The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR) : [191] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 191 of 191
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
2001Mapping New Territories: ICT Integration Across the Bachelor of Education ProgramParkes, Mitchell ; Reading, CE ; Reid, J8-Aug-2008
2006Focusing on ICT in Rural and Regional Education in AustraliaReading, CE ; Fluck, A; Trinidad, S; Smith, HJ; Shaw, G; Anderson, N; McLoughlin, C; White, B7-Aug-2008
2006The use of Behavioural Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) in the identification of the competencies required to be an effective e-learnerParkes, Mitchell ; Reading, CE 6-Aug-2008
2004Reasoning about VariationReading, CE ; Shaughnessy, MJ24-Jul-2008
2005Explicit knowledge structures as a tool for overcoming obstacles to interdisciplinary researchBoulton, AJ ; Panizzon, DL ; Prior, JC 13-May-2008
2005The Fundamental cycle of concept construction underlying various theoretical frameworksPegg, JE ; Tall, D13-May-2008
2006Reasoning About Distribution: A complex processPfannkuch, M; Reading, CE 9-May-2008
2006An Emerging Hierarchy of Reasoning About Distribution: From a variation perspectiveReading, CE ; Reid, J 9-May-2008
2004Student Description of Variation While Working With Weather DataReading, CE 6-May-2008
2003Using a Cognitive Structural Model to Provide New Insights into Students' Understanding of DiffusionPanizzon, DL 2-May-2008
2003Assessment in Mathematics: A Development ApproachPegg, JE 21-Apr-2008
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 191 of 191

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