given Name
School of Environmental and Rural Science