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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1Mar-2025Online early childhood education and care experiences of refugee communities during COVID-19Keary, Anne; Garvis, Susanne; Zheng, Haoran 24-Feb-2025
211-Aug-2023Teacher Planning and Curriculum Frameworks: A Case Study of ECEC Practice in AustraliaKeary, Anne; Garvis, Susanne; Zheng, Haoran ; Walsh, Lucas20-Aug-2023
318-May-2023Educators’ Construction of a Sense of Belonging in ECEC: An Australian Case StudyKeary, Anne; Zheng, Haoran ; Garvis, Susanne21-Aug-2023
42023Insider outsider perspectives: Making sense of first-year Chinese international students’ academic experienceZheng, Haoran ; Keary, Anne; Filipi, Anna9-Oct-2023
52022‘I’m learning how to do it’: reflecting on the implementation of a new assessment tool in an Australian Early ChildhoodKeary, Anne; Garvis, Susanne; Zheng, Haoran ; Walsh, Lucas9-Oct-2023
62019Effective Intercultural Supervision: Using Reflective Practice to Enhance Students' and Supervisors' Intercultural CompetenceZheng, Haoran ; Herawati, Henny; Saneewong, Sanikan27-Nov-2023
730-Aug-2018Language Across the Curriculum & CLIL in English as an Additional Language (EAL) ContextsZheng, Haoran 19-Jan-2024
86-Jul-2018‘What Is Finger Knitting?’ Chinese Pre-service Teachers’ Initial Professional Experience in Australian Early Childhood EducationZheng, Haoran ; Keary, Anne; Faulkner, Julie6-Dec-2023
9-Professional experience of Chinese international pre-service teachers in Australia’s early childhood education: professional learning and belongingZheng, Haoran ; Keary, Anne; Faulkner, Julie8-Oct-2024
10-Australian multilingual early childhood educators’ use of languages in early childhood education settings: findings of a qualitative (pilot) studyKeary, Anne; Zheng, Haoran ; Garvis, Susanne23-Feb-2025

Full Name
Zheng, Haoran
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Lecturer in Early Childhood Education (STEM Focus)
Faculty of HASS & Education
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Given Name
School of Education
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