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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
128-Oct-2017The Relationship Between Company Size and Effective Tax Rates: A Test of political success - Evidence from Australian CompaniesMatchett, Carol A; Chen, George ; Simmons, Phillip 10-Oct-2019
22015Can Contract Farming of Cassava Contribute to Amelioration of Climate Change in Thailand?Tongchure, Siros; Simmons, Phillip ; Hoang, Nam 30-Mar-2015
32014The Empirical Analysis of Council Size, Council Performance and Council Amalgamation in Australian Local GovernmentDrew, Joseph ; Dollery, Brian E; Simmons, Phillip 22-Apr-2015
42014A Bioeconomic Model for Management of Banana Prawns ('Penaeus merguiensis') in the Australian Northern Prawn FisheryDe Souza, Simone Valle; Cacho, Oscar ; Simmons, Phillip ; Gondro, Cedric ; Hean, Robyn21-Apr-2015
52014Explaining the Australian Local Government Infrastructure Expenditure Backlog: A Market Failure ApproachSimmons, Phillip R ; Dollery, Brian E 6-May-2015
62013International best practice technical assistance performance for the South African local government financial management reform and capacity-building program from 2003Graves, Nigel; Dollery, Brian E; Simmons, Phillip 23-Sep-2013
72013A CGE Model of the Sri Lankan Economy with Applications to Assess the Impacts of Agricultural PoliciesGunawardena, Aruni Udyani Hettiachchi; Siriwardana, Mahinda; Simmons, Phillip 13-Nov-2013
82012Using a Differential Evolutionary Algorithm to Test the Efficient Market HypothesisSimmons, Phillip R 30-Nov-2012
92012The 25th Anniversary of the Chernobyl AccidentSimmons, Phillip R 21-May-2013
102011The 25th Anniversary of the Chernobyl AccidentSimmons, Phillip R 28-Feb-2012
112010Testing the Efficient Market Hypothesis in the Australian Share Market using a Differential Evolutionary AlgorithmSimmons, Phillip R 24-Nov-2011
122010The Economics of Green Power Offered to Electricity ConsumersMewton, Ross Thomas; Cacho, Oscar ; Simmons, Phillip ; Chang, Christie16-Jan-2012
132008Resolving the infrastructure funding crisis in Australian local government: A bond market issue approach based on local council incomeByrnes, Joel David; Dollery, Brian Edward ; Crase, L; Simmons, Phillip Ray 22-May-2009
142007Who Benefits and How Much?: An Evaluation of Contract Farming Systems in IndonesiaPatrick, Ian Walter ; Simmons, Phillip Ray ; Winters, Paul19-Feb-2010
152007Potential of Weather Deriviatives as a Risk Management Tool for Australian Wheat FarmersEast, Miriam Joy; Simmons, Phillip ; Cacho, Oscar 16-Sep-2009
162006Perspectives on the 2003 and 2004 Avian Influenza Outbreak in Bali and LombokSimmons, PR 13-May-2008
172005Evaluation of a Hybrid Seed Contract between Smallholders and a Multinational Company in East Java, IndonesiaWinters, P; Simmons, PR ; Patrick, IW 2-May-2008
182005An Analysis of contract farming in East Java, Bali, and Lombok, IndonesiaSimmons, PR ; Winters, PC; Patrick, IW 13-May-2008
192005A Possible Conflict between Economic Efficiency and Political PressureSimmons, Phillip Ray ; Cacho, Oscar Jose 6-Nov-2009
202003Contract Farming and Village Organisations: Three Case-studies from IndonesiaSimmons, Phillip Ray 13-Oct-2009
212002Why do farmers have so little interest in futures markets?Simmons, PR 28-Jul-2008
222002Management strategies for Indonesian rubber production under yield and price uncertainty: a bioeconomic analysisPurnamasari, R; Cacho, Oscar Jose ; Simmons, Phillip Ray 18-Dec-2009
232000Evaluating Apple Orchard Management using a Bioeconomic ModelHester, Susan Margaret; Cacho, Oscar ; Simmons, Phillip 31-Jul-2015
242000Political Economy of the Indonesian Sugar MarketSudjalmo, Sigit B; Simmons, Phillip ; Chang, Christie; Parton, Kevin; Piggott, Ronald12-Oct-2010
252000Growth and Change in the Indonesian Economy: The Role of the Agricultural SectorDaryanto, Arief ; Winters, Paul; Simmons, Phillip ; Powell, Roy; Fleming, Euan 6-Aug-2013
261999External Shocks and Adjustment Policies in the Kenyan Economy: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis with Special Reference to the Agricultural SectorKaringi, Stephen Njuguna; Siriwardana, Mahinda; Simmons, Phillip 25-Jul-2012
271999Management Options for the Inland Fisheries Resource in South Sumatra, IndonesiaKoeshendrajana, Sonny; Cacho, Oscar ; Simmons, Phillip 23-Dec-2010
281998Evaluation of Policy Options to Manage Net Recharge in Irrigation Areas of the Southern Murray-Darling BasinMadden, John Christopher; Simmons, Phillip ; Bryant, Michael22-Feb-2013
291996An Economic Assessment of Red Meat Demand in the People's Republic of ChinaCai, Haiou; Simmons, Phillip ; Davidson, Brian16-Dec-2014

Credit Name
Phillip Simmons
Full Name
Simmons, Phillip
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Associate Professor
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
UNE Business School
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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UNE Business School
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