The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR) : [191] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 191
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
2008Addressing the needs of low-achieving mathematics students: helping students 'trust their heads'Graham, Lorraine; Pegg, John Edward 7-Aug-2012
2008"I sound just like the good kids": enhancing the reading achievement of middle-years students with learning difficultiesGraham, Lorraine; Pegg, John Edward 7-Aug-2012
2007Addressing the needs of low-achieving mathematics students: Helping students "trust their heads"Pegg, John Edward ; Graham, Lorraine6-Aug-2012
2007Identifying and Analysing Processes in NSW Public Schooling Producing Outstanding Educational Outcomes in MathematicsPegg, John Edward ; Panizzon, Debra Lee ; Lynch, Trevor 31-Jul-2012
2007Enhancing Student Achievement in Mathematics: Identifying the Needs of Rural and Regional Teachers in AustraliaPanizzon, Debra Lee ; Pegg, John Edward 31-Jul-2012
1998A study of the informal and formal knowledge of number possessed by children in their first year of schoolGorrie, Margaret L; Pegg, John 24-Jul-2012
2011Student Welfare in Australia and KoreaAuh, Myung-Sook ; Pegg, John E ; Im, Youn Kee11-Jul-2012
2004Roundtable Assessment: Making the Portfolio Experience More MeaningfulReading, Christine Elizabeth 6-Jun-2012
2004Electronic Professional Portfolios for Pre-Service Teachers (Higher education)Reading, Christine Elizabeth ; Maurer, Brian John; Lloyd, Linley 6-Jun-2012
2008Feedback About Professional Growth for Teachers of Mathematics: A Developmental PerspectiveMcPhan, Greg ; Pegg, John Edward ; Horarik, Stefan 31-May-2012
2012The Effects of Improved Automaticity in Basic Academic Skills on the Test Performance: A Study of Learning Difficulties in the Middle-School YearsBellert, Anne Maree; Graham, Lorraine; Pegg, John 22-May-2012
2011Part II: Fundamentals for Teaching StatisticsReading, Christine E 17-May-2012
2011Teachers' Knowledge of DistributionReading, Christine E ; Canada, Dan17-May-2012
2011Preface to 'Teaching Statistics in School Mathematics - Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education. A Joint ICMI/IASE Study: The 18th ICMI Study'Batanero, Carmen; Burrill, Gail; Reading, Christine E 17-May-2012
2011Teaching Statistics in School Mathematics - Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education. A Joint ICMI/IASE Study: The 18th ICMI StudyBatanero, Carmen; Burrill, Gail; Reading, Christine E 17-May-2012
2011Overview: Challenges for Teaching Statistics in School Mathematics and Preparing Mathematics TeachersBatanero, Carmen; Burrill, Gail; Reading, Christine E 17-May-2012
2011Reasoning About Sampling in the Context of Making Informal Statistical InferencesProdromou, Theodosia ; Reading, Christine E 17-Apr-2012
2011Improving the Numeracy Performance of Middle-School Students through Enhancing Basic Academic Skills: Evidence From the use of QuickSmart with Indigenous StudentsGraham, Lorraine; Pegg, John E 2-Apr-2012
2011Videoconferencing between Australian and Korean schools for Intercultural ExchangesAuh, Myung-Sook ; Reading, Christine E 2-Feb-2012
1999An Investigation into the Assessment of Students' Van Hiele Levels of Understanding in GeometryLawrie, Christine; Anderson, Peter; Pegg, John 8-Nov-2011
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 191

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