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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
14-Jan-2019Adolf Deissmann as a PhilologistHorsley, G H R 2-Jul-2019
22019Five Inscriptions from Turkey Recorded Among the Nachlass of J.R.B. StewartHorsley, G H R 18-Jul-2019
32017Early Christianity in Pisidia: assessing some problematic evidenceHorsley, Gregory H 19-Jul-2017
42016A rediscovered arkhisynagogos inscription from Thessaloniki, and an intriguing Iulia ProklaAshton, Norman G; Horsley, Gregory H 17-Jul-2017
52016Pagan angels in Roman Asia Minor: revisiting the epigaphic evidenceHorsley, Gregory H ; Luxford, Jean M7-Jul-2016
62015Dionysia or Dionysias at Kourion, CyprusDavey, Christopher; Horsley, Gregory H ; Ioset, Benjamin22-Feb-2016
72013Galen Sotto Voce: 'Meth. Med.' 13.6 (10.892.57K)Horsley, Gregory H 9-Apr-2014
82013'Christian' GreekHorsley, Gregory H 10-Feb-2015
92011Method of Medicine, Volume IJohnston, Ian H; Horsley, Gregory H 16-Mar-2012
102011Method of Medicine, Volume IIJohnston, Ian H; Horsley, Gregory H 16-Mar-2012
112011Method of Medicine, Volume IIIJohnston, Ian H; Horsley, Gregory H 16-Mar-2012
122011One hundred years of the Loeb Classical LibraryHorsley, Gregory H 31-Oct-2016
132010Stages of Development in Scribal Professionalism in Early Christian CirclesMugridge, Alan; Horsley, Gregory ; Stanton, Gregory 6-Jul-2010
142008Cornford MythistoricusHorsley, Gregory Hugh 18-Aug-2009
152007The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological MuseumHorsley, Gregory H 19-Dec-2011
162003Ê Ellênikê tês Kainês Diathêkês: glôssologikes meletes me tê sumbolê epigrafôn kai papurôn: The Greek language of the New Testament: linguistic essays with the contribution of inscriptions and papyriHorsley, Gregory Hugh ; Papademetriou, K; Sakkos, SN29-Apr-2009

Credit Name
Prof Gregory Horsley
Full Name
Horsley, Gregory H
Horsley, G H R
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Emeritus Professor
Scopus Author ID
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School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
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