The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR) : [191] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 191
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
2007Supporting Students in the Middle School Years with Learning Difficulties in Mathematics: Research into Classroom PracticeGraham, Lorraine; Bellert, Anne Maree; Pegg, John Edward 26-Nov-2009
2008Measuring The Development Of Students' Consideration Of VariationReid, Jacqueline ; Reading, Christine Elizabeth 25-Nov-2009
2003Mission possible: A day of Science, Fun and CollaborationPanizzon, Debra Lee ; McLennan, G20-Nov-2009
2009Linguistic Pointers to Students' Understanding in Introductory Algebra: A Cognitive ApproachFalle, Judith Louise; Pegg, John ; Afamasaga-Fuata'i, K16-Nov-2009
2008Maths? Why Not?McPhan, Greg ; Morony, Will; Pegg, John Edward ; Cooksey, Ray Wagner ; Lynch, Trevor 13-Nov-2009
2007Establishment of the National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional (SiMERR) AustraliaPegg, John Edward ; Panizzon, Debra Lee 12-Nov-2009
2009Qualitative Analyses of a Fundamental Motor Skill Across the Lifespan: Linking Practice and TheoryHaynes, John Ewen; Pegg, John ; Miller, Judith 10-Nov-2009
2007Exceptional Outcomes in Science Education: Findings from ÆSOPPanizzon, Debra Lee ; Barnes, Geoffrey; Pegg, John Edward 9-Oct-2009
2007Exceptional Outcomes in Mathematics Education: Findings from ÆSOPPegg, John Edward ; Lynch, Trevor; Panizzon, Debra Lee 8-Oct-2009
2007The OtherHardy, Joy 17-Aug-2009
2007DeconstructionHardy, Joy 17-Aug-2009
2008Neoliberalism and Environmental Education: An Analysis of Australian Online Recruitment AdvertisementsHardy, Joy 13-Aug-2009
2007Inequities in student achievement for literacy: Metropolitan versus rural comparisonsPegg, John Edward ; Panizzon, Debra Lee 21-May-2009
2007Improving the reading achievement of middle-years students with learning difficultiesGraham, Lorraine; Pegg, John Edward ; Alder, L21-May-2009
2004Strategies for enhancing the learning of ecological research methods and statistics by tertiary environmental science studentsPanizzon, DL ; Boulton, AJ 12-Nov-2008
2006A Hierarchy of Tertiary Students' Consideration of VariationReid, J ; Reading, CE 29-Sep-2008
2006Science, ICT and Mathematics Education in Rural and Regional Australia: The SiMERR National Survey - A research report prepared for the Department of Education, Science and TrainingLyons, T ; Cooksey, RW ; Panizzon, DL ; Parnell, A ; Pegg, JE 29-Sep-2008
2005Developing Consideration of Variation: Case Studies from a Tertiary Introductory Service Statistics CourseReid, J ; Reading, CE 26-Sep-2008
2005The Effect of Improved Automaticity and Retrieval of Basic Number Skills on Persistently Low-Achieving StudentsPegg, John ; Graham, Lorraine; Bellert, Anne26-Sep-2008
2006Applying Item Response Modelling to Confirm the Underlying Construct of a New Process Instrument in GymnasticsHaynes, JE ; Miller, JA ; Callingham, RA ; Pegg, JE 19-Aug-2008
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 191

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