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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12024The missing links: Bee and non-bee alpine visitor observation networks differ to pollen transport networksEncinas‐Viso, Francisco; Goodwin, Emma ; Saunders, Manu E ; Florez, Jaime; Lumbers, James; Rader, Romina 20-May-2024
2Aug-2021Cavity occupancy by wild honey bees: need for evidence of ecological impactsSaunders, Manu E ; Goodwin, Emma K ; Santos, Karen CBS; Sonter, Carolyn A ; Rader, Romina 26-May-2021
3Apr-2021Weather Conditions Affect the Visitation Frequency, Richness and Detectability of Insect Flower Visitors in the Australian Alpine ZoneGoodwin, Emma K ; Rader, Romina ; Encinas-Viso, Francisco; Saunders, Manu E 30-Mar-2021
4-Industry needs matter—Incorporating stakeholder interests in the selection of flower resources to support pollinatorsSamnegard, Ulrika ; Jones, Jeremy ; Santos, Karen C B S ; Goodwin, Emma ; Rocchetti, Maurizio; Rader, Romina 5-Oct-2024

Credit Name
Emma Goodwin
Full Name
Goodwin, Emma
UNE Researcher ID
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
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School of Environmental and Rural Science
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