The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR) : [191] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 191
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
2010A longitudinal evaluation of 'QuickSmart': An effective Australian intervention to improve numeracyGraham, Lorraine; Pegg, John E 26-Oct-2011
2011Collaborative innovations with rural and regional secondary teachers: enhancing student learning in mathematicsPegg, John E ; Panizzon, Debra L 25-Oct-2011
2011Evaluating the QuickSmart Numeracy Program: an Effective Australian Intervention that Improves Student Achievement, Responds to Special Education Needs, and Fosters Teacher CollaborationGraham, Lorraine; Pegg, John E 19-Oct-2011
2010Visual representation of the syllabus content about "data"Prodromou, Theodosia ; Reading, Christine E 6-Jul-2011
2005"Drowning by Numbers": The Effectiveness of Learner-Centered Approaches to Teaching Biostatistics in the Environmental Life SciencesPanizzon, Debra L ; Boulton, Andrew 17-Jun-2011
2010Exploring Animation: Professional Learning for TeachersReading, Christine E 3-Jun-2011
2010e-Learning: Just how difficult can it be?Parkes, Mitchell ; Reading, Christine E ; Stein, Sarah3-Jun-2011
2010ICT in Learning: Negotiating Criteria to Measure EngagementReading, Christine E ; Levins, Martin 3-Jun-2011
2010A second chance for successPegg, John E ; Graham, Lorraine31-May-2011
2010Using ICT to increase professional connectedness for teachers in remote AustraliaReading, Christine E 16-May-2011
2010Hard data to support the effectiveness of 'QuickSmart' NumeracyGraham, Lorraine; Pegg, John E 11-May-2011
2010The Competencies Required for Effective Performance in a University e-Learning EnvironmentParkes, Mitchell ; Reading, Christine ; Stein, Sarah21-Dec-2010
1999Adult learners' understandings of fraction questionsHayman, Kerryn Anne; Pegg, John 20-Dec-2010
2010Aligning Assessment in Higher Education: Using a cognitive structural model to gain insight into student understanding of ecological practiceBurns, Adrienne ; Pegg, John ; Panizzon, Debra17-Dec-2010
2010Facilitating students' ownership of learning in science by developing lifelong learning skillsFleming, Keith; Panizzon, Debra L 7-Dec-2010
1998Persistent Errors in Indices: A Cognitive PerspectiveAnderson, Colin; Pegg, John ; Vine, Ken3-Dec-2010
1997Investigation into the characteristics of children with motor difficulties: An holistic approachHammond, John; Pegg, John ; Vine, Ken3-Nov-2010
1997An investigation into students' understanding of statisticsReading, Christine Elizabeth; Pegg, John ; Fitzgerald, Don; Vine, Ken2-Nov-2010
2010Reasoning about variation: Rethinking theoretical frameworks to inform practiceReading, Christine E ; Reid, Jacqueline 29-Oct-2010
2010Developing a framework for reasoning about explained and unexplained variationReid, Jacqueline ; Reading, Christine E 29-Oct-2010
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 191

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