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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1Jul-2024The impact of heterogeneous residual variance across years on estimated breeding values for fly strike in Australian Merino sheepDehnavi, Elena ; Swan, Andrew A ; Burbidge, Grant; Brown, Daniel J 1-Aug-2024
226-Jul-2023Preliminary genetic parameters for flystrike and its association with production traits in Australian Merino sheepDehnavi, E ; Swan, A A ; Ramsay, A M M; Burbidge, G; Brown, D J 20-Sep-2023
326-Jul-2023The value of research and industry flocks for predicting breech strike resistance in Australian Merino sheepDehnavi, E ; Swan, A A ; Smith, J L; Bird-gardiner, T L ; Burbidge, G; Brown, D J 20-Sep-2023
426-Jul-2023Estimate the genetic parameters and analysis of culling reasons in Iranian Holstein dairy cattleKeshavarz, H; Dehnavi, E ; Small, A19-Sep-2023
515-May-2023Application of machine-learning algorithms to predict calving difficulty in Holstein dairy cattleAvizheh, Mahdieh; Dadpasand, Mohammad; Dehnavi, Elena ; Keshavarzi, Hamideh1-Aug-2024
62022Enhancement of the terminal carcass production index to incorporate birth weight and lambing ease in Australian sheepDehnavi, E ; Swan, A A 21-Sep-2023
72019Insulin-Like Growth Factor I and II mRNA Levels in Rumen Wall of Calves Fed with Different Physical Forms of DietsAkbari, S; Ansari Mahyari, S; Mahdavi, A H; Zahmatkesh, A; Dehnavi, E 27-Aug-2021
8Jun-2018The effect of using cow genomic information on accuracy and bias of genomic breeding values in a simulated Holstein dairy cattle populationDehnavi, E ; Ansari Mahyari, S; Schenkel, F S; Sargolzaei, M20-Aug-2021
92018Impact of preferential treatment of elite cows on accuracy of genomic predictions in a simulated dairy cattle populationDehnavi, E ; Ansari Mahyari, S; Schenkel, F S; Sargolzaei, M 20-Aug-2021
1029-Apr-2017Imputation of non-genotyped parents using genotype information of their relativesDehnavi, E ; Ansari Mahyari, S; Schenkel, F S; Sargolzaei, M 8-May-2023
1120-Jun-2012Polymorphism of Myostatin Gene in Intron 1 and 2 and Exon 3, and Their Associations with Yearling Weight, Using PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP Techniques in Zel SheepDehnavi, Elena ; Azari, Mojtaba Ahani; Hasani, Saeed; Nassiry, Mohammad Reza; Mohajer, Mokhtar; Ahmadi, Alireza Khan; Shahmohamadi, Leila; Yousefi, Soheil30-Aug-2021

Credit Name
Dr Elena Dehnavi
Full Name
Dehnavi, Elena
Elena Dehnavi
Dehnavi, E
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Breeding Program Design)
Scopus Author ID
Dr Elena Dehnavi has joined Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), UNE since early 2021. She has focused on sheep industry, breeding designs and has currently worked on selection index and genetic parameters. Elena has worked on different subjects like as marker assisted selection, genomic selection, simulation, imputation and in different animals ranging from poultry to sheep.
Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
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Given Name
Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
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