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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12009Preface: hydrogeoecology, the interdisciplinary study of groundwater dependent ecosystemsHancock, Peter J ; Hunt, Randall J; Boulton, Andrew J 2-Feb-2010
22009Sampling groundwater fauna: efficiency of rapid assessment methods tested in bores in eastern AustraliaHancock, Peter J ; Boulton, Andrew J 9-Mar-2010
32008Stygofauna biodiversity and endemism in four alluvial aquifers in eastern AustraliaHancock, Peter J ; Boulton, Andrew J 9-Mar-2012
42008Biodiversity, functional roles and ecosystem services of groundwater invertebratesBoulton, Andrew John ; Fenwick, G; Hancock, Peter J ; Harvey, MS5-Nov-2009
52007Deliberate omission or unfortunate oversight: Should stygofaunal surveys be included in routine groundwater monitoring programs?Tomlinson, Moya ; Boulton, Andrew John ; Hancock, Peter J ; Cook, P G6-May-2009
62007A stygobitic 'Carabhydrus' Watts (Dytiscidae, Coleoptera) from the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, AustraliaWatts, CH; Hancock, Peter J ; Leys, R2-Dec-2010
72006Rivers as groundwater-dependent ecosystems: A review of degrees of dependency, riverine processes and management implicationsBoulton, AJ ; Hancock, PJ 13-May-2008
82006The response of hyporheic invertebrate communities to a large flood in the Hunter River, New South WalesHancock, Peter J 1-May-2009
92005Aquifers and hyporheic zones: Towards an ecological understanding of groundwaterHancock, Peter J ; Boulton, Andrew John ; Humphreys, WF1-May-2009
102005The effects of an environmental flow release on water quality in the hyporheic zone of the Hunter River, AustraliaHancock, Peter J ; Boulton, Andrew John 1-May-2009
112002Human Impacts on the Stream-Groundwater Exchange ZoneHancock, Peter J 13-Dec-2012

Credit Name
Dr Peter Hancock
Full Name
Hancock, Peter J
UNE Researcher ID
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