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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12-Oct-2024Saving a Species – Conservation Ecology of the Endangered Western Saw-shelled Turtle (Myuchelys Bellii)Streeting, Louise M ; Bower, Deborah ; McDonald, Paul ; Mcknight, Donald12-Jan-2025
2Dec-2023Opportunities for research and conservation of freshwater turtles in AustraliaBower, Deborah S ; McKnight, Donald T; Sullivan, Kyra; Macdonald, Stewart L; Georges, Arthur; Clulow, Simon; Mathwin, Rupert; Connell, Marilyn J; Nelson, Holly V; Santoro, Anthony; Nordstrom, Bethany; Van Dyke, James U; Kidman, Rosie A; Streeting, Louise M ; Dillon, Martin L; Spencer, Ricky‐John; Thompson, Michael B; Nordberg, Eric J 16-May-2024
3Mar-2023Towards a Diagnostic Tool for Turtle Ootaxonomy: Investigation of Microstructural Differences in the Eggshells of Australian Freshwater TurtlesHughes, Geoffrey N ; Streeting, Louise M ; Burns, Adrienne ; McDonald, Paul G 21-Aug-2023
49-Dec-2022Optimising the hatching success of artificially incubated eggs for use in a conservation program for the western saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys bellii)Streeting, Louise M ; Bower, Deborah S ; Dillon, Martin L; Spark, Phil; Gough, Michael; Skidmore, Adam; McDonald, Paul G ; Delaney, Hannah; Burns, Adrienne ; Watson, Sandy; Dissanayake, Duminda S B; Georges, Arthur; McKnight, Donald3-Apr-2023
5Jun-2022A male-specific sex marker for the endangered western sawshelled turtle (Myuchelys bellii) using in silico whole-genome subtractionDissanayake, Duminda S B; Streeting, Louise M ; Georges, Arthur; Bower, Deborah S 24-Jul-2022
6Sep-2018Turtles Forever: Securing populations of Bell's Turtle (Myuchelys bellii)Burns, Adrienne ; McDonald, Paul ; Chessman, Bruce; Dillon, Martin ; Fielder, Darren; Hughes, Geoff; Nesbitt, Brad; Spark, Phil; Streeting, Louise ; Twigge, Kelly18-Aug-2022
7-Large-scale and long-term wildlife research and monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesisBruce, Tom; Amir, Zachary; Allen, Benjamin L; Alting, Brendan F; Amos, Matt; Augusteyn, John; Ballard, Guy-Anthony ; Behrendorff, Linda M; Bell, Kristian; Bengsen, Andrew J; Bennett, Ami; Benshemesh, Joe S; Bentley, Joss; Blackmore, Caroline J; Boscarino-Gaetano, Remo ; Bourke, Lachlan A; Brewster, Rob; Brook, Barry W; Broughton, Colin; Buettel, Jessie C; Carter, Andrew; Chiu‐Werner, Antje; Claridge, Andrew W; Comer, Sarah; Comte, Sebastien; Connolly, Rod M; Cowan, Mitchell A; Cross, Sophie L; Cunningham, Calum X; Dalziell, Anastasia H; Davies, Hugh F; Davis, Jenny; Dawson, Stuart J; Di Stefano, Julian; Dickman, Christopher R; Dillon, Martin L; Doherty, Tim S; Driessen, Michael M; Driscoll, Don A; Dundas, Shannon J; Eichholtzer, Anne C; Elliott, Todd F ; Elsworth, Peter; Fancourt, Bronwyn A ; Fardell, Loren L; Faris, James; Fawcett, Adam; Fisher, Diana O; Fleming, Peter J S ; Forsyth, David M; Garza‐Garcia, Alejandro D; Geary, William L; Gillespie, Graeme; Giumelli, Patrick J; Gracanin, Ana; Grantham, Hedley S; Greenville, Aaron C; Griffiths, Stephen R; Groffen, Heidi; Hamilton, David G; Harriott, Lana; Hayward, Matthew W; Heard, Geoffrey; Heiniger, Jaime ; Helgen, Kristofer M; Henderson, Tim J; Hernandez‐Santin, Lorna; Herrera, Cesar; Hirsch, Ben T; Hohnen, Rosemary; Hollings, Tracey A; Hoskin, Conrad J; Hradsky, Bronwyn A; Humphrey, Jacinta E; Jennings, Paul R; Jones, Menna E; Jordan, Neil R; Kelly, Catherine L; Kennedy, Malcolm S; Knipler, Monica L; Kreplins, Tracey L; L'Herpiniere, Kiara L; Laurance, William F; Lavery, Tyrone H; Le Pla, Mark; Leahy, Lily; Leedman, Ashley; Legge, Sarah; Leitão, Ana V; Letnic, Mike; Liddell, Michael J; Lieb, Zoë E; Linley, Grant D; Lisle, Allan T; Lohr, Cheryl A; Maitz, Natalya; Marshall, Kieran D; Mason, Rachel T; Matheus‐Holland, Daniela F; McComb, Leo B; McDonald, Peter J; McGregor, Hugh; McKnight, Donald T; Meek, Paul D ; Menon, Vishnu; Michael, Damian R; Mills, Charlotte H; Miritis, Vivianna; Moore, Harry A; Morgan, Helen R ; Murphy, Brett P; Murray, Andrew J; Natusch, Daniel J D; Neilly, Heather; Nevill, Paul; Newman, Peggy; Newsome, Thomas M; Nimmo, Dale G; Nordberg, Eric J ; O'Dwyer, Terence W; O'Neill, Sally; Old, Julie M; Oxenham, Katherine; Pauza, Matthew D; Pestell, Ange J L; Pitcher, Benjamin J; Pocknee, Christopher A; Possingham, Hugh P; Raiter, Keren G; Rand, Jacquie S; Rees, Matthew W; Rendall, Anthony R; Renwick, Juanita; Reside, April; Rew‐Duffy, Miranda; Ritchie, Euan G; Roach, Chris P; Robley, Alan; Rog, Stefanie M; Rout, Tracy M; Schlacher, Thomas A; Scomparin, Cyril R; Sitters, Holly; Smith, Deane A ; Somaweera, Ruchira; Spencer, Emma E; Spindler, Rebecca E; Stobo‐Wilson, Alyson M; Stokeld, Danielle; Streeting, Louise M ; Sutherland, Duncan R; Taggart, Patrick L; Teixeira, Daniella; Thompson, Graham G; Thompson, Scott A; Thorpe, Mary O; Todd, Stephanie J; Towerton, Alison L; Vernes, Karl ; Waller, Grace; Wardle, Glenda M; Watchorn, Darcy J; Watson, Alexander W T; Welbergen, Justin A; Weston, Michael A; Wijas, Baptiste J; Williams, Stephen E; Woodford, Luke P; Wooster, Eamonn I F; Znidersic, Elizabeth; Luskin, Matthew S25-Jan-2025

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Ms Louise Streeting
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Streeting, Louise M
Streeting, Louise
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School of Environmental and Rural Science
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