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Publication Preventing illegal fishing(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025-02-11)Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is the term given to particular kinds of fishing activity that in some way contravene national or international laws (DAFF, 2019). This activity has numerous environmental impacts, such as depleting fish stocks (especially of vulnerable species) and causing damage to ecosystems. It also impacts both socially and economically, such as through disrupting the livelihood of lawful fishers, removing a source of protein for those who rely on fish for consumption, and diminishing amenity and activity for tourism and recreation. Left unchecked, IUU fishing can create irreversible harms. IUU is largely concealed, with illegal catches easily intermingled with lawful catches, making prevention, detection and thus penalisation difficult. Nevertheless, various laws, treaties and monitoring programmes combined with technological and other surveillance tactics seek to offer some level of traceability and deterrence.
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Publication Agriculture(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025-02-18)Whilst farming practices (as opposed to hunting and gathering) have existed for eons, by the twentieth century these had evolved in many parts of the world into large-scale commercial enterprises. Contemporary practices incorporate crop and animal specialisation, uniform monocultures, mechanisation of labour, consolidation of farms and market concentration, the application of chemical inputs, and the use of genetically modified crops. Evolving cultural values and political sensibilities mean that modern agriculture is fraught with conflict, with animal welfare and climate change being most prominent. Agriculture broadly and farmers individually can be pre-eminent in environmental harm and crime. Farmers are also victims of the effects of climate change and in some instances are at the forefront of conservation efforts.
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Publication Illegal hunting and shooting(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025-02-18)Illegal hunting/shooting (and poaching) involves the illegal killing or taking of wildlife. It is a phenomenon which, amongst an array of impacts, has driven some species towards extinction, and can take many forms depending on its location and target. This entry provides a definition of illegal hunting/shooting, placing it within the wider gambit of environmental crimes, and overviews the phenomenon and those involved. The notion of hunters possessing a social licence and their overall motivations are considered, along with consideration of preventive and enforcement measures. Such criminal behaviour is oftentimes difficult to detect and enforce owing to the remoteness of where the offending frequently occurs, and thus there is a lack of both formal and informal guardianship. The entry concludes with a discussion of measures used to promote legal hunting.
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Publication ‘Oceanic Criminology’ and Rural Access to Justice Across the Pacific(Bristol University Press, 2025-01-30)Rural criminology scholarship as an area of concentrated study across Oceania is scattered. For work theorising and with an empirical research focus, literature from Australia dominates, although has been somewhat ad hoc with an emphasis on localised case studies as opposed to broader bodies of research. Scholarship pertaining to rurality and crime in New Zealand is yet to emerge, although there has been some work on rural policing specifically. Focused research aimed at developing understandings about rurality and crime in the South Pacific context are not yet visible in existing literature. Adopting a hybridised theoretical approach, this chapter charts the notion of ‘access to justice’ and addresses seven specific access issues throughout Oceania, assessing how access can be conceived, measured and responded to in regional, rural and remote areas. Whilst reflecting on the existing canon of relevant works, the chapter will also look to the future ‘state of the art’, nominating areas for new scholarship pertaining to access to justice across the region.
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Publication House of horrors: What the ABC revealed about early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Australia now(Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), 2025-03-18)The ABC’s Four Corners television episode ‘Betrayal of Trust: Australia’s Childcare Crisis’ into the worst excesses of the troubled early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector was gruesome viewing. This article discusses the central challenges the program revealed rather than the horrific stories of abuse, injury, and neglect. Such reports are likely to scare parents with over a million families and almost 1.4 million children using Government-subsidised services.
The ABC’s six-month investigation revealed what happens when the values and goals of education and care are misaligned with corporate agendas but are fuelled by Government policies and practices. While the program interviewed a service director within a service where the children had a chance to flourish, and the system worked well, these scenes were few and far between.
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Publication Orgasmic Gushing: where does the fluid come from and how is it produced?(Women in Research (WiR), 2005)There are three sexual fluids from women: lubrication (e.g. transudation of fluid across the mucosa of the vagina, and mucus from the greater vestibular glands); female ejaculation (from paraurethral glands); and gushing. Orthodox western medicine and physiology does not yet have a standardized description or explanation for the third, gushing. The present paper proposes that the gushing fluid is a filtrate of plasma, produced by the mechanism known as transudation. This is an additional application for the transudation mechanism, after the well accepted roles in lubrication of the vagina, and in generating serous fluids. The present model proposes that the fluid released in a gush arises from the ventral wall of the vagina due to the presence there of increased surface area of mucosa, dilated arterioles, pressurized venous and lymphatic plexuses, and compression provided by muscle contraction during orgasm.63473 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Mapping Long Term Changes in Mangrove Cover and Predictions of Future Change under Different Climate Change Scenarios in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh(2018-05-22)Ground-based readings of temperature and rainfall, satellite imagery, aerial photographs, ground verification data and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used in this study. Ground-based meteorological information was obtained from Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) for the period 1977 to 2015 and was used to determine the trends of rainfall and temperature in this thesis. Satellite images obtained from the US Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) website ( in four time periods were analysed to assess the dynamics of mangrove population at species level. Remote sensing techniques, as a solution to lack of spatial data at a relevant scale and difficulty in accessing the mangroves for field survey and also as an alternative to the traditional methods were used in monitoring of the changes in mangrove species composition, . To identify mangrove forests, a number of satellite sensors have been used, including Landsat TM/ETM/OLI, SPOT, CBERS, SIR, ASTER, and IKONOS and Quick Bird. The use of conventional medium-resolution remote sensor data (e.g., Landsat TM, ASTER, SPOT) in the identification of different mangrove species remains a challenging task. In many developing countries, the high cost of acquiring high- resolution satellite imagery excludes its routine use. The free availability of archived images enables the development of useful techniques in its use and therefor Landsat imagery were used in this study for mangrove species classification. Satellite imagery used in this study includes: Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) of 57 m resolution acquired on 1st February 1977, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) of 28.5 m resolution acquired on 5th February 1989, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) of 28.5 m resolution acquired on 28th February 2000 and Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) of 30 m resolution acquired on 4th February 2015. To study tidal channel dynamics of the study area, aerial photographs from 1974 and 2011, and a satellite image from 2017 were used. Satellite images from 1974 with good spatial resolution of the area were not available, and therefore aerial photographs of comparatively high and fine resolution were considered adequate to obtain information on tidal channel dynamics. Although high-resolution satellite imagery was available for 2011, aerial photographs were used for this study due to their effectiveness in terms of cost and also ease of comparison with the 1974 photographs. The aerial photographs were sourced from the Survey of Bangladesh (SOB). The Sentinel-2 satellite image from 2017 was downloaded from the European Space Agency (ESA) website ( In this research, elevation data acts as the main parameter in the determination of the sea level rise (SLR) impacts on the spatial distribution of the future mangrove species of the Bangladesh Sundarbans. High resolution elevation data is essential for this kind of research where every centimeter counts due to the low-lying characteristics of the study area. The high resolution (less than 1m vertical error) DEM data used in this study was obtained from Water Resources Planning Organization (WRPO), Bangladesh. The elevation information used to construct the DEM was originally collected by a Finnish consulting firm known as FINNMAP in 1991 for the Bangladesh government.48120 50 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Reinforced Behavioral Variability and Sequence Learning Across Species(Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), 2012)Previous research shows that reinforcement of variable responding will facilitate sequence learning in rats (Neuringer, Deiss & Olson, 2000) but may interfere with sequence learning in humans (Maes & van der Goot, 2006). The present study aimed to replicate and extend previous research by assessing the role of behavioral variability in the learning of difficult target sequences across 3 species: humans (n = 60), hens (n = 18) and possums (n = 6). Participants were randomly allocated to one of three experimental conditions (Control, Variable, Any). In the Control conditions sequences were only reinforced if they were the target sequence, in the Variability conditions sequences were concurrently reinforced on a Variable Interval 60-s schedule if the just entered sequence met a variability criterion, and in the Any condition sequences were concurrently reinforced on a Variable Interval 60-s schedule for any sequence entered. The results support previous findings with animals and humans; hens and possums were more likely to learn the target sequence in the Variability condition, and human participants were more likely to learn the target sequence in the Control condition. Possible explanations for differences between the performance of humans and animals on this task will be discussed.39859 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication The drivers and consequences of change to the physical character of waterholes on an Australian dryland river(University of New England, 2021-08-27)This dataset provides all the raw and analysed data for the thesis titled 'The drivers and consequences of change to the physical character of waterholes on an Australian dryland river'.
The data has been divided into four folders that are aligned with the data chapters for the thesis. These being: (Ch 2) waterhole mapping, (Ch 3) floodplain gullies, (Ch 4) sediment transport and (Ch 5) fish.
A README file is provided for each chapter which contains a description of the individual datasets and a list of files that make up each dataset.
The data in this archive is a combination of data obtained from desktop studies as well as field work on the Darling River (i.e., the fish data).
Further, fish data were collected on the Darling River between Bourke and Wilcannia. Waterhole mapping was undertaken on the Barwon-Darling between Walgett and Wilcannia. Gully mapping was undertaken on the Barwon-Darling River between Mungindi and Wilcannia. Sediment transport capacity was assessed at five sites between Collarenebri and Tilpa.37651 1650 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Review into Effective Classroom Management and Strategies for Student Engagement: Teacher and Student Roles in Today’s Classrooms(Redfame Publishing Inc, 2019-12)A teacher's role encompasses far more than just imparting curricula outcomes to their students: they need to equip students with the necessary tools to experience social and academic success both inside the classroom and beyond it. Teachers need to empower students with the means to critically analyse the world around them in order to develop into critical independent thinkers. Students need to be proficient in utilising skills associated with higher levels of thinking, that will empower them with the ability to identify, analyse and evaluate the infinite volume of information available through our rapidly changing digital world. Just as teachers need to take responsibility for the various methods of teaching and instruction in the classroom, it is essential for students to take ownership of the learning process, to ensure future success in university environments, where sustained personal effort and metacognitive skills are fundamental to academic success. The object of the review of the literature surrounding the roles of teacher and student, effective classroom management strategies, and successful evidence-based teaching and learning pedagogies, is to assist new and experienced teachers in the promotion of a positive classroom experience for all.28230 22938