The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR) : [191] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 191
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
2005'Getting into the swing': Investigating pendulums by integrating science, mathematics and ICTPanizzon, Debra Lee ; Cameron, Bruce Gillanders27-Jan-2010
2006ESSA: Developing and scoping a test to explore scientific literacy and achievement in NSWPanizzon, Debra Lee ; Arthur, Dagmar; Pegg, John Edward 25-Jan-2010
2007Quicksmart: A Basic Academic Skills Intervention for Middle School Students with Learning DifficultiesGraham, Lorraine; Bellert, Anne Maree; Thomas, Jennifer ; Pegg, John Edward 25-Jan-2010
2004Is Online on Target?: Successful Science Education in Soil and Water HealthPanizzon, Debra Lee ; Boulton, Andrew John ; Clarke, Catherine; Daniel, Heiko ; Lockwood, Peter Vincent 22-Jan-2010
2006Science, ICT and Mathematics Education in Rural and Regional Australia: The SiMERR National Survey - Abridged Report of FindingsLyons, Terry ; Cooksey, Ray Wagner ; Panizzon, Debra Lee ; Parnell, Anne ; Pegg, John Edward 20-Jan-2010
2005Rethinking literacy in the information age and beyondReading, Christine Elizabeth 18-Jan-2010
2007Assessing Chinese Students' Understandings in Mathematics and Science: Ensuring Valid and Reliable Data within International ContextsWang, Chunxia; Panizzon, Debra Lee ; Pegg, John Edward 14-Jan-2010
2007Partnerships in ICT Learning Study: ReportPegg, John Edward ; Reading, Christine Elizabeth ; Williams, Michelle11-Jan-2010
2007Partnerships in ICT Learning Study: Case studiesReading, Christine Elizabeth 11-Jan-2010
2008Developing assessment items to measure tertiary students' reasoning about explained and unexplained variabilityReid, Jacqueline ; Reading, Christine Elizabeth ; Ellem, Bernard 11-Jan-2010
2007Searching for a methodology to bridge the gap between ideas and practice: An investigation of the sensorimotor mode of learningHaynes, John Ewen ; Miller, Judith Anne ; Pegg, John Edward 24-Dec-2009
2006Embedding ICT in Learning (EiL): Collaboration Partnerships for Rural SchoolsReading, Christine Elizabeth ; Lloyd, Linley ; Belford, Sue23-Dec-2009
2004Just a minute?: The use of minute papers to investigate statistical thinking in research, teaching and learningReid, Jacqueline ; Reading, Christine Elizabeth 22-Dec-2009
2008Embedding ICT in learning: Engaging Indigenous Students... and their TeachersReading, Christine Elizabeth 22-Dec-2009
2007Reasoning About Variation: Student VoiceReading, Christine Elizabeth ; Reid, Jacqueline 17-Dec-2009
2008Addressing Changing Assessment Agendas: Impact of Professional Development on Secondary Mathematics Teachers in NSWPegg, John Edward ; Panizzon, Debra Lee 10-Dec-2009
2007Chasms In Student Achievement: Exploring The Rural-Metropolitan DividePanizzon, Debra Lee ; Pegg, John Edward 9-Dec-2009
2008A Framework To Support Research On Informal Inferential ReasoningZieffler, Andrew; Garfield, Joan; DelMas, Robert; Reading, Christine Elizabeth 8-Dec-2009
2007The relationship of process and product performance of the two-handed sidearm strikeMiller, Judith Anne ; Vine, Kenneth William ; Larkin, Dawne3-Dec-2009
2008Assessment practices: Empowering mathematics and science teachers in rural secondary schools to enhance student learningPanizzon, Debra Lee ; Pegg, John Edward 1-Dec-2009
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 191

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