The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR) : [191] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 191
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
2003QuickSmart: Improving students' response time and strategy use in the retrieval of number factsGraham, Lorraine; Pegg, John E ; Bellert, Anne M29-Oct-2010
2003An analysis of long-term effects of an intervention program designed to enhance basic numeracy skills for low-achieving middle-school studentsPegg, John E ; Graham, Lorraine; Bellert, Anne M29-Oct-2010
2003Effective Intervention for Students with Learning Difficulties in the Middle School Grades: A QuickSmart ApproachBellert, Anne M; Graham, Lorraine; Pegg, John E 28-Oct-2010
1997A developmental analysis of strategies employed in solving speed problems: A post-Piagetian approachCuthbert, Ross Hamilton; Pegg, John 12-Oct-2010
1997A study of student understanding of electric and magnetic fields and related phenomenaGuth, John Ern-Way; Pegg, John ; Daniels, David6-Oct-2010
2007Interpreting student understanding in geometry: A synthesis of two modelsPegg, John Edward ; Davey, Geoff20-May-2010
2009The Option of Selecting Higher-level Mathematics Courses: Transitional TensionsMcPhan, Gregory ; Pegg, John 12-May-2010
2008Studies on Regional and National Reform Initiatives as a Means to Improve Mathematics Teaching and Learning at ScalePegg, John Edward ; Krainer, Konrad6-May-2010
2009Cognitive Development of Informal Inferential ReasoningReading, Christine E 20-Apr-2010
2010Choosing Science: Understanding the declines in senior high school science enrolmentsLyons, Terence ; Quinn, Frances 15-Apr-2010
2009Embedding ICT in learning: power in rural partnershipsPegg, John E ; Reading, Christine E 6-Apr-2010
2010How Teacher Policy Shaped Teacher Education in Korea: A Comparison with Australia for Selected IssuesAuh, Myung-Sook ; Pegg, John E 30-Mar-2010
2009Improving Professional Learning in Rural Areas: Implications for Teacher Education Practice from Australia and KoreaAuh, Myung-Sook ; Pegg, John 24-Mar-2010
2009Social Computing: Reducing Isolation In Remote Australian SchoolReading, Christine E 24-Mar-2010
2006Measuring the 'value-added' contribution of embedding ICT in learningReading, Christine Elizabeth ; Cornish, Linley ; Belford, Sue5-Mar-2010
2003Identifying High Academic Potential in Australian Aboriginal Children Using Dynamic TestingChaffey, Grahame ; Bailey, Stanley Brian; Vine, Kenneth William 25-Feb-2010
2006Final Report on the Validation of the NSW Professional Teaching StandardsBaxter, David John; Dickson, Scott Howard; Graham, Lorraine; Panizzon, Debra Lee; Parnell, Anne ; Pegg, John Edward23-Feb-2010
2007Radical existentialism meets cognitive science: a review of converging qualitative and quantitative perspectives in research into tertiary students' learningQuinn, Frances ; Pegg, John Edward ; Stein, Sarah10-Feb-2010
2009First-year Biology Students' Understandings of Meiosis: An investigation using a structural theoretical frameworkQuinn, Frances ; Pegg, John E ; Panizzon, Debra L 3-Feb-2010
2001Broadening ICT Horizons: Navigation of Expanded TextParkes, Mitchell ; Reading, Christine Elizabeth ; Reid, Jo-Anne27-Jan-2010
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 191

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