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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1176
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
Mar-2015Association of wool growth with gut metabolism and anatomy in sheepDe Barbieri, I ; Hegarty, R S ; Li, Li ; Oddy, V H 3-Apr-2024
2021Selection for increased visual muscling increases carcass leanness without compromising predicted Meat Standards Australia eating-quality indexWalmsley, B J ; Cafe, L M ; Wilkins, J F; McPhee, M J 28-Mar-2024
28-Mar-2024Optimising Pig Breeding Programs Using Genomic SelectionIslam, Md Shariful ; Hermesch, Susanne ; Van Der Werf, Julius ; Wood, Ben28-Mar-2024
Oct-2022Genetic associations between mastitis, milk electrical conductivity, and milk flow rate in temperate dairy cows in tropicsSamaraweera, Amali Malshani ; Boerner, Vinzent ; Disnaka, Suneth; Van Der Werf, Julius J H ; Hermesch, Susanne 25-Mar-2024
Nov-2021Improvement of meat and carcase quality traits using genomics in pig sire linesSharif-Islam, M ; Van Der Werf, J H J ; Boerner, V ; Hermesch, S 6-Feb-2024
Nov-2023Comparing pedigree and genomic relationships to control inbreeding in optimum-contribution selection restricting the number of sires in pigsSharif-Islam, M ; Henryon, M; Van Der Werf, J H J ; Chu, T T; Wood, B J; Hermesch, S 31-Jan-2024
30-Jun-2022Effect of Grower Dietary Energy Level on Feed Intake and Performance of Modern Broiler ChickensAtaei, Abdol Hossain; Moheghi, Mohammad Mehdi; Fazel, Yaser 31-Jan-2024
9-Feb-2023The Data Quality Score: objective assessment of data quality for Australian sheep breedersBrown, D J ; McCrabb, E J; Bradley, P E; Rose, I J; Banks, Robert ; Guy, S Z Y 28-Jan-2024
9-Feb-2023Accounting for trait-specific genomic and residual polygenic covariances in multivariate single-step genomic evaluationMeyer, K 25-Jan-2024
2022Polled Accelerator – a unique application of genomic technologies to address a beef breeding challengeJohnston, D J ; Ferdosi, M H ; Cook, J ; Savage, D B 25-Jan-2024
9-Feb-2023A model for, and early implementation of, genomic selection in the Australian honey bee populationChapman, N C; Frost, E A ; Banks, R G 25-Jan-2024
9-Feb-2023Strategies to support phenotyping for genomic selection R&D and implementation in beef and sheep industriesBanks, R G 25-Jan-2024
9-Feb-2023Cross-validation of single-step genetic evaluation in U.S. Katahdin sheepMcMillan, Aaron ; Brown, D J ; Burke, J M; Morgan, J L; Lewis, R M25-Jan-2024
9-Feb-2023Genetic selection for sensory eating quality of lamb using consumer assessmentsGuy, S Z Y ; Mortimer, S I; Pannier, L; McGilchrist, P ; Brown, D J ; Pethick, D; Swan, A A 25-Jan-2024
9-Feb-2023Breeding for future social license for beef productionMiller, S Paul ; Retallick, K J25-Jan-2024
Apr-2016Random regression analysis to determine herd profiles for carcass weight in UK beef cattleEnglishby, T M; Berry, D P; Moore, Kirsty ; Coffey, M P; Banos, G18-Jan-2024
Apr-2015Young bull genetic growth profile for carcass weightEnglishby, T M; Evans, R D; Banos, G; Coffey, M P; Moore, K L ; Berry, D P18-Jan-2024
2018Using Commercial Data and Genomics to Improve Female Fertility and Calf Survival of Limousin beef cattle in the UKMoore, K L ; Moran, A; Mrode, R; Coffey, M18-Jan-2024
Apr-2015Estimation of genetic parameters for Video Image Analysis (VIA) carcass traitsNani, J; Coffey, M; Moore, K 17-Jan-2024
Apr-2016The development of a UK national terminal combined breed genetic evaluationMoore, K L ; Boon, S; Kaseja, K17-Jan-2024
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1176

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