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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
130-Oct-2024Agents of the Invisible World: The Role of Children in English and New English Witchcraft Trials 1589-1692Northcott, Molly Rose ; Fudge, Thomas ; Waite, Gary K13-Jan-2025
22022David J. Crankshaw and George W. C. Gross, eds: Reformation Reputations: The Power of the Individual in English Reformation History. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021" pp. xvii + 474.Fudge, Thomas A 17-Oct-2024
310-Sep-2021Theology, Martyrdom and Female Agency in Reformation PragueFudge, Thomas A 3-Apr-2024
4Dec-2020Inquisition and its Organization in Italy 1250–1350 by Jill Moore (review)Fudge, Thomas A 7-May-2024
5Dec-2020Preachers, Partisans, and Rebellious Religion: Vernacular Writing and the Hussite Movement. Marcela K. Perett. The Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018Fudge, Thomas A 8-May-2024
6May-2020Quam ecclesiam in honore sancta Marie Virginis intitulari volumus: Study on the Kłodzko Monastery of Canons Regular of St. Augustine in the Pre-Hussite PeriodFudge, Thomas A 16-May-2024
7Nov-2019Contested Reformations in the University of Cambridge, 1535–1584 (Studies in History New Series), Woodbridge, Royal Historical Society, The Boydell Press, 2018; hardback; pp. x, 235; R.R.P. £50; ISBN 9780861933471Fudge, Thomas A 31-May-2024
814-Sep-2019Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity: Studies in Text Transmission. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2017; pp. ix + 360.Fudge, Thomas A 21-May-2024
98-Jul-2019Jan Hus and the Formation of Spirituality and Religious Practice in Late Medieval BohemiaVahala, Antonin; Fudge, Thomas ; Garland, Lynda14-Jan-2024
10Apr-2019Boundaries in the Medieval and Wider World: Essays in Honour of Paul Freedman ed. by Thomas W. Barton etal. (review)Fudge, Thomas A 24-May-2024
11Mar-2019In Praise of Heresy: Hus, Luther, and the Ethos of ReformationFudge, Thomas A 10-May-2022
12Jun-2018The Singing of the Strasbourg Protestants, 1523–1541 by Daniel Trocmé-Latter (review)Fudge, Thomas A 24-May-2024
13Jun-2018Sacri canones editandi: Studies on Medieval Canon Law in Memory of Jiří Kejř ed. by Pavel Otmar Krafl (review)Fudge, Thomas A 29-May-2024
14Jun-2018Killing and Being Killed: Bodies in Battle. Perspectives on Fighters in the Middle Ages ed. by Jörge Rogge (review)Fudge, Thomas A 22-May-2024
152018C.H. Yadon and the Vanishing Theological Past in Oneness PentecostalismFudge, Thomas 11-Jul-2018
162018Thomasine Dominion Parables with Matthean Parallels - A Memory Studies ApproachRedman, Judy Christine Single; Playoust, Catherine; Franzmann, Majella Maria; Garland, Linda; Dillon, Matthew P ; Fudge, Thomas 25-May-2018
17Dec-2017Kat Hill: Baptism, Brotherhood, and Belief in Reformation Germany. Anabaptism and Lutheranism, 1525–1585. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015; pp. xii + 268.Fudge, Thomas A 27-May-2024
18Dec-2017FRANCIS COURTNEY KNEUPPER: The Empire at the End of Time: Identity and Reform in Late Medieval German Prophecy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016; pp. xii + 259.Fudge, Thomas A 8-May-2024
19Sep-2017The Archaeology of Prague and the Medieval Czech Lands, 1100–1600 by Jan Klápště (review)Fudge, Thomas A 30-May-2024
20Apr-2017A Companion to Jan Hus, ed. František Šmahel and Ota Pavlíček (Leiden: Brill, 2015; pp. 447. €162).Fudge, Thomas A 30-Apr-2024
212017Patron Saint and Prophet: Jan Hus in the Bohemian and German Reformations by Phillip N. Haberkern (review)Fudge, Thomas A 7-May-2024
222017The Transformation of Confessional Cultures in a Central European City: Olomouc, 1400 –1750. Antonín Kalous, ed. Viella Historical Research 2. Rome: Viella, 2015. 206 pp. €35.Fudge, Thomas A 26-Apr-2024
232017A Reply to Ota Pavlicek about Jerome of PragueFudge, Thomas 13-Jun-2018
242017Waking the Dead: Discovering Jerome of Prague ... and his Beard!Fudge, Thomas 16-Aug-2018
25Jan-2016The courtly and commercial art of the Wycliffite BibleFudge, Thomas A 17-May-2024
262016Jan Hus in the Medieval Ecclesiastical CourtsFudge, Thomas 7-Jun-2018
272016Jerome of Prague and the Foundations of the Hussite MovementFudge, Thomas 31-Oct-2016
282016Jan Hus 'redivivus': How to be a "Hussite" After 600 YearsFudge, Thomas 14-Dec-2016
292016Quest of the Historical HusFudge, Thomas 14-Dec-2016
302016Jan Hus in English Language Historiography, 1863-2013Fudge, Thomas 13-Jan-2017
312016Medieval Religion and Its Anxieties: History and Mystery in the Other Middle AgesFudge, Thomas 11-Jan-2017
322016Kde je v husitských válkách Jan Hus?Fudge, Thomas 13-Mar-2017
332016The Hussites and the CouncilFudge, Thomas 2-Feb-2017
342016Jan Hus Between Time and Eternity: Reconsidering a Medieval HereticFudge, Thomas 21-Feb-2017
35Aug-2015Islam, Christianity and the Making of Czech Identity, 1453–1683 by Laura Lisy-Wagner (review)Fudge, Thomas A 21-May-2024
36Aug-2015Orthodoxy and Controversy in Twelfth-Century Religious Discourse: Peter Lombard’s ‘Sentences’ and the Development of Theology by Clare Monagle (review)Fudge, Thomas A 19-Apr-2024
37Aug-2015Rethinking Abelard: A Collection of Critical Essays ed. by Babette S. Hellemans (review)Fudge, Thomas A 24-May-2024
38Jan-2015Christianity and Culture in the Middle Ages: Essays to Honor John Van Engen ed. by David C. Mengel and Lisa Wolverton (review)Fudge, Thomas A 2-May-2024
39Jan-2015The Repentant Abelard: Family, Gender, and Ethics in Peter Abelard’s ‘Carmen ad Astralabium’ and ‘Planctus’ by Juanita Feros Ruys (review)Fudge, Thomas A 21-May-2024
402015Living with Jan Hus: A Modern Journey Across a Medieval LandscapeFudge, Thomas 15-Jun-2017
412015Die hussitische Bewegung im spätmittelalterlichen BöhmenFudge, Thomas 4-Jun-2015
422015Whose Hus? Confronting the Challenges of Interpreting Jan Hus after 600 YearsFudge, Thomas 29-Jan-2016
432015The Secret Life of a Heretic's Coat: Jan Hus and the Modern Pilgrimage of a "Medieval Relic"Fudge, Thomas 10-Feb-2016
442015Special Issue Editor's Introduction: Jan Hus at 600Fudge, Thomas 10-Feb-2016
452015The Role of Michael de Causis in the Prosecution of Jan HusFudge, Thomas 13-Jun-2018
462014"O Cursed Judas": Formal Heresy Accusations Against Jan HusFudge, Thomas 5-May-2015
472014Jan Hus as the Apocalyptic Witness in John Foxe's HistoryFudge, Thomas 8-May-2015
482014Heretics and Politics: Theology, Power, and Perception in the Last Days of CBCFudge, Thomas 4-Jul-2014
492014Heresy and Hussites in Late Medieval EuropeFudge, Thomas 4-Jul-2014
502014Jan Hus in Medieval Czech HagiographyFudge, Thomas 4-Jul-2014

Credit Name
Dr Fudge
Full Name
Fudge, Thomas
Fudge, Thomas A
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Professor in Medieval History
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of HASS - History
Faculty of HASS and Education
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School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
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