Browsing by Department "Animal Science, School of Environmental and Rural Science"
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Journal ArticlePublication Anthelmintic efficacy evaluation against different developmental stages of Ascaridia galli following individual or group administration in artificially trickle-infected chickens(Elsevier BV, 2022-01); ; ; ; ; The efficacy of commercially available anthelmintics against mature and immature stages (including ovicidal effects) of two Australian field isolates of Ascaridia galli was evaluated in two separate experiments. The anthelmintics tested were levamisole (LEV), piperazine (PIP) and flubendazole (FBZ) plus LEV-PIP. A total of 192 artificially trickle-infected young cockerels (96 birds per isolate) were randomized into sixteen experimental groups of 12 cockerels each (7 treatments and 1 untreated control per isolate). Chickens received label-recommended doses of LEV (28 mg/kg), PIP (100 mg/kg) or LEV-PIP co-administered at their full individual doses as a single oral dose or in group drinking water at recommended concentrations of 0.8 mg/ml or 2.5 mg/ml over eight hours for 1 and 2 days respectively and FLBZ (30 ppm) in the feed over 7 days. Anthelmintic efficacies were assessed by worm count reduction (WCR%) and excreta egg count reduction (EECR%) estimated by two methods. Ten days post treatment, all untreated control birds harboured mixed worm population of 10.1 and 12.3/bird for each isolate respectively which was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than counts in all treatment groups. Luminal or histotrophic larvae comprised 50–57 % of the total worm count. For LEV, PIP and LEV-PIP, individual oral administration provided a somewhat higher efficacy than group medication in drinking water. EECR% values were inconsistent with WCR% and found to be only an indicator of efficacy against adult worms. All developmental stages of the two A. galli isolates were highly susceptible to FLBZ (100 %) followed by LEV-PIP (92.4–100 %) and LEV (87.7–100 %). PIP exhibited good efficacy against adult worms (92–97 %) but reduced efficacy against luminal (79–84 %) and histotrophic (61–72 %) larvae. Embryonation capacity of eggs recovered from worms expelled after treatment with LEV (47–54 %), PIP (44–54 %) or LEV-PIP (45–48 %) did not differ from those from untreated birds (50–51 %) whereas eggs from FLBZ treated worms had a significantly lower (P < 0.05) capacity to embryonate (≤ 2 %). Put together, our results demonstrate no evidence of resistance of the test A. galli isolates to the tested anthelmintics but a significant advantage of FLBZ, followed by LEV-PIP and LEV over PIP in the control of A. galli, specifically with regard to immature stages. A. galli worms expelled after treatment with LEV, PIP or their combination, but not FLBZ contain viable eggs. This has epidemiological implications and may also provide an option for isolating eggs from mature worms for A. galli propagation experiments without having to sacrifice birds.
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Journal ArticlePublication Ascaridia galli challenge model for worm propagation in young chickens with or without immunosuppression(Elsevier BV, 2022-01); ; ; ; ; With the continued growth of free-range egg production, the importance of the chicken roundworm Ascaridia galli is increasing. Investigations into this parasite would be facilitated by the availability of characterised strains and clear guidelines on optimal methods of multiplication and maintenance. Currently, there is lack of well-defined in vivo models for maintaining A. galli and the potential of using host immunosuppression to boost parasite development and worm egg output has not been investigated. To determine the most efficient way of propagating A. galli in young chickens an experiment with a 2 × 3 × 4 × 2 factorial design involving age of chicken at infection (day-old or 14 days old), immunosuppression (dexamethasone (DEX), cyclophosphamide (CY) or sham), infective egg dose (0, 100, 300 or 900 embryonated eggs/bird) and time of worm recovery after infection (8 or 10 weeks post-infection) was conducted. The experiment used a total of 384 layer cockerel chicks. Infection was delivered orally in 3 split doses over one week and immunosuppressants were administered by intramuscular injection concurrently with the infections. Body weight, excreta egg counts, intestinal worm count and worm establishment rate were assessed. The only sign of ascaridiosis noted was mild diarrhoea at the time of slaughter in some birds with a significant- positive association with worm count. Infection caused a significant dose dependent reduction in body weight in non-immunosuppressed birds but this effect was ameliorated by immunosuppression. Age at infection had no significant effect on the studied variables although both worm and egg counts were numerically higher in the day-old infected groups. Egg dose significantly influenced the prevalence of infection, worm establishment rate, worm egg production and mean worm count. The 300 and 900 egg doses resulted in significantly higher worm count and egg production than the 100 egg dose. A significant negative correlation was observed between egg dose and worm establishment rate indicating an inverse relationship. Immunosuppression with DEX, but not CY resulted in significantly higher mean worm burden than in control chickens with excreta egg counts also considerably higher in DEX treated birds. Our results suggest that trickle infection at day-old with infective doses of 300 eggs coupled with immunosuppression with DEX would provide the most efficient way to propagate A. galli worms in vivo, as using older birds or a higher egg dose did not provide any advantage.
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Journal ArticlePublication Ascaridia galli eggs obtained from fresh excreta, worm uteri or worms cultured in artificial media differ in embryonation capacity and infectivity(Elsevier, 2022-10); ; ; ;Sharpe, Brendan; Ascaridia galli infection models use eggs isolated from chicken excreta, worm uteri and worms cultured in artificial media. The aim of this study was to compare the infectivity of A. galli eggs isolated from these sources under two infection regimens. A 3 × 2 factorial arrangement was employed to test the infectivity of A. galli eggs from the three sources and two modes of infection (single or trickle infection). One hundred and fifty-six IsaBrown one day-old cockerels randomly assigned to the six treatment groups (n = 26) were orally infected with embryonated A. galli eggs obtained from the three A. galli egg sources (worm uteri, excreta or eggs shed in vitro) administered either as single dose of 300 eggs at one day-old or trickle infected with 3 doses of 100 eggs over the first week of life. Twenty-two negative control birds remained uninfected. Eggs obtained from cultured worms or excreta exhibited a higher embryonation capacity (P = 0.003) than eggs obtained from worm uteri. There were higher worm establishment (infectivity) rates from embryonated eggs originating from cultured worms and worm uteri compared with eggs obtained from fresh excreta (P < 0.0001). Trickle infection resulted in a significantly higher total worm burden (P = 0.002), establishment rate (P = 0.002) and excreta egg counts (EEC, P = 0.025) than single infection. Worm length was greater in birds infected with embryonated eggs from excreta than from uteri or cultured worms (P < 0.0001). However, mode of infection did not affect worm length (P = 0.719) and weight (P = 0.945). A strong significant positive linear correlation was observed between EECs and female worm counts at 12 weeks of post infection sampling (r = 0.75" P < 0.0001). Body weight of birds was negatively correlated with both worm burden (r = − 0.21" P < 0.01) and EEC (r = − 0.20" P < 0.05) at 12 weeks post infection. In conclusion, our results show that eggs shed by cultured worms or isolated from worm uteri had greater infective capacity than eggs harvested from excreta and that trickle rather than bolus infection resulted in higher worm establishment. These factors should be taken into account when considering artificial infection protocols for A. galli.
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Journal ArticlePublication Comparative therapeutic efficacies of oral and in-water administered levamisole, piperazine and fenbendazole against experimental Ascaridia galli infection in chickens(Elsevier BV, 2021-10); ; ; ; ; Evidence on the current efficacy status of anthelmintics used in the Australian poultry sector is lacking. A controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of three commonly used anthelmintics, namely levamisole (LEV), piperazine (PIP) and fenbendazole (FBZ) plus levamisole-piperazine combination (LEV-PIP) against a field strain of A. galli recovered following flock treatment with LEV. A total of 108 A. galli infected cockerels were randomized into nine experimental groups of 12 cockerels each (eight treatments and one untreated control) with each treatment administered by two routes (oral drench or in drinking water). Chickens received label-recommended doses of LEV (28 mg/kg) and PIP (100 mg/kg) while LEV-PIP involved both compounds co-administered at their full individual dose rates. FBZ was tested at two dose rates; 10 mg/kg as a single oral drench or 5 mg/kg in drinking water over 5 days. Anthelmintic efficacies were assessed by worm count reduction (WCR%) and excreta egg count reduction (EECR%) estimated by two methods. Ten days post treatment, the untreated control birds harboured significantly higher worm counts (P < 0.0001) than those in all treatment groups irrespective of the mode drug of application. Oral drenching caused a greater reduction in worm and egg counts (P < 0.05) than medication in drinking water. Based on geometric worm counts the percentage efficacies for the oral drench were 99.1, 96.3, 97.2 and 100% respectively for LEV, PIP, FBZ and LEV-PIP, and for administration in water 96.4, 93.7, 88.7 and 97.7% respectively. Efficacies based on EECR% were consistent with WCR% with strong positive linear association between efficacy values. In conclusion, our results demonstrate no evidence of loss of susceptiblity of the test A. galli isolate to both LEV and PIP contrary to our hypothesis. Additional efficacy studies are needed using A. galli isolates sourced from different poultry flocks across Australia.1223 2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Open AccessConference PublicationComparison of the mini-FLOTAC and Modified McMaster Methods for enumeration of Ascaridia galli eggs in chicken excreta(University of Sydney, 2021); ; ; ; ; Excreta egg counting techniques can provide valuable information for assessing flock infection levels, selecting nematode resistant chicken breeds and for determining anthelmintic efficacy. Although the Modified McMaster (MDM) method has been used for a long time, it is generally considered to have low sensitivity and precision (Das et al., 2020). The Mini-FLOTAC (MF) is a more recently developed commercial flotation method for excreta which could be a good alternative to replace MDM. The aim of this study was to compare the MF to the traditional MDM for their sensitivity, accuracy and precision using egg spiked chicken excreta samples. Time spent on sample processing and operator factors was also evaluated.1414 5 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Journal ArticlePublication Comparison of the Modified McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC methods for the enumeration of nematode eggs in egg spiked and naturally infected chicken excreta(Elsevier BV, 2021-11); ; ; ; ; Excreta egg counting techniques are used for indirectly estimating the magnitude of gastrointestinal nematode infection in live animals. The aim of this study was to optimise laboratory and field sampling methods for routine monitoring of nematode infections in chickens by evaluating the sensitivity, accuracy, and precision of the Modified McMaster (MM) and Mini-FLOTAC (MF) methods using laying chicken excreta samples spiked with estimated true numbers of eggs (Experiment 1 = 5-1500 EPG (eggs/g); Experiment 2 = 5-500 EPG) without and with operator effects, respectively or using individual fresh excreta (n = 230) and fresh floor excreta (n = 42) from naturally infected free-range layer farms. The Coefficient of Variation (CV) was assessed within and between operators and the time spent on sample preparation and counting was also evaluated. MF was more sensitive than MM at ≤ 50 EPG level but not above this while MM had a significantly higher egg recovery rate than MF for ≥ 50 EPG levels (MM = 89.7 %, MF = 68.2 %; P < 0.0001). Operator factors did not have a significant effect (P = 0.358-0.998) on egg counts across methods and EPG levels. The CV between replicates of the MM and MF methods for ≥ 50 EPG was 43.4 and 36.5 %, respectively. The inter-observer CV of the MM and MF methods for ≥ 50 EPG levels was 63.8 and 44.3 % respectively. When the naturally infected free-range layers which were individual caged for excreta sampling, the proportion of samples positive for MM and MF were 91.7 and 96.5 %, respectively (P = 0.023). MM resulted in significantly (P = 0.029) higher excreta egg counts (604) than MF (460) with the difference between methods greatest at higher EPG levels. Fresh floor excreta (pooled or individual) and individual caged chicken excreta did not have significant effect on egg counts (P = 0.274). The total time taken for sample preparation and egg counting was significantly lower using the MM method (4.3-5.7 min) than the MF method (16.9-23.8 min) (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, MM was more accurate than MF, particularly at higher EPG levels, but slightly less precise and sensitive, particularly at low EPG levels, while taking less than 25 % of the laboratory time per sample. Our observations indicate that the MM method is more appropriate for rapid diagnosis of chicken nematodes in the field. Pooled fresh floor excreta samples would be sufficient to indicate infection level in free range farms.1174 8 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Open AccessJournal ArticleEvaluation of in vitro methods of anthelmintic efficacy testing against Ascaridia galli(Cambridge University Press, 2022-04-19); ; ; ; ; To investigate methods for in vitro assessment of anthelmintic efficacy against the chicken nematode Ascaridia galli this study firstly evaluated sample preparation methods including recovery of eggs from excreta using different flotation fluids and induced larval hatching by the deshelling–centrifugation method and the glass-bead method with or without bile. It then evaluated two in vitro assays, the in-ovo larval development assay (LDA) and larval migration inhibition assay (LMIA), for anthelmintic efficacy testing against A. galli using fresh eggs and artificially hatched larvae, respectively. Four anthelmintics, thiabendazole (TBZ), fenbendazole (FBZ), levamisole (LEV) and piperazine (PIP) were employed using an A. galli isolate of known susceptibility. The results suggested that the LDA and LMIA could successfully be used to generate concentration response curves for the tested drugs. The LDA provided EC50 values for inhibition of egg embryonation of 0.084 and 0.071 μg/ml for TBZ and FBZ, respectively. In the LMIA, the values of effective concentration (EC50) of TBZ, FBZ, LEV and PIP were 105.9, 6.32, 349.9 and 6.78 × 107 nM, respectively. For such in vitro studies, a saturated sugar solution showed high egg recovery efficiency (67.8%) and yielded eggs of the highest morphological quality (98.1%) and subsequent developmental ability (93.3%). The larval hatching assays evaluated did not differ in hatching efficiency but the deshelling–centrifugation method yielded larvae that had slightly better survival rates. For final standardization of these tests and establishment of EC50 reference values, tests using isolates of A. galli of defined resistance status need to be performed.
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Publication Open AccessJournal ArticleGlobal and regional prevalence of helminth infection in chickens over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis(Elsevier BV, 2021-05); ; ; ; ; Gastrointestinal helminth parasites are a concern for the poultry industry worldwide as they can affect the health, welfare, and production performance. A systematic review of the prevalence over time in different countries may improve our understanding of gastrointestinal helminthiasis in chickens and subsequently lead to improved poultry health. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to provide an overview of the published information regarding the epidemiology and the diagnostic approaches of chicken helminth infection. Six databases were searched for studies, and a total of 2,985 articles published between 1942 and 2019 were identified and subsequently screened for eligibility using title or abstract and full text assessment, resulting in 191 publications to be used in the study. Postmortem diagnostics (73.8%) and the flotation technique (28.8%) were commonly used to detect helminth infections with a pooled prevalence of 79.4% ranging from 4 to 100%. More than 30 helminth species in chicken populations were identified including Ascaridia galli (35.9%), Heterakis gallinarum (28.5%), Capillaria spp. (5.90%), and Raillietina spp. (19.0%) being the most prevalent. The reported prevalence of helminth infection decreased over time in developing countries while it increased in the developed world. Chicken kept in backyard and free-range systems had a markedly higher pooled prevalence of helminth infection (82.6 and 84.8%, respectively) than those housed in cage production systems (63.6%). This may indicate the need for more rigorous control and prevention measures in free-range and backyard production systems using regular deworming coupled with access to early and accurate diagnosis allowing for early intervention.1288 282 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Open AccessDatasetHelminth infections in cage-free laying chickens in Australia- prevalence, coprological diagnosis, and worm egg storage and infectivity in chickens - Dataset(University of New England, 2023-01-14); ; ; ; This abstract briefly summarizes data collected from a series of experiments forming a total of 5 chapters in Anwar Shifaw’s PhD thesis (2023). The data were collected from field samples and laboratory experiments. One category of data (Chapter 3) was obtained by extracting useful information from published studies in order to compile prevalence data for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The extracted information included study details (such as authors, years, study regions, breed or strain, age, sex, production system, study design, sampling type, and sample size), diagnostic method, and helminth species and prevalence. Data for chapter 4 were generated from field samples. Measurements include worm count and excreta egg count for assessing worm prevalence and infection intensity. Data for Chapter 5 were derived from egg spiked and naturally infected chicken excreta samples, measuring excreta egg count and the time spent in processing samples by the two egg counting diagnostic methods to evaluate their diagnostic performance. Data for Chapter 6 were obtained from worm eggs recovered from chicken excreta and stored for an extended period of time, with several factors assessing their effects on the developmental stage and egg viability which were expressed as percentage (%). The final experiment (Chapter 7) was a worm propagation study and measurements included chicken body weight and excreta egg count (EEC, expressed as eggs/gram of excreta/EPG) recorded over time until 12 weeks post-infection, and worm counts recorded at 12 weeks post-infection. All data collected from each experiment were entered into excel file separately with detailed information and keys of different abbreviations used on separate sheets. Data from some parameters such as EEC, and worm count cube transformed before analysis to attain normality of data distribution.300 66 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Open AccessThesis DoctoralHelminth infections in laying chickens in Australia: prevalence, diagnosis, and improved methods of worm egg storage and multiplication(University of New England, 2023-06-09); ; ; ; This thesis describes a series of studies designed to investigate important aspects of gastrointestinal helminth parasites in chicken. The studies aimed broadly to 1) provide compiled information about the status and trends of helminth infections in poultry operations worldwide and assess the prevalence and magnitude of helminth infections in commercial cage-free laying chickens in Australia" 2) Evaluate and optimise diagnostic tools for routine monitoring of nematode infections in chickens" 3) optimise prolonged laboratory storage methods for both undeveloped and embryonated stages of nematode eggs." and 4) evaluate the embryonation and infectious capacity of A. galli eggs isolated from excreta, worm uteri or worms cultured in artificial media.
This thesis commences with Chapter 1 (General introduction) that contains an outline of the background, research problem, research aim, and propositions. The literature review chapter 2 provides an overview and summarises the key aspects of helminthiasis in chicken relevant to the research work and identify areas where knowledge is lacking.
The objective of the first study (Chapter 3) was to provide an overview of the published information regarding the epidemiology and the diagnostic approaches of chicken helminth infection. Six databases were searched for studies and a total of 2,985 articles published between 1942 and 2019 were identified and subsequently screened for eligibility using title/abstract and full text assessment, resulting in 191 publications used in the study. Post-mortem diagnostics (73.8%) and the flotation technique (28.8%) were commonly used to detect helminth infections with pooled prevalence of 79.4%. More than 30 helminth species in chicken populations were identified including A. galli (35.9%), H. gallinarum (28.5%), Capillaria spp. (5.90%) and Raillietina spp. (19.0%) being the most prevalent. The reported prevalence of helminth infection decreased over time in developing countries while it increased in the developed world. Chicken kept in back yard and free-range systems had a markedly higher pooled prevalence of helminth infection (82.6 and 84.8%, respectively) compared to those housed in cage production systems (63.6%).
The aim of the second study (Chapter 4) was to determine the prevalence and worm burdens of intestinal helminth infection in cage-free laying chickens in Australia. In an online survey of worm prevalence, a high proportion of respondents reported detection of Ascaridia galli (77%), followed by tapeworms (69%) and caecal worms (Heterakis gallinarum) (62%), whereas fewer respondents (23%) reported the presence of hair worms (Capillaria spp.) in their flocks. Total worm recovery from 407 laying hens on four farms found that 92.1% of hens harboured one or more helminth parasite with a prevalence of 73 to 100% across farms. Mixed infections were common with 79% of hens harbouring two or more helminth species. The prevalence of nematode species H. gallinarum, A. galli and Capillaria spp. was 87, 82 and 35% respectively, whereas the overall prevalence of the cestodes was 12%. The hens harboured an average of 71 worms with H. gallinarum having the highest mean burden (45.5 worms/hen) followed by A. galli (22.0 worms/hen), Capillaria spp. (2.7 worms/hen) and cestodes (0.8 worms/hen). When investigating intestinal excreta (n = 10) and caecal excreta (n = 10) of 16 flocks, all sampled flocks were egg count positive for ascarid infections, predominantly A. galli and H. gallinarum, respectively.
The aim of the third study (Chapter 5) was to assess and optimise laboratory and field sampling methods for routine monitoring of nematode infections in chickens by evaluating the sensitivity, accuracy, and precision of the Modified McMaster (MM) and Mini-FLOTAC (MF) methods using laying chicken excreta samples spiked with estimated true numbers of eggs (Experiment 1 = 5-1500 EPG (eggs/g)" Experiment 2 = 5-500 EPG) without and with operator effects, respectively or using individual fresh excreta (n = 230) and fresh floor excreta (n = 42) from naturally infected free-range layer farms. The Coefficient of Variation was assessed within and between operators and the time spent on sample preparation and counting was also evaluated. MM was more accurate than MF, particularly at higher EPG levels, but slightly less precise and sensitive, particularly at low EPG levels, while taking less laboratory time per sample. Our observations indicate that the MM method is more appropriate for rapid diagnosis of chicken nematodes in the field. Pooled fresh floor excreta samples would be sufficient to indicate infection level in free range farms.
The aim of the fourth study (Chapter 6) was to determine ideal storage conditions for maximising the viability of A. galli eggs and maintaining viability for the longest period. A 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 factorial experimental design was employed to investigate the effects of storage temperature (4˚C or 26˚C), storage condition (aerobic or anaerobic), storage medium (water, 0.1 N H2SO4 or 2% formalin) and storage period (4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks). The viability of eggs was assessed after eggs in all treatments were held aerobically at 26˚C for 2 weeks after the storage period to test embryonation capacity. The maintenance of viability during storage at 4˚C was optimal under anaerobic conditions while at 26˚C it was optimal under aerobic conditions. Anaerobic conditions at 26˚C led to a rapid loss of viability while aerobic conditions at 4˚C had a less severe negative effect on maintenance of viability. Egg storage in 0.1 N H2SO4 resulted in a significantly higher viability overall (54.7%) than storage in 2% formalin (49.2%) or water (37.3%). Untreated water was the least favourable storage medium when eggs were stored at 26˚C while it was a medium of intermediate quality at 4˚C. The lowest rate of decline was seen with storage of eggs under anaerobic conditions at 4˚C or aerobic conditions at 26˚C in 0.1 N H2SO4 with a decline rate of approximately 2% per week with no significant difference between the two. Therefore, this study has clearly revealed anaerobic conditions required for prolonged storage of A. galli eggs in the pre-embryonated state at 4˚C. It has also identified that 0.1 N H2SO4 provides the best preservation against degradation during storage, particularly at 26˚C under aerobic conditions.
The aim of the final study (Chapter 7) was to compare the infectivity of A. galli eggs isolated from A. galli egg sources (worm uteri, excreta or eggs shed in vitro) under two infection regimens. A 3x2 factorial arrangement was employed to test the infectivity of A. galli eggs from the three sources and two modes of infection (single or trickle infection). One hundred and fifty-six Isa-Brown one day-old cockerels randomly assigned to the six treatment groups (n = 26) were orally infected with embryonated A. galli eggs obtained from the three A. galli egg sources (worm uteri, excreta or eggs shed in vitro) administered either as single dose of 300 eggs at one day-old or trickle infected with 3 doses of 100 eggs over the first week of life. Eggs obtained from cultured worms or excreta exhibited a higher embryonation capacity than eggs obtained from worm uteri. The findings showed that eggs shed by cultured worms or isolated from worm uteri had greater infective capacity than eggs harvested from excreta and that trickle rather than single infection resulted in higher worm establishment rate.
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Publication Open AccessConference PublicationNo evidence of Levamisole resistance in Ascaridia galli on a freerange egg farm in Australia(University of Sydney, 2021); ; ; ; ;Shifaw, AWith the growing popularity of free range production systems, the incidence of helminth infections has increased in commercial poultry farms in Australia. Adequate control can only be maintained by regular application of commercial anthelmintics. Until very recently, levamisole (LEV) and piperazine (PIP) were the only registered chemicals to treat nematode infections in chickens with no published appraisal of their efficacy status since registration. We report the first formal investigation into the efficacy of commercial anthelmintics against chicken ascaridiasis in Australia.1419 4 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Open AccessDatasetPropagation and anthelmintic efficacy testing of Australian chicken nematodes - Dataset(University of New England, 2022-03-03); ; ; ; This abstract briefly summarizes data collected from a series of experiments forming a total of 6 chapters in Teka Dewo’s PhD thesis (2022). The data were collected from about 8 different field and laboratory experiments conducted at different times on chicken gastrointestinal nematodes and cover worm egg recovery, storage, propagation in chickens and in vivo/ in vitro anthelmintic efficacy testing. One category of data was generated from an online survey of producers which was implemented using SurveyMonkey platform. Data from the first experiment (Chapter 3) were generated from studies on worm eggs/larvae and include in vitro egg production by mature female worms (total count), egg embryonation (described as five egg morphological stages), and viability and hatching, most of which were expressed as percentage (%). The second experiment (Chapter 4) was a worm propagation study and measurements included chicken body weight and excreta egg count (EEC, expressed as eggs/gram of excreta/EPG) recorded over time until 10 weeks post-infection, and excreta consistency score (ECS) and worm counts recorded at 8 and 10 weeks post-infection. For in vivo anthelmintic efficacy studies (chapters 5, 6 and 7 which involved 5 experiments) the measurements were mainly pre- and post-treatment EEC (expressed as EPG) recorded on the day of anthelmintic treatment (day 0) and then 10 days post-treatment, and worm counts (adult, luminal larvae and histotrophic larvae) recorded 10 days post-treatment. Two experiments (Chapter 6) also assessed effect of anthelmintics on embryonation of eggs recovered from worms eliminated following treatment and measurements were percentage egg embryonation (described as five egg morphological stages). Measurements for the in vitro anthelmintic efficacy study (chapter 8) included worm egg recovery efficiency from excreta (%), morphological quality of eggs (% intact or damaged eggs), developmental ability of eggs (%) described as five egg morphological stages, larval hatching (%) and survival over time (%), inhibition of egg embryonation (%) and inhibition of larval migration (%). All data collected from each experiment were entered into excel file separately with detailed information and keys of different abbreviations used on separate sheets. Data from some parameters such as EEC, worm count and drug concentrations were log transformed before analysis to attain normality of data distribution.537 79 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Thesis DoctoralPublication Propagation and anthelmintic efficacy testing of nematode parasites of chickens in Australia(University of New England, 2022-07-21); ; ; ; This thesis describes a series of studies designed to investigate important aspects of chicken gastrointestinal nematodes with a focus on A. galli. The studies aimed broadly to i) evaluate methods for isolation, laboratory storage and in vivo maintenance and multiplication of stocks of A. galli for critical experimentation; ii) refine existing methods or develop new tools for anthelmintic efficacy testing in chicken nematodes; and iii) determine anthelmintic resistance profiles of Australian chicken nematode isolates on selected free-range egg farms.
The objective of the first study (Chapter 3) was to define the rate of egg production by mature female A. galli worms cultured in RPMI media, and evaluate changes in egg viability under different storage and incubation conditions. Eggs recovered after 1, 2 or 3 days of culture were subjected to either storage in water at 4°C (1, 4 or 8 weeks) followed by incubation in 0.1 N H2SO4 at 26°C (2, 4 or 6 weeks) or prolonged storage at 4°C for up to14 weeks. Of the 6,044 eggs recovered per mature female 49.2, 38.5 and 12.3% were recovered on days 1, 2 and 3 of worm incubation respectively with similar initial viability (≥99%) between days. It was observed that the storage and incubation conditions, not the day of egg recovery, are the main factors affecting A. galli egg viability. Prolonged storage at 4°C significantly reduced both the proportion of morphologically normal unembryonated eggs and their embryonation capacity resulting in decline in viability of 5.7-6.2% per week. A smaller but significant decline in egg (2.0%) and larval (1.4%) viability per week of incubation at 26°C was also observed.
The aim of the second study (Chapter 4) was to determine the most efficient means of multiplying stocks of A. galli eggs for further experimentation and maintenance of defined worm strains. A total of 384 layer cockerel chicks were used in an experiment with a 2 x 3 x 4 x 2 factorial design involving age of chicken at infection (day-old or 14 days old), immunosuppression (dexamethasone (DEX), cyclophosphamide (CY) or sham), infective egg dose (0, 100, 300 or 900 embryonated eggs/bird) and time of worm recovery after infection (8 or 10 weeks post-infection) was conducted. Body weight, excreta egg counts, intestinal worm count and worm establishment rate were assessed. Immunosuppression with DEX, but not CY resulted in significantly higher mean worm burden than in control chickens with excreta egg counts also considerably higher in DEX treated birds. Infection caused a significant dose dependent reduction in body weight in non-immunosuppressed birds but this effect was ameliorated by immunosuppression implicating the immune response in the reduced growth caused by infection. Age at infection had no significant effect on the studied variables although both worm and egg counts were numerically higher in the day-old infected groups. Egg dose significantly influenced the prevalence of infection, worm establishment rate, worm egg production and mean worm count. The 300 and 900 egg doses resulted in significantly higher worm count and egg production than the 100 egg dose. A significant negative correlation was observed between egg dose and worm establishment rate indicating an inverse relationship.
Chapters 5, 6 and 7 present the results of investigations into the efficacy of commercial anthelmintics against different nematode species and their developmental stages. Additionally, Chapter 7 assessed worm control practices by free-range egg farmers using an online survey comprising 36 questions implemented using SurveyMonkey. Controlled efficacy experiments were conducted using nematode isolates sourced from 5 different free-range farms with the objectives of i) evaluating the efficacy status of LEV, PIP, FBZ or FLBZ, and a levamisole-piperazine combination (LEV-PIP) against the worm isolates and their life cycle stages including in uteri ovicidal activity; ii) comparing the efficacy of individual oral administration against mass administration in drinking water (Chapters 5 and 6); and iii) comparing the EECR and WCR tests for determining anthelmintic efficacy in chickens under different infection modalities. Three infection models were employed in separate controlled trials. In Chapter 5 an A. galli isolate surviving a recent treatment with LEV (suspected case of LEV resistance) was used in an artificial infection model which produced adult warms only (mature worm infection model). In Chapter 6, two additional A. galli isolates originating from two different farms were tested using a split trickle infection model which produced mixed age A. galli populations at the time of treatment (adult, luminal larvae and histotrophic larvae). The viability of eggs isolated from adult A. galli worms expelled by treated birds was also assessed. The experiments in Chapter 7 employed layer chickens harbouring natural mixed infections of A. galli, H. gallinarum and capillaria spp sourced from two free-range farms. Chickens received label-recommended doses of LEV (28 mg/kg), PIP (100 mg/kg) or LEV-PIP co-administered at their full individual doses as a single oral drench or in group drinking water at recommended concentrations of 0.8 mg/ml or 2.5 mg/ml over eight hours for 1 and 2 days respectively, FLBZ (30 ppm or 60 ppm) in the feed over 7 days, and FBZ (Panacur 25® Sheep drench) at two dose rates (10 mg/kg as a single oral drench or 5mg/kg as 0.023 mg/ml in drinking water over eight hours for 5 days). Anthelmintic efficacies were estimated by both WCR% and EECR% 10 days after start of anthelmintic administration following World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology guidelines. Based on a standard cut-off value of ≥90%, LEV, LEV-PIP, FLBZ and FBZ attained the desired efficacy against nematodes from all flocks but PIP exhibited a poor efficacy against immature A. galli (61-85%), all stages of H. gallinarum (42-77%) and capillaria spp (25-44%). A. galli worms expelled after treatment with LEV, PIP or their combination, but not FLBZ contained viable eggs. FLBZ provided 92 and 100% control of tapeworms at 30 and 60 ppm dose rates respectively in the single study with tapeworms. The online survey with a low response rate of 16/203, revealed that worm infection was of moderate concern to the producers and the majority (68%) felt that the current anthelmintics work effectively. Application of anthelmintics in water was generally effective with a numerically slightly lower efficacy than individual application. The EECRTs were inconsistent with the WCRT in infections involving mixed species and/or developmental stages.
Lastly the potential of in vitro drug sensitivity tests for use in A. galli were evaluated, aiming to i) optimise pre-assay sample preparation methods including extracting eggs from chicken excreta using different flotation fluids and comparing the deshelling centrifugation method and the glass-bead method with or without bile, to induce larval hatching in vitro and ii) evaluate two in vitro efficacy assays, the in-ovo larval development assay (LDA) and larval migration inhibition assay (LMIA) using fresh A. galli eggs and artificially hatched larvae, respectively. Four anthelmintics, namely thiabendazole (TBZ), FBZ, LEV and PIP were tested using a fully susceptible A. galli isolate sourced from a free-range farm. The results suggested that the LDA and LMIA could successfully be used to generate concentration-response curves for the tested drugs. The LDA was effective for the ovicidal benzimidazole anthelmintics with TBZ and FBZ having EC50 values for inhibiting egg embryonation of 0.084 and 0.071 µg/ml, respectively. In the LMIA, the values of EC50 of TBZ, FBZ, LEV and PIP were 105.9, 6.32, 349.9 and 6.78 × 107 nM, respectively. For such in vitro studies, use of a saturated sugar solution to recover eggs resulted in high egg recovery efficiency (67.8%) and yielded eggs of the highest morphological quality (98.1%) and subsequent developmental ability (93.3%). The larval hatching methods evaluated did not differ in hatching efficiency but the deshelling-centrifugation method seemed to yield larvae with slightly better survival rates.
The results of this thesis demonstrated that A. galli eggs for experimentation can be effectively recovered from mature female worms or excreta collected from infected chickens where egg viability of 90% or above can be achieved in both cases. Post recovery storage and incubation conditions significantly affect A. galli egg viability. Trickle infection at day-old with infective doses of 300 eggs coupled with immunosuppression with DEX would provide the most efficient way to amplify and maintain A. galli worms in vivo, as using older birds or a higher egg dose did not provide any advantage. No evidence of loss of efficacy of the tested anthelmintics was detected on these farms reinforcing the perception of free range egg producers that participated in the online survey that current anthelmintics work effectively. The fact that eggs recovered from worms expelled after treatment with LEV, PIP or LEV-PIP retained embryonation capacity has epidemiological implications but may also provide an option for recovering eggs for A. galli propagation experiments. The EECR procedures are not suitable alternatives for evaluating anthelmintic efficacy in infections with mixed species or if efficacy against non-adult stages is required but could be useful to determine efficacy against adult nematodes in mono-species artificial infections. The preliminary studies into in vitro assays for testing anthelmintic efficacy against A. galli indicated significant potential in this area with the LDA and LMIA allowing for calculation of EC50 values. However, standardization of these tests and establishment of EC50 reference values and correlation with the WCR tests need to be performed although optimization of the methodologically complex LMIA may not be warranted for routine diagnosis of AR. Put together, the outcomes of this thesis can improve the ability of researchers, advisors and farmers to investigate and manage gastrointestinal nematode infections of chickens.
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Journal ArticlePublication Viability and development of Ascaridia galli eggs recovered in artificial media followed by storage under different conditions(Cambridge University Press, 2020); ; ;Sharpe, B; ; Eggs oviposited by Ascaridia galli females in artificial media are commonly used as a source of infective material. We investigated the rate of egg production by cultured mature females (n = 223), and changes in egg viability under different storage and incubation conditions. Eggs recovered after 1, 2 or 3 days of culture were subjected to either (1) storage in water at 4°C (1, 4 or 8 weeks) followed by incubation in 0.1 N H2SO4 at 26°C (2, 4 or 6 weeks); or (2) prolonged storage at 4°C (up to 14 weeks). Egg development and viability was assessed by morphology coupled with a viability dye exclusion test of hatched larvae. Of the 6,044 eggs recovered per mature female 49.2, 38.5 and 12.3% were recovered on days 1, 2 and 3 of worm incubation respectively with similar initial viability (≥99%) between days. Eggs recovered on different days had only minor differences in viability after storage. The prolonged storage period at 4°C significantly affected both viability and embryonation ability resulting in decline in viability of 5.7–6.2% per week. A smaller but significant decline in egg (2.0%) and hatched larval (1.4%) viability per week of incubation at 26°C was also observed. We conclude that storage and incubation conditions, not the day of egg recovery, are the main factors affecting A. galli egg viability. Our findings indicate that under aerobic conditions storage at 26°C may be preferable to 4°C whereas other studies indicate that under anaerobic conditions storage at 4°C is preferable.1103 3