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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2020):  230404 Law enforcement

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12022Fake News and the Pandemic in Southeast AsiaSmith, Robert ; Perry, Mark 30-May-2022
27-Dec-2021'Fake News' in ASEAN: Legislative ResponsesSmith, Robert Brian ; Perry, Mark ; Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom26-Jan-2022

Credit Name
Robert B Smith
Full Name
Smith, Robert Brian
Smith, Robert B
Smith, Robert Brian
Smith, R B
UNE Researcher ID
Scopus Author ID
UNE Student ID
Dr Robert Smith graduated with a BSc in 1969 and has undertaken postgraduate studies in Education, Engineering and Law. He holds a PhD in engineering and has submitted his PhD thesis in law at the University of New England, Australia, where he has already been awarded an MPhil in law. Over the last 12 years, Robert has undertaken consulting in international development, specialising in institutional strengthening. He has led international teams in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal and Bangladesh. He is a prolific writer in the fields of law and international development. His MPhil investigated “Fake News in ASEAN” whilst his PhD thesis, by publication, investigated “IP Frameworks and Innovation in the Agricultural Sector in Southeast Asia – A Legal Perspective.” All the papers prepared as part of the thesis research and forming eight of the thesis Chapters have been published as either book chapters, academic papers or conference proceedings. He aims to share his knowledge and experience with the broader community so that they can learn from and build on what he has written. His main research interests include ASEAN law, intellectual property law, fake news and international development.
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School of Law
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