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Open Access:  UNE Green

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
120-Sep-2024Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: The Role of Geographical IndicationsSmith, Robert Brian ; Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom; Perry, Mark 12-Oct-2024
21-Apr-2024Complexity of Legal Harmonisation in Southeast Asia: A Diversity of Legal Systems & LanguagesSmith, Robert B 2-Apr-2024
322-Sep-2023Efficacy of the WIPO Global Innovation Index as a Driver of Innovation: Analysis of GII Data for the ten ASEAN EconomiesSmith, Robert Brian ; Perry, Mark 28-Sep-2023
418-Sep-2023University extension programs to promote the traditional knowledge of marginalised rural communities in the ASEAN regionSmith, Nucharee Nuchkoom; Smith, Robert Brian 27-Sep-2023
51-Jul-2023Belt and Road Initiative: Case Studies from Sri Lanka, Nepal and ThailandSmith, Robert 2-Apr-2024
6Apr-2023Is an “Open Innovation” Policy Viable in Southeast Asia? - A Legal PerspectiveSmith, Robert ; Perry, Mark 2-May-2023
720-Dec-2022Implementation of Federalism in Nepal: The Devil is in the DetailSmith, Robert Brian ; Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom3-Jan-2023
827-Jul-2022A Tale of Two Pandemics: Fake News and COVID-19Smith, Robert Brian ; Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom4-Jul-2023
97-Dec-2021'Fake News' in ASEAN: Legislative ResponsesSmith, Robert Brian ; Perry, Mark ; Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom26-Jan-2022
10Jul-2021Fake News and the Convention on CybercrimeSmith, Robert ; Perry, Mark 20-Aug-2021
111-Jan-2021How Can the Least Developed Member Countries of ASEAN Benefit from the 4th Industrial Revolution?Smith, Robert Brian 5-Oct-2023
1230-Jul-2020Cross-border development: A long-term role for UniversitiesSmith, Robert Brian ; Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom29-Sep-2023
13Oct-2019Has Thailand learnt any Lessons from the Bowring Treaty and the Treaty of Amity?Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom; Smith, Robert Brian 27-Sep-2023
14Jul-2018Bilateral Investment Treaties - a Potential Trap for Developing Economies: A Lesson from ThailandSmith, Robert Brian ; Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom27-Sep-2023
15Nov-2015Innovative Solutions for Energy Conservation Through Commercial and Domestic Demand Side ManagementSmith, Darryl Robert; Smith, Robert Brian 29-Sep-2023
16-Advocacy and Protection for Victims of Sexual Violence against Children: Insight from Indonesia's ExperienceKrismawati, Selviana; Pratiwi, Salsabila Yumna; Smith, Nucharee Nuchkoom; Smith, Robert Brian 14-Sep-2024

Credit Name
Robert B Smith
Full Name
Smith, Robert Brian
Smith, Robert B
Smith, Robert Brian
Smith, R B
UNE Researcher ID
Scopus Author ID
UNE Student ID
Dr Robert Smith graduated with a BSc in 1969 and has undertaken postgraduate studies in Education, Engineering and Law. He holds a PhD in engineering and has submitted his PhD thesis in law at the University of New England, Australia, where he has already been awarded an MPhil in law. Over the last 12 years, Robert has undertaken consulting in international development, specialising in institutional strengthening. He has led international teams in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal and Bangladesh. He is a prolific writer in the fields of law and international development. His MPhil investigated “Fake News in ASEAN” whilst his PhD thesis, by publication, investigated “IP Frameworks and Innovation in the Agricultural Sector in Southeast Asia – A Legal Perspective.” All the papers prepared as part of the thesis research and forming eight of the thesis Chapters have been published as either book chapters, academic papers or conference proceedings. He aims to share his knowledge and experience with the broader community so that they can learn from and build on what he has written. His main research interests include ASEAN law, intellectual property law, fake news and international development.
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School of Law
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