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Title: The Biomechanics of Foraging Determines Face Length among Kangaroos and their Relatives
Contributor(s): Mitchell, David  (author)orcid ; Wroe, Stephen  (supervisor)orcid 
Publication Date: 2018-12-31
Open Access: Yes
DOI: 10.25952/s1w8-cv86Open Access Link
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Abstract/Context: Increasing body size is accompanied by facial elongation across a number of mammalian taxa. This trend forms the basis of a proposed evolutionary rule, cranial evolutionary allometry (CREA). However, facial length has also been widely associated with the varying mechanical resistance of foods. Here, we combine geometric morphometrics and computational biomechanical analyses to determine whether evolutionary allometry or feeding ecology have been dominant influences on facial elongation across 16 species of kangaroos and relatives (Macropodiformes). We found no support for an allometric trend. Norwas craniofacial morphology strictly defined by dietary categories, but rather associated with a combination of the mechanical properties of vegetation types and cropping behaviours used to access them. Among species examined here, shorter muzzles coincided with known diets of tough, resistant plant tissues, accessed via active slicing by the anterior dentition. This morphology consistently resulted in increased mechanical efficiency and decreased bone deformation during incisor biting. Longer muzzles, by contrast, aligned with softer foods or feeding behaviours invoking cervical musculature that circumvent the need for hard biting. These findings point to a potential for craniofacial morphology to predict feeding ecology in macropodiforms, which may be useful for species management planning and for inferring palaeoecology.
Publication Type: Dataset
Grant Details: ARC/DP140102659 & DP140102656
Fields of Research (FOR): 060807 Animal Structure and Function
060809 Vertebrate Biology
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 310911 Animal structure and function
310914 Vertebrate biology
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO): 970106 Expanding Knowledge in the Biological Sciences
970106 Expanding Knowledge in the Biological Sciences
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 280102 Expanding knowledge in the biological sciences
Keywords: herbivory
finite-element analysis
geometric morphometrics
HERDC Category Description: X Dataset
Dataset Managed By: David (Rex) Mitchell and Stephen Wroe
Rights Holder: David (Rex) Mitchell
Dataset Stored at: University of New England
Primary Contact Details: David (Rex) Mitchell -
Dataset Custodian Details: Stephen Wroe -
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