Yoni Luxford
Fields of Research (FoR 2020)
- 5 4205 Nursing
- 4 420599 Nursing not elsewhere classified
- 2 420502 Aged care nursing
- 1 320221 Psychiatry (incl. psychotherapy)
- 1 321403 Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice
- 1 420301 Aged health care
- 1 420307 Health counselling
- 1 420316 Palliative care
- 1 420319 Primary health care
- 1 420399 Health services and systems not elsewhere classified
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2020)
- 3 200309 Palliative care
- 3 200502 Health related to ageing
- 2 200203 Health education and promotion
- 2 200399 Provision of health and support services not elsewhere classified
- 1 160301 Assessment, development and evaluation of curriculum
- 1 160302 Pedagogy
- 1 200205 Health policy evaluation
- 1 200307 Nursing
- 1 200409 Mental health
- 1 200412 Preventive medicine
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Fields of Research (FoR 2008)
- 7 111099 Nursing not elsewhere classified
- 4 111002 Clinical Nursing: Primary (Preventative)
- 4 111701 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
- 4 111799 Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified
- 3 111001 Aged Care Nursing
- 3 111003 Clinical Nursing: Secondary (Acute Care)
- 3 111704 Community Child Health
- 3 111712 Health Promotion
- 2 111702 Aged Health Care
- 2 111708 Health and Community Services
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Socio-Economic Objective (SEO 2008)
- 8 920210 Nursing
- 5 929999 Health not elsewhere classified
- 4 920299 Health and Support Services not elsewhere classified
- 3 920211 Palliative Care
- 3 920501 Child Health
- 3 920502 Health Related to Ageing
- 2 920199 Clinical Health (Organs, Diseases and Abnormal Conditions) not elsewhere classified
- 2 920202 Carer Health
- 2 920205 Health Education and Promotion
- 2 920303 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health - Health System Performance (incl. Effectiveness of Interventions)
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Publication Date
HERDC Category
- 17 C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
- 6 T2 Thesis - Doctorate by Research
- 3 B2 Chapter in a Book - Other
- 3 T1 Thesis - Masters Degree by Research
- 1 A3 Book - Edited
- 1 A4 Revision/New Edition of a Book
- 1 E1 Refereed Scholarly Conference Publication
- 1 E3 Extract of Scholarly Conference Publication
- 1 X Dataset
Results 1-34 of 34 (Search time: 0.029 seconds).
Credit Name
Yoni Luxford
Full Name
Luxford, Yoni
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Casual Academic
Scopus Author ID
School of Health - Social Work
Faculty of Medicine and Health

Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Health