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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
1Apr-2022Perinatal Stress in Immature Foals May Lead to Subclinical Adrenocortical Dysregulation in Adult Horses: Pilot StudyClothier, Jane ; Small, Alison; Hinch, Geoff ; Brown, Wendy Y 19-May-2022
2Aug-2020Prematurity and Dysmaturity Are Associated With Reduced Height and Shorter Distal Limb Length in HorsesClothier, Jane ; Small, Alison; Hinch, Geoff ; Brown, Wendy Y 22-Apr-2022
38-Jul-2019Beyond the Miracle Foal: A Study into the Persistent Effects of Gestational Immaturity in HorsesClothier, Jane ; Brown, Wendy ; Small, Alison; Hinch, Geoff 15-Nov-2019
4Apr-2019Using Movement Sensors to Assess Lying Time in Horses With and Without Angular Limb DeformitiesClothier, Jane ; Small, Alison; Hinch, Geoff ; Barwick, Jamie ; Brown, Wendy Y 13-May-2019
52019Beyond the Miracle Foal: A Study into the Persistent Effects of Gestational Immaturity in HorsesClothier, Jane ; Brown, Wendy ; Hinch, Geoffrey ; Small, Alison17-Nov-2019
62017Equine gestational length and location: is there more that the research could be telling us?Clothier, Jane ; Hinch, Geoffrey ; Brown, Wendy ; Small, Alison9-Feb-2018

Credit Name
Jane Clothier
Full Name
Clothier, Jane
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Associate Lecturer
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
School of E&RS - Animal Science
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Environmental and Rural Science
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